Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 480 Granny Cat

I'm not going to take the entrance test in the afternoon.

You can pass what you can, and you can't pass what you shouldn't. The ninja industry is very particular about talent. Chakra meridians and innate physical abilities are almost impossible to change.

For example, Grandma Cat's small ring has narrow and fragile chakra meridians. If you work harder, you can probably refine a few chakras. At most, you can only use the three body jutsu in this life. Even ordinary C-level ninjutsu requires checking Kratos may not be able to get it together.

This kind of person who basically has no ninja talent, brushing her off is not ruthless, but to prevent her from wasting her great youth in the ninja school.

There is also a school for ordinary people in Konoha.

Of course, there is no chance that the innate talent can be changed. At least Zhengdai has been able to use the magical chakra to warm and nourish the meridians of others. Long-term warming can change a person's talent.

This was another reason why he didn't go. There was such a big symbol of the God of Ninja standing there. If an unwilling parent came to plead with him, would he help? If he could help one, would he be able to help all?

not to mention……

"It's embarrassing to warm up the meridians. I'm not Xiao Yan, and I don't need Xun'er."

Shodai shook his head and continued to study the three books. Unexpectedly, Iruka and Mizuki were having a dispute in the Ninja School due to certain circumstances in the entrance test.

"Teacher Mizuki, why did you issue the admission letter to the girl named Xiaohuan without my consent?" Iruka looked annoyed.

"I asked you and you agreed. Why are you here with Director Damu falsely accusing me again?"

"I have no impression at all, and how could I agree!" Iruka said angrily: "I am very impressed by Xiaohuan. Her other test scores are good, but it is a pity that in terms of chakra talent, she is only better than those who cannot be refined at all. Chakra man.

In other words, although it's a pity, she really doesn't have ninja talents! "

Mizuki frowned: "Maybe... I heard it wrong? Teacher Iruka, there's no need to be so anxious. Are you afraid that she will enter your class, lower your average grade, and affect your teaching bonus?"

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Mizuki, don't you know that a child who studied in a ninja school but couldn't graduate might as well learn other skills early?" Iruka sighed.

"I've already given out the hair, but I can't get it back. That would be hard for her and her parents to accept. How about... wait until the final assessment of the first semester is over before persuading her to quit? Director Omu, what do you think?"

Damu glanced at Mizuki, pondered for a moment and said, "That's it, Iruka, you go and sort out the information of the admitted students."

Iruka sighed again, nodded and retreated.

"Mizuki, what's going on?"

"I can't hide it from you, Director Omu. In was the order of the Uchiha clan. They asked me to approve the girl's admission. There is nothing I can do..."

"What can't be done!" Da Mu glared: "Zheng Dai was here this morning, did you tell him?"

Wearing it right again! I thought the die-hard guy who explained the situation to Iruka would ask Masadai for help. Director Ohki, are you like this? Zhengdai, Zhengdai, you have such a good relationship with him, why are you still a bad teacher at the Ninja School? ! Mizuki was secretly annoyed.

Seeing that he was silent, Da Mu narrowed his eyes and said, "Did you collect something? Or money?"

"No, no!" Mizuki said quickly: "I think that girl is quite well-behaved and won't cause any trouble. This kind of thing will be convenient for Uchiha..."

Damu was silent for a long time and shook his head helplessly.

"This will never happen again!"

At the same time, the Uchiha tribe was nearby.

Grandma Cat’s Ninja Tool Shop.

"Xiaohuan has successfully enrolled in school. In the next six months, she will be wronged."

Itachi sat on his knees and apologized to Granny Cat, who was wearing a dark gray cat ear hair ornament in front of him.

Grandma Cat caressed the little white cat in her arms and said slowly: "It has been decided a long time ago. As an old woman who relies on Uchiha for survival, I can't change it. I can only accept it. It is nothing more than delaying Tamaki for half a year and letting her interfere with Sasuke's studies. . Xiaohuan is very smart and will not suffer other disadvantages."

Itachi nodded slightly: "I will also restrain Sasuke appropriately, and... this is the last time."

"The last time?" Granny Cat asked, "You and Shisui... have decided to take action?"

"Ah." Itachi groaned: "I've had enough of this fake family for a long time!"

After the words fell, the atmosphere in the ninja shop fell silent. After a while, Granny Cat said: "I hope you won't regret your decision."

"No." Itachi shook his head and said with some sadness: "Looking at Sasuke every day, I seem to be able to see my young self, being pampered by my father and mother, and being happy every day, until... I know this It was only on the day of trial that I realized that everything I had experienced was false!”

"Your parents' love for you is not entirely false." Granny Cat said slowly.

"Maybe, but...I can no longer tell what reality is. Uchiha has already gone astray, let us wake it up."

Grandma Cat was silent: "So... where is the girl named Yuji?"

"Sister Yujie..." A trace of complexity flashed across Itachi's face: "She has the same position as us, but she is a little too naive. The Happy Trial has been going on for decades and it is not so easy to abolish it. Even if it is abolished, it will not be easy. We cannot save the seriously ill Uchiha. The current Uchiha can only rise from the ashes after experiencing a severe enough pain!"

The ferret looked at Granny Cat: "Besides, isn't this what you taught us?"

Granny Cat responded and said, "I'm worried that Uchiha Amae will stop you."

Itachi paused and said: "Shisui and I have prepared countermeasures, but... the God of Ninja, Shodai, recently returned to Konoha, and there is some trouble.

Perhaps the technique originally prepared for Sister Yujie would be left to him. But he is a legendary ninja after all, and I'm worried that the technique won't work on him. Mother-in-law, do you have any suggestions? "

"He..." Granny Cat's face changed, and after a while she said, "I need to think about it. You go home first, Weasel, and come see me tomorrow."

"Then you rest." Itachi bowed respectfully.

Grandma Cat watched him leave, picked up the cigarette bag next to her, lit it and took a puff. Through the smoke, her cloudy eyes seemed to see the past.

Konoha has just been established, and everything is waiting to be revitalized.

A little girl bought an ice cream cone from a newly opened shop, ran home happily, and bumped into someone accidentally.

The little girl sat down on the ground, her ice cream was broken, and she was at a loss. The person she bumped into turned around and gave her a stiff smile to comfort her, but for some reason, the little girl thought the smile was particularly scary and burst into tears on the spot.

It was the companion next to the man who gave the little girl a warm smile and touched her head, which made the little girl burst into laughter.

The little girl is her.

That man's companion is the First Hokage!

The other person is, of course, Uchiha Madara!

The chapped lips were slightly raised. Neko Granny had long forgotten the smile of the First Hokage, but for some reason she could never forget the trace of embarrassment that Madara Uchiha showed after she cried.

"Perhaps I am the only one who is lucky enough to see Madara-sama's cute side? I really want to... see you again... just once."

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