Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 420: Making suggestions

? Noon, in the restaurant. 35xs

Tsunade took a big bite of beef with soy sauce and a big bite of steamed buns. She looked as bold as if she was about to hunt a tiger after eating.

Across the dining table, Jiraiya was sipping warm water with a dazed look on his face. From time to time he would show a weird smile, but then quickly stop it.

On the side of the dining table, Shizune carefully glanced left and right. Occasionally, Tsunade's eyes glanced at her, causing her to shrink her neck like a frightened rabbit.

"Have you entered my room this morning?"

"Ah, no, no!"

"There's a water cup on the ground, and there's beach water."

Shizune's face turned bitter, and she reluctantly said, "Did you spill it because you didn't hold it properly last night?"

Tsunade lowered her voice and said, "The water hasn't dried all night? Just come in, what are you afraid of admitting?"

"...Oh, I'm in."

"Well, don't go in casually in the future."

"After...?" Shizune hesitated.

"Huh?!" Tsunade stared at her, Shizune's eyes panicked, and she immediately lowered her head deeply.

"I see!"

At this time, a faint blush flashed across Tsunade's face, which was suppressed by the soy sauce beef she chewed. After adjusting her mood, she frowned slightly and looked at Jiraiya, and said in her usual tone:

"Why are you giggling? Hurry up and eat. Why am I the only one eating? You have to rush after eating. There is no casino in this town. Let's change places."

"Change places..." Jiraiya murmured softly, raised his head and said, "Tsunade, aren't you going back to Konoha?"

"What are you doing back to Konoha?"

Jiraiya hesitated for a moment and said solemnly: "Let's get married, Tsunade!"

"Pfft..." Shizune spit out the mouthful of food she had just taken. Seeing that the other two people on the table were looking at her, she hurriedly buried her head.

The corners of Tsunade's eyes twitched, and she looked at Jiraiya speechlessly, with an expression that said, 'You're thinking shit'.

"I drank too much last night, so forget everything I shouldn't remember! And you, Shizune, if I knew you were talking nonsense..." Tsunade clenched her fists.

"I won't!" Shizune lowered her head.

You were clearly sober, but you used your strange power appropriately to suppress me... Jiraiya rationally did not say these words, his face was tangled, and when he was about to say something more, he suddenly let out a light sigh.

He turned to look out the window. Tsunade was slightly startled and then turned to look out the window in surprise.

Still a little guilty and panicked.

"Why did the brat come here?"

Outside the window, Masaida met their eyes and greeted them with a smile. He quickly came in from the main entrance of the restaurant and sat across from Shizune: "Jiraiya-sama, Tsunade-sama, Happy New Year."

Jiraiya pursed his lips: "You came all the way from Konoha to wish us a Happy New Year? Could it be that there is something going on in the village that calls us together?"

"No, I just...what...ahem...ah..." Zhengdai looked at Tsunade, then at Tsunade, and then at Tsunade. 35xs

The panic in Tsunade's eyebrows became more and more intense.

Damn it, when First Omen was going to teach this brat medical ninjutsu, I should have stopped him on the spot!

"Oh, hey, I'm just here to wish... that... two of you to have a son soon?"

Zhengdai's speech function was disrupted for a moment, and he coughed a few times: "No, no, I was just passing by here and happened to meet you. Uh, Master Jiraiya, the ninja world is round, it's really amazing, huh?"

"……I know."

"You know... oh, my trip this time is to test my fastest speed around the ninja world. I won't delay here any longer. You two have a good meal, drink and... have fun. See you later, see you later."

Zheng Dai stood up and walked out of the restaurant quickly. At the same time, he gathered the purple natural energy and flew away.

In the restaurant, Jiraiya and Tsunade were stunned.

Shizune's face became even more bitter.

"You bastard, what an excuse you are looking for!"

Tsunade cursed, and Jiraiya murmured strangely: "It seems like he really made the trip deliberately because he knew something. He couldn't have... arranged a snooping technique on us or in our luggage, right?"

Tsunade was startled, her eyes widened for a moment, her cheeks turned red, and she shouted: "He, he dares?!"

Jiraiya was slightly stunned when he saw this, Tsunade, it turns out you are not as calm as you appear.

He paused for a moment and said seriously again: "Tsunade, let's get married!"

"Oh! Promise him! Promise him!"

Not far away, suddenly a strange young man clapped his hands and shouted softly.

Jiraiya: "..."

Tsunade: "Die!!"

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble. This is compensation." Zheng Dai handed a 100,000 tael silver note to the restaurant owner with an apologetic expression.

After leaving the half-destroyed restaurant, Tsunade pulled Shizune and strode angrily, while Masaidai and Jiraiya followed cautiously.

Jiraiya complained softly: "Zhengdai, why are you causing trouble? My proposal is almost successful!"

"Tsk, I'm helping you." Zhengdai whispered helplessly: "As for your proposal just now? How can it be successful without flowers and rings? How embarrassing is it for Tsunade-sama to reject you directly? There is still a buffer."

"...Is this so?"

"Of course. You see, Tsunade-sama seems to be very angry now and ignores us. In fact, she is using this method to cover up her shyness. Even if it is to show off her strength, she will not agree to you now."

Jiraiya thought thoughtfully: "Tsunade's character... is indeed like this."

"Right?" Zhengdai smiled: "So it is definitely not a good idea to propose a proposal within a short period of time. Tsunade-sama is by no means an ordinary woman. UU Reading If you cook the rice before you cook it, you will basically agree to the other party. . If you fail to handle one of them, there will be another estrangement."

Jiraiya was silent, and his face suddenly showed a bit of dissatisfaction and... ecstasy. It was so embarrassing to say such a thing to a child.

But he couldn't help but said: "Then... what do you think we should do?"

Masaida lowered his voice: "Jiraiya-sama, you should follow Tsunade-sama next.

Stay in a hotel at night, rush to open two rooms, and then remember to remind Zhenyin to know the interesting points. "

Jiraiya blushed: "Then... what if Tsunade doesn't let me enter the house?"

"Yes, as long as she doesn't punch you, just press on and she won't object too much."

Jiraiya thought for a moment and nodded slowly.

"Well, that's it for now. I'm going back to Konoha soon. I have to attend the wedding of Mr. Hinata Hizashi. After I finish attending, I'll come back to you immediately and help you make suggestions!"

Jiraiya looked at Zheng Dai and felt that it was ridiculous to ask a child to help him plan such a thing, but he did not dare to refuse.

Now, he has the hope of realizing his long-cherished wish for many years, and he doesn't want to let go of any help... Moreover, the only ones who know now are Zhengdai and Zhenyin, and Zhenyin is obviously unreliable.

Many people are wearing it and many people are discussing it.

It would be nice to have a little more hope.

"Then please, Zhengdai."

"Hehe, just wait and collect the money! Minato Jounin and Kushina-nee are probably not far away, you have to get ahead of the disciples, right?"

Zhengdai smiled and said, "Oh, lately the money has been given out one after another, and I'm almost broke."

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