Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 410 Death Si Ping Xue!

? As a pure Naruto fan, Zhengdai has watched the episodes of Eight Doors Dunjia no less than 20 times.

There is a very clear scene, which is Gai's first serious blow to Uchiha Madara's Yuxiang!

With the cooperation of Minato Minato, Kakashi and others, a gap was opened in Madara's Jade Shield to protect himself, and Kai was able to hit Madara Uchiha's lower back unimpeded.

It penetrated the other half of the seeking jade protective shield, causing a slow-motion scene of Madara vomiting blood in pain.

Using the trench drawn on the ground after Uchiha Madara landed as a reference, Zhengdai successfully found the clod of soil on his hand stained with Uchiha Madara's blood!

Looking up, the battlefield between the three of them was gradually shifting towards this side, and some wind pressure and aftermath had even spread over them.

"Naruto and Sasuke seem to be having trouble holding on. Let's go help!" Xiao Li whispered, clenching his fists slightly, and opened the sixth scene door!

The surging chakra spread out, and the Fourth Raikage next to him also clenched his fist, but did not burst into the thunder escape chakra mode. He just growled in annoyance: "Damn it!"

"Li!" Sakura stopped Xiao Li and said with some reluctance: "That is not a battle we can participate in. All we can do is not to cause trouble to Naruto and Sasuke-kun, and stay away."

"No." Kakashi said: "Zhengdai, you have a way to help Naruto and the others, right? What does the circle curse mean?"

"Give me a kunai." Masadai said, "You remember Hidan, right, Kakashi?"

"Hidan." Kakashi slowly revealed his surprise, then looked at the piece of mud on his hand, "You mean?"

"What?" Sakura asked quickly.

"I will activate the cursed ninjutsu that shares damage. The death will depend on the blood, and it will inflict wounds on Uchiha Madara in the form of self-mutilation. I don't have time to explain the principle of this jutsu. I don't have much time left. Don't ask. Do as I say!"

"Sakura, stand behind me, place your hand near the back of my heart, and release the Palm Immortal Technique."

"Kakashi, stand in front of me. When I activate it, immediately release the water escape barrier in front of my eyes. You must be quick!"

"Brazza, let's put aside our grudges for the time being. You and Xiao Li will help protect you. If there are interference attacks, try to resist them!"

Braza raised his eyebrows slightly: "I know the importance. Our accounts will be settled after the war is over!"

Not bad? Want to get spanked? Zheng Dai chuckled in his heart and saw that although everyone was confused, they all stood according to his instructions, with their feet making a circle.

After thinking about it, he quickly reminded:

"Sakura, no matter what happens, don't be stunned! Don't be stunned!"

Sakura was startled: "Yeah!"

Zheng Dai is still a little worried, if you dare to trick me into waiting for you to be born!

In the distance, Madara Uchiha controlled four complete Susano and Tamama seeking ways. He glanced at Masaida who was getting closer and closer with his peripheral vision, his eyes slightly filled with doubts.

"What does this guy seem to be eating?"

He paid a little more attention. If it was Otsutsuki Hagoromo's clone or reincarnation, he shouldn't be doing meaningless actions.

Sasuke controlled the full body of Susanoo and slashed three times, and when he stepped back, he glanced back: "Naruto."

Naruto had already sensed it, "Kakashi-sensei! Stay away!" After the shouting, he found that no one responded. He took the time to look back and saw Kakashi making a unique gesture.

Is this a dispatch order for a cat-catching mission?

Naruto vaguely remembered, and there was a sudden sound of wind in front of him. After being distracted for a moment, he was struck by Susanoo's giant sword and shot backwards.

Sasuke's face tightened, and he turned around to take the fourth complete body of Susana. The pressure suddenly increased sharply, "Naruto, what's going on?!"

"Sasuke! Counterattack!"

Uchiha Madara frowned slightly: "Huh? Is it him who feels like his breathing is blocked? That look."

"Ahem, this dirt tastes really bad!"

At this time, Zheng Dai's body was covered with black and white lines, and his appearance was very strange. Combined with the sand he spat out while coughing, it was a bit funny.

Eat blood and connect successfully!

I'm going to suffer this time.

Death Si relies on blood, activate!

He clenched his right hand violently, and the kunai creaked when Zhengdai squeezed it. Then with a pop, Zhengdai stabbed directly into his heart!

The tip of the kunai popped out from her back, which made Sakura's pupils shrink in shock, but she finally didn't forget Masadai's instructions, and without being stunned, she directly released the palm senjutsu!

"But, my heart was pierced, and I can't save it. Why?" She was surprised and confused.

At the front, Kakashi formed the seal at the same time.

Water escapes from the water formation wall!

As the wall of water rose, the black and white lines on Zheng Dai's body quickly faded away. His consciousness was blurred for a moment due to pain, and then revived due to the palm magic behind him.

Attribute points, physical strength, 3!

Sakura was surprised to notice that a surging life force erupted from Zhengdai's body, instantly pulling his life like a candle in the wind back above the danger line, but it gradually weakened again.

"That's not enough!" She gritted her teeth and increased her chakra output.

At the same time, Zhengdai turned his hands into water, reached into the wall of the water formation, and filled up the water.

Hydration is not a real skill. In the real world, Zhengdai can only rely on experience to perform partial hydration at a level of about one.

Barely usable.

All kinds of cooperation finally allowed Zhengdai to survive the fatal injury of his heart being pierced.

"Hey, it really hurts. This is enough for him. Kakashi, keep your hands steady and help pull out the kunai."

On the other side, under the blood connection of the dead man he was wearing, Madara Uchiha suffered the same injury, and his heart was also pierced!

I feel like my throat is blocked by sand.

This kind of injury was not serious to him. Not long ago, Hei Zetsu had his heart ripped out from behind, and it only took some chakra to recover.

Vomiting blood, his face turned ferocious for a moment due to the severe pain. Uchiha Madara could only respond in this way, but in a fierce battle with Naruto and Sasuke, half a second of stasis was fatal!

The four complete Susanas were all dismantled in an instant. UU Reading Before the injury to the heart was repaired, Naruto and Sasuke's attacks were coming!

"Asshole! What kind of jutsu is this! Yin-Yang Escape? Is it really Otsutsuki Hagoromo?!"

Madara was dead when Hidan was active, and Madara had not yet resurrected when Hidan was buried alive, so Uchiha Madara has never seen the death of Si Pingxue.

There was no time to consider the principle of the technique. Naruto and Sasuke did not relax after gaining the upper hand. A series of powerful techniques directly pushed Uchiha Madara from the sky into the earth, and a huge shock wave spread!

In the distance, Zhengdai was sitting cross-legged on the ground. Although his face was very pale, the puncture wound on his heart was no longer there, leaving only blood that could not be wiped off.

In front of him, Kakashi and the Fourth Raikage joined forces to defend, blocking the shock wave for Masadai, while Sakura continued to treat Masadai herself.

What a powerful medical ninjutsu, it seems to be stronger than Tsunade-sama.

Dai had no time to pay attention to Sakura's surprise. When the shock wave dissipated and the battlefield became silent, his forced awakening time also reached the fifth minute!

"I'm ready to go back, I just don't know"

"Did it succeed?" Kakashi panted slightly, looking at the quiet battlefield and murmuring softly.

Then he felt a malicious gaze hitting the back of his head!

He turned around in surprise: "Wearing it?"

"It's okay, don't talk anymore."

Zheng Dai's pale face turned dark.

The four words "Successful" will turn into a crow's mouth in most cases, which is a bit magical.

Zheng Dai had an unknown premonition. He was afraid that the suffering he had suffered this time would be in vain.

Can it at least have some effect?

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