Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 425: Eye change successful!

? The second time I got a blank look from Hyuga Munao, I checked it again.

At this time, he was much stronger than before, but there was no abnormality detected. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with the white eyes.

"Unless it was Otsutsuki Hamura or the reincarnation of Otsutsuki Hagoromo who did it himself..." The thought flashed through his mind, and Masadai shook his head in denial.

A pair of white eyes is nothing to them. The Six Paths Sage who only has a spiritual body can give Naruto and Sasuke the power of the Six Paths. Regardless of their identity, the reincarnated body should be able to obtain the Samsara Eye and the Reincarnation Eye when they grow up.

There is no need to go overboard.

As for scientist Orochimaru? There may be hope that Orochimaru who was born in Konoha in 63 years could hide it from Masadai, but in Konoha in 45 years? Not even close.

And Orochimaru in the dream world seems to be easy to get along with, not a mad scientist.

After analysis and judgment, Zhengdai looked at Hizashi in front of him, and finally made a final decision, "Are we really going to change our eyes? Our original plan has been disrupted by the appearance of Hizashi-sama just now. If an accident may will die."

Hizashi was silent for two seconds, "Change!"

Zheng Dai nodded, and the purple natural energy gathered and entered the immortal mode! Use your strongest state to maximize your success rate!

At the same time, as soon as Rizu returned to his home, a strange fluctuation suddenly came from the control seal of the caged bird that belonged to him.

He had a complicated look on his face and closed his eyes, "You still have to try, Hizashi."

"A caged bird is not that easy to crack. Among the ancestors, there are many people who have tried the same thing as you. However... they are all dead."

"I hope you... don't die."

He sat on the chair, closed his eyes, as if falling asleep, and did not make any move.

Changing eyes is a common thing in Naruto. Even in the later period, the Sharingan almost became a piece of equipment. You can dig it out and press it in to use it.

But that's because the eye-changer's own physique is strong to a certain extent, and the self-healing ability allows the eyeball to be pressed in to automatically connect to the nerves.

Of course Hinata Hizashi does not have this ability.

So changing his eyes is an operation.

In the world of Naruto with medical ninjutsu, eye replacement is only a very minor operation. The only difficulty is that Zhengdai needs to suppress the Caged Bird Curse Seal while changing Hizashi's eyes.

However, the natural energy moved by the heart is a good helper. Use it to suppress the curse seal, free your hands, and use the hand speed of the afterimage to perform the eighth-level Palm Immortal Technique and complete the eye change in ten seconds!

"There was no resistance. Didn't Rizu recite the tightening curse?"

He was a little surprised, but Zhengdai didn't divert his attention because the next step was the most dangerous.

The magic energy was withdrawn bit by bit, and the palm magic penetrated bit by bit. Hizashi suddenly frowned, sweat overflowed from his forehead, and the severe pain made his body tremble slightly.

Caged Bird is designed to target Byakugan, and only one pair of Byakugan. Hyuga Munao's eyes will naturally not be controlled by Hinata Hizashi's caged bird, but the caged bird that has lost its target will not disappear!

One end is connected to the cranial nerve, and the other end is connected to the white eye. After the eye change, the white eye end becomes blank, but if he is not careful, the blank white eye end will still be triggered and destroy his brain.

Therefore, while making sure not to touch the Byakugan end, Shodai needs to use delicate medical ninjutsu to remove the other end connected to the cranial nerve.

The requirements for palm magic and chakra control are not bad, as long as level five, it will probably be enough.

When it can be removed, the severe pain will make Hizashi's body tremble, which will greatly increase the difficulty.

Hizashi obviously understood this, and after trembling slightly, he gritted his teeth.

"Go on, I can bear it."

Zhengdai closed his eyes slightly and constructed the outline of Hizashi's brain through the perception of Palm Immortal Technique. The green light of Palm Immortal Technique suddenly burst into full power output!

"Uh-huh...slow down! No!"

Hizashi's face instantly twisted, and he was so painful that he couldn't even pass out. In just three seconds, he felt like he had fallen into water, and his whole body was soaked in sweat.


While breathing heavily, the pain gradually subsided, and I was replaced by a sense of relief I had never experienced before.

Hizashi paused and slowly opened his eyes.

The world in front of me is so bright.

"Hizashi-sama..." His newlywed wife was standing at the door of the bedroom, looking at him worriedly.

Hizashi turned his head and touched his forehead, then veins popped out and he rolled his eyes!

His newlywed wife was startled, took a half-step to the side with some embarrassment, and said happily, "The lines on your forehead are gone, and the caged bird is released!"

"It's lifted..." He murmured again, and Hizashi experienced a different vision of Byakugan.

No dead ends!

The distance is further!

The world is brighter too!

There is only one place that cannot be seen clearly...the purple human-shaped outline on the side. Can his magic even block Byakugan's detection?

The veins disappeared, Hizashi exited the eye-rolling state, and motioned to his newlywed wife, "Don't worry, just go back to the room and wait for my news."

"Yes, Hizashi-sama."

"You don't need to call me sir, we are married, just call me Hizashi."

"...Well, Hizashi." She smiled sweetly, closed the door and went back to the house, while Hizashi turned to Zhengdai.

"It hurts more than expected. It's a pain I've never experienced before. Was it just that I briefly lost consciousness in the pain? It didn't feel like it lasted long."

"No, it only took about three seconds. Long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain. I took it upon myself to attack all the nerves at the same time. Otherwise, the pain would last for two to three minutes and it would easily develop. UU Reading "

Hizashi suddenly realized, "He is worthy of being called the God of Ninja, and his mastery of medical ninjutsu is far beyond compare. Before you, I also experimented with ninjas from my branch who are good at medical ninjutsu, and the conclusion I got was very unsatisfactory." .

Without you, I don’t know when I would have the chance to break free from the shackles of the caged bird. "

After a pause, he added, "Are you afraid of complications? Brother... there seems to be no resistance?"

"Indeed not."

Hizashi's expression changed slightly, he stood up, straightened his clothes, and said, "It's time to go find him."

His eyes glanced at the pair of eyes that belonged to him soaked in the glass bottle. Hizashi raised his hand and gently rubbed his eyes, and asked one more question, "If I don't change eyes, is it possible to lift the curse of the caged bird?"

Zhengdai thought for a while, "I'm afraid not. One plus one is more difficult than two. At least I can't do it now, unless I don't hesitate to destroy my eyes.

But in another five years, I will be more confident that I can remove the caged bird simply by relying on the fine chakra control of medical ninjutsu! "

Hizashi was stunned and said with emotion, "I almost forgot that you are still in the growing stage. Five years? I will also try to find a way to study the caged bird. If I can't do it, I will work hard for you then."

"It's not hard." Zhengdai replied, "Go quickly, Master Rizu should be waiting for you."

Hizashi's face turned slightly complicated, he nodded, and walked out of the house. Immediately, one jounin after another appeared around him. Facing his smooth forehead, some were happy, some were complicated, and some were worried.

Many unsuspecting Hyuga ninjas heard the movement along the way and looked around in surprise.

Tonight, no one can sleep in Hinata.


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