Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 362 Reincarnation

There was silence in the underground space.

Even the arc dancing on Zheng Dai's body didn't make the slightest sound.

Those arcs are highly concentrated on the body and are almost static, but it is not difficult to imagine what kind of power these arcs will bring to Zheng Dai at the moment they explode.

The eighth-level ninjutsu foundation and the terrifying chakra control ability allow Zhengdai to use chakra as he pleases without wasting any of it.

Opposite, Madara was sitting on a gray seat. The scarlet three-magatama stared at Zhengdai for a long time, confirming that Zhengdai was really not affected by the first-generation cells, and suddenly laughed softly: "It is indeed you."

Zheng Dai was startled and lowered his voice: "Huh?"

Uchiha Madara: "..."

Are you imitating me with this accent?

What an unlovable brat.

After a pause, he continued: "I still can't find any surprise on your face. Haven't you heard of the name Uchiha Madara? Or maybe you...have awakened the memory of your previous life?"

Awakening memories from past lives? I have memories of my previous life, but what I told Madara is definitely not the same thing. Did he misunderstand?

Some people always misunderstand that I am a descendant of the first and second generation ghost lamps. Madara is indeed different from those guys, because I digested the first generation cells. Could it be that they directly misunderstand that I am the reincarnation of the first generation?

With curiosity in his eyes, Zhengdai seemed to be attracted by Madara's topic and asked: "What does it mean to awaken the memory of the past life?"

"Oh? Not yet? Just not. This is a long story, let me... hmm?!"

The lightning suddenly exploded!

Halfway through Madara's words, Zhengdai suddenly rushed to his side, waving his right arm, and the sharp lightning struck at the three tubes inserted into his back!

Madara's color suddenly changed, blue bones and flesh were layered on his body in an instant, and the third stage of Susano's half body of flesh and blood took shape. His thick Susano arm waved and collided with Masa Dai's arm!

The huge force came, and Dai's center of gravity sank, and he quickly rushed out after releasing the force. After Madara's third-stage Susana hit him, he also collapsed and floated away.

His chest heaved and he coughed repeatedly. The wrinkles on his face seemed to be a little deeper. He shouted with an ugly expression: "A Fei!"

"Hi! Hi!"

Ah Fei jumped over and suddenly plunged into Madara's body. Madara's coughing stopped and his back straightened a bit. In the third stage, Susanoo took shape again, stretched out his arm, and grabbed a high-pressure thin thread that was so fast that it was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. Water column!

Click - snap!

In the third stage, Susan's arm was cut open by the thin water column. The remaining force of the water column hit Susana's flesh and blood, causing Madara to slide out with Susan on his seat.

After the seat stopped, Madara stood up and said in a cold voice: "It seems that communication is impossible, then..."

"Hey, don't be excited, don't be excited, sit down." Zhengdai looked at him, suddenly turned off the Thunder Chakra mode, and pressed his hands: "Didn't you say you have a long story to tell? I'm listening."

Uchiha Madara: "..."

Possessed by Ah Fei, he can exert about one-tenth of his strength without taking into account the consumption of life force for a short period of time. However, the longer Ah Fei is possessed, the greater the damage will be to him.

But once A Fei is allowed to escape, Madara has no doubt that Zheng Dai will immediately kill him again!

This brat is even more annoying than Hashirama!

Madara's scythe rested heavily and he slowly sat back on his seat. He crossed his hands and held the handle of the scythe, his expression returned to calmness and calmness: "Lan Dun, Shuihua, the Yeyue clan's thunder escape secret technique, the Uzumaki clan's Vajra blockade, Have you never wondered why you have no trouble learning so many secret techniques?"

I'm not surprised.

"You want to praise me for my talent?"

"..." Madara was silent for a moment, without saying anything, and kept talking to himself: "Do you know how chakra and ninjutsu first came about? It is widely spread in the ninja world that the ninja sect was founded by the Sage of Six Paths. He created many ninjutsu, and then there were ninjas.

However, the common perception only regards this as a myth, but I want to tell you that the Sage of Six Paths is named Otsutsuki Hagoromo, and he is a real person! "

Zheng Dai knew everything, but still pretended to be curious and let Madara continue.

After Ah Fei possessed him, Madara's true and false identity was somewhat uncertain. It was not easy to deal with after all. There was still White Zetsu's body and Black Zetsu hiding there. Who could bear to be possessed all the time?

Wait for another chance.

So Madara next led out Otsutsuki Hagoromo from the Sage of Six Paths, and finally led out their mother, the ancestor of chakra, Otsutsuki Kaguya!

At this moment, Madara suddenly changed the topic: "No matter how strong a ninja is, birth, old age, illness and death cannot be transcended. Whether it is me or Hashirama, or Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura, they are all getting older irreversibly, with only one exception.

She has obtained the power of the sacred tree, the immortal chakra ancestor, Otsutsuki Kaguya! "

"Eternal life, what a temptation. Do you long for eternal life? Are you wearing it?"

Why are you suddenly talking about eternal life? You should ask Orochimaru this question. Zhengdai didn't answer, and Madara didn't care and continued:

"The Sage of Six Paths longed for eternal life, and Hamura Otsutsuki also longed for eternal life, so after they gained enough strength, they chose to betray their mother, Kaguya Otsutsuki!"

Zheng Dai: "..."

"They wanted to divide Kaguya Otsutsuki's power, so they first used tricks to make Kaguya Otsutsuki go berserk and use forbidden ninjutsu to tarnish the name of the goddess. Then, in the name of justice, they brazenly attacked their mother! "

"It's a pity that they underestimated Kaguya Otsutsuki's strength. In the end, they could only seal Kaguya Otsutsuki reluctantly and failed to gain her power."

Wearing it: (⊙o⊙)

Seeing Zheng Dai's stunned look, Madara laughed softly again: "You think I'm telling you myths? Do you think those are far away from us?

No, the battle that took place thousands of years ago has continued until now! Without the power of eternal life, the Immortal of Six Paths would not die so easily!

His chakra, UU Reading, has been undergoing reincarnation, using his reincarnation body to interfere with the progress of the ninja world, looking for opportunities to unblock Kaguya Otsutsuki, and try to seize her power again!

His two sons, one named Asura and the other Indra, are also constantly reincarnated, controlling the direction of the ninja world! In the last reincarnation, Asura was reincarnated in the first Hokage Senju Hashirama. Indra is me. This is why I understand all this!

We are all in the game, and our lives are controlled by him. Do you want to break this game? Wearing it now! "

Zhengdai didn't know how to answer.

His head was buzzing now.

The things Madara said were completely different from what he knew. The Six Paths Sage is constantly reincarnated for eternal life, trying to steal Kaguya's power?

Have you been fooled by Hei Jue?

As soon as this thought flashed, Zheng Dai felt some faint worries in his heart.

This is the Infinite Tsukuyomi World. What Madara said is not impossible!

The Six Paths Rishi Chakra is also reincarnated like Asura Indra? No, there are no stronger ninjas in the history of the ninja world than Madara and the first generation...

Um? ? ?

At this moment, Zheng Dai's eyes flashed.

How does Madara mean...

"Have you thought about it clearly? The reason why you can learn so many secret techniques without any hindrance is because you are the chakra reincarnation of the Six Paths Sage!

If you continue to grow up, one day you will be replaced by his memory.

Until then, will you still be you? "

Zheng Dai: "..."

I am reincarnated as the Immortal of Six Paths again!

It's not the reincarnation of Kaguya Otsutsuki. Thank you so much!

Huh? Six Paths Immortal, Indra?

"Call daddy?"

Madara: "... Susanoo!"

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