Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 45 Relaxed Final Examination

On the morning of December 23, Zhengdai got up and washed up and wanted to go into the kitchen, but was pushed out by Aunt Xiu.

"Xiao Zhengdai, you can take the exam with peace of mind today. Auntie will prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner for you. Just wait and eat!"

Zhengdai scratched his hair, shook his head and smiled. It was quite grand. What was he doing? College entrance examination.

However, the exams today and tomorrow are really just like the college entrance examination for students preparing to apply for graduation from Ninja School.

The Ninja School says there are three semesters per school year. In fact, the second holiday and the third semester are very short. The winter vacation is only 12 days from January 1st to January 12th, and the third semester is only one month. Spring break will be on February 13th.

The third semester, which lasted just one month, was actually a buffer time for ninjas to graduate, reclassify, and enroll students. There would be no more exams.

Most ninjas graduate at the end of the second semester, December 30th.

For those who graduate at other times, special applications and separate assessments are required, which is very difficult.

In other words, if they fail the exam this time, most students will have to graduate in December next year.

Without cooking, Zhengdai has more time to pack up exam supplies and images. He didn't leave the room until Aunt Xiu called him to eat.

When I got to the dining table, I saw, tsk, pork chop rice.

Crispy and browned fried pork chop, served with Worcestershire sauce, shredded cabbage, and white rice, which makes people very appetizing at first sight.

But this is breakfast, Aunt Xiu.

Aunt Xiu looked on: "Eat more, Xiao Zhengdai. Pork chops, victory!"

In Japanese, pork chop is a homophone for victory.

Zhengdai started an unpleasant breakfast.

When we arrived at Ninja School, the classroom smelled like pork chops as soon as the students greeted each other. Asking each other, eight out of ten eat pork chops.

Those who don’t have pork chops are quite envious.

Obito came over: "It's over, it's over, Zhengdai, I forgot to eat pork chops this morning. I have a bad feeling about the exam soon."

"Don't worry, don't worry, you have to believe that you can overwhelm Kang now." Zhengdai comforted.

"Yes, I can overwhelm the Kang." Obito clenched his fists and returned to his seat with great momentum. After a while, he came back with a frustrated face crying: "What if I can't overwhelm the Kang, Zhengdai, you..."

He squeaked twice, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I will comfort you if you haven't passed the exam. We will all comfort you." Zhengdai said with a smile.

"No, that's it... Well, Lin and you must have graduated. If I were to happen... wouldn't you have lost the opportunity to be assigned to the same class as me and be taken care of by me?"

Zheng Dai wanted to spit pork chops in his face.

Obito is thick-skinned in some areas, and quite thin-skinned in others. If someone helps him cheat, he won't be able to speak out. Zhengdai didn't take the initiative to say anything. He kept teasing Obito by nuzzling him and never said what he wanted to hear.

"Idiot Obito." Kakashi muttered in his seat, his eyes meeting Masadai's.


"Are all the students here?" Teacher Omu's voice came into the classroom, and at the same time he walked in and climbed onto the podium, holding a stack of papers in his hand.

"Good morning, teacher!"

The students greeted in unison, and then the classroom fell silent and the tense atmosphere spread.

Obito returned to his seat three times a step.

The little expression is very resentful. (???︿???)

"Good morning, students, are you all ready? Our exam tasks today are very heavy. There are two subjects in the morning and three subjects in the afternoon. It will test the students' mental and even physical strength. You must allocate your energy properly. Of course, some students Without taking all the subjects, exams are less stressful.”

Omu said: "But the first subject, the introduction to the Fire Country's characteristic ninjutsu taught to you by the teacher himself, is a compulsory course, and no one can be missing.

The exam starts at 8:30, and the time limit is one hour. Now... well, at 8:20, let's hand out the papers. This time I will give you ten more minutes to answer, so take the exam well! "

"Thank you, teacher!"

Omu sipped his index finger, twisted the paper, and handed it out. Zhengdai received the paper and read it from beginning to end, with a slight smile on his lips.

Bad EZ!

Stay steady, don't wave, this wave is a sure win.

Pick up the pen, write your name, answer the questions calmly, one question, two questions... nine questions, ten questions.

Only twenty minutes had passed, and Zhengdai had finished answering the entire test paper. This was because he wrote the words very neatly and was afraid of losing "paper points."

Zheng Dai raised his head and glanced around. Most of the students were still answering the questions. Some looked relaxed, and some had trembling legs, anxious.

There is Obito among the Shivering Legs.

"Obito graduated this year in the anime. Can he pass the exam on his own?" Zhengdai muttered and straightened his bangs: "Check again, help him?"

cough! At this moment, Teacher Omu suddenly let out a heavy cough.

Zhengdai thought someone was being warned for cheating. He raised his head and found that Teacher Omu was looking at the door, nodding from time to time, as if communicating with someone.

Then, he turned back and said: "Students, please don't cheat. The teacher will go out for a while."

The patter of footsteps is far away.

Zheng Dai blinked in confusion, just now... was anyone outside? What is Teacher Omu playing?

Kakashi didn't notice anyone, and looked at each other with Masadai in a tacit understanding.


"Teacher is out!" A classmate finally reacted and shouted in a low voice, mixed with surprise.

Obito also perked up and poked his head towards Lin's paper. Lin smiled helplessly and showed the paper to him.

Obito smirked, he and Lin had a grandson.

It wasn't until 15 minutes later that Teacher Omu returned in a hurry: "The students didn't cheat, right?"

"...No." He responded weakly.

"That's good, there are still 30 minutes left, everyone hurry up and answer the papers." Teacher Omu ignored Kai who had just pulled his head back from someone else's desk. UU reading www.

Zheng Dai: "..."

In the next few exams, Teacher Omu went out twice because of non-existent calls, slept on the desk and snored twice, stared at the spider on the ceiling in trance once, and thought about the wall once...

On the afternoon of the 24th, the third-grade students began their final exam in a relaxed and happy mood.

The last subject is the basics of ninjutsu.

There is no answer sheet for the basics of ninjutsu, it is an on-site assessment. Students walked up to the podium one by one, were asked a question by Teacher Damu, and then completed the mudras required by Teacher Damu as quickly as possible.

The question is both difficult and easy. When asked Obito: What are the five attributes of chakra. (The attributes of yin and yang are not within the scope of study in Ninja School)

Asked by Kaishi: How many cells in the human body can be used to extract chakra?

When asked about Zhengdai: Which seal does Feng Dunduo begin with and which seal ends with? Why?

The difficulty fluctuates greatly!

Masadai finally noticed that Teacher Omu was obviously deliberately letting Obito and Kai graduate smoothly. As for those who are not very strong and are released by the way, after being divided into classes, they will probably be sent back to the Ninja School to study again by their instructors.

No wonder Obito and Kai both graduated successfully in the original work. This is a ‘good intention’.

"Obito, bear the son-chou-yin-mao seal."

"When it is worn, it will bear the son-chou-mao-yin-chen-si-wei-wu-shen-you-hai-xu seal."

Zheng Dai: "..."

Helplessly, he glanced at Teacher Omu, who had held a grudge against him since he chose the course, and he was doing the hand seal.

Twelve seals were completed in five seconds, and the dazzling hands attracted waves of low-pitched exclamations.

Zheng Dai took a long breath.

The relaxed final exam is over!

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