Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 367 Immortal Power

Sitting cross-legged in front of the White Snake Immortal, Zhengdai adjusted his posture and looked at the White Snake Immortal.

"What should I do?"

"Extend your right arm."

Zheng Dai did as he was told, and then a small white snake suddenly emerged from the White Snake Immortal's body and quickly dragged towards Zheng Dai.

He opened his mouth and bit Zhengdai's right arm.

After hesitating for a moment, Zheng Dai realized that the little snake seemed not to be an entity, but was made entirely of magical energy. He suppressed his desire to resist and allowed it to bite him on his arm.

There was no pain, and the little snake hung on his arm after biting him.

At the same time, the world in front of Zheng Dai changed.

He felt something in the air that was similar to chakra, but contained stronger power.

It seems to be purple.

"Is this natural energy?"

"Experience it carefully, my split body will help you integrate a little magic chakra!"

When Zhengdai heard this, he immediately closed his eyes and felt.

The natural energy was slowly pulled and integrated into his body, somewhat similar to the feeling of merging water and thunder when releasing Lan Dun. The natural energy merged with his mental energy and physical energy.

The first ray of magical chakra was quietly generated.

The white snake biting the arm slowly retreated.

Wu Chu took a few steps forward and stared at Zheng Dai. Many people are unable to control the first ray of magical chakra and directly turn into a stone statue.

At this time, the voice of Immortal White Snake echoed in Wuchu's ears: "Don't be nervous, his foundation is very good, and the first step of practice should not be difficult for him. Wuchu, he has channeled you twice before, Did you see anything strange...huh?!"

Just then, a strong wind blew up.

The rich natural energy in the air suddenly fluctuated violently, centered on Zhengdai, and surged into his body like sea water pouring backwards!

Wu Chu's expression suddenly changed and he quickly stepped forward.

Why are you so reckless, practicing magic for the first time, and absorbing natural energy like this? It wanted to cut off the natural energy flowing into Zheng Dai's body, but found that it couldn't.

Zhengdai's ability to absorb natural energy is actually much stronger than that of the fairy snake, which has immortal magic chakra in its body!

It hurriedly looked at the White Snake Immortal for help, but saw that the White Snake Immortal was staring at Zheng Dai in trance and did not respond to its gaze.

After more than ten seconds, the surging natural energy flow stopped.

A purple halo surrounded Zheng Dai, gradually turning into several small snakes made of pure natural energy, circling around his body.

A single horn sprouted from his forehead, and his whole body was gradually covered with white scales representing the materialization of Senjutsu Chakra. Under his eyes, two small black dragon seals appeared.

Zheng Dai opened his eyes.

He stretched out his right hand, and a small snake transformed by natural energy lay on his right hand.

Waving his left arm, another small snake transformed from natural energy came forward to bite.

Moved by his thoughts, the fusion changes of these little snakes no longer appeared in the state of little snakes, but turned into a purple halo state that enveloped Zheng Dai's body.

A few flashes of thunder and lightning rose quietly, and then surged. Blue lightning intertwined with purple natural energy. Zheng Dai clenched his fists and slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

At this moment, he felt that he was stronger than ever before, several times stronger than when he was fused with the same shark muscle! Kakuzu? I can hit ten!

Not only does he have the inherent amplification of magical chakra, he can also freely control part of the natural energy possession, dually blessing attack and defense!

"Is it a further step in the control of natural energy than frog sparring? The eighth-level immortal mode can be released in about twenty seconds, and it can actually make the natural energy turn into substance and surround you... Hey, this state seems to be Where have you seen it?”

"Immortal power!" At this time, the White Snake Immortal uttered a term in a hoarse voice, "You have directly come into contact with the essential application of immortality. Among the recorded practitioners of immortality, you are the second."

Zheng Dai blinked: "The first one is..."

"Otsutsuki Hagoromo is what you call him, the Sage of Six Paths!" White Snake Sage stared at Zhengdai with a pair of snake eyes: "Being able to freely control the disordered natural energy in the air is the most ideal state for practicing immortality. You are now It should only be able to control a small part of the natural energy around the body, but the road to perfect immortal mode has been paved."

Zheng Dai suddenly realized. Yes, in the anime, the Great Toad Sage taught the Six Paths Sage the celestial art, and the Six Paths Sage was in this state at first.

The power that touches the essence is no longer purely Ryūchi Cave Immortal Technique. If his ability to control natural energy was not strong enough, the horn on his forehead and the snake scales on his body would not appear.

If Madara saw him, Madara would probably misunderstand him even more as the reincarnation of the Sage of Six Paths, right?

The power of attribute points never let him down.

"I am indeed a genius." He praised himself to himself. Zhengdai turned his head and glanced at the slightly dull Yao Chu: "Am I good?"


On the throne, the White Snake Immortal was silent, his spiritual world was turbulent, and various thoughts flashed through him. He rolled up the pipe with the tail of the snake, put it on his mouth, took a deep breath, and exhaled a wisp of white smoke.

Is Otsutsuki Hagoromo's chakra reincarnation? Awakening such a talent, UU Reading Do you want to try to seize Kaguya's power again in this life?

His personality is so different. Last time I came here, I didn't notice it at all. Alas, Yongchidong shouldn't be involved in that family's messy family affairs.

What a hassle.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After tapping the pipe three times, the White Snake Immortal said in a low voice: "Go and get familiar with the new power. You no longer need my help in your cultivation of immortal arts."

Zheng Dai was startled, but he didn't ask why? Of course, there is no point in asking, asking is talent.

He bowed slightly: "Thank you, Immortal."

After stepping into the depths of Longdi Cave and heading to the lair of the big snakes, Zhengdai went to the forest near where Xinya lived to try his hand at it.

Earthquakes and landslides occur frequently!

In this sage mode, the basic strength of the body alone can probably go head-to-head with Tsunade's strange power fist. If you use the powerful water thunder wrist, you can even smash Susana in the third stage with one blow!

It is equivalent to the power of Braza after being blessed by the super heavy rock in the Fourth Ninja War!

As for the duration, if you use natural energy sparingly and replenish it while using it, it can even last indefinitely.

However, if a powerful ninjutsu is released, such as water breaking wave, about three shots will deplete the senjutsu chakra. It needs to go through two steps, using Samehada to replenish chakra, and absorbing natural energy again for 20 seconds before it can be activated again. Immortal mode.

Senjutsu Chakra, which combines natural energy, spiritual energy, and physical energy, is actually not half as durable as ordinary Chakra.

Maybe it was condensed during fusion? This is also the only weakness that is not considered a weakness.

"It's too strong. I punched the third generation thunder, kicked Sanshouyu, and even Ohnoki had to shake off when he came. Now we're duel, I'm wearing it, no one will be afraid!"

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