Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 497 Hideki’s reminder

The rewards and attributes for completely correcting the teeth are not worth looking at at all. As for the three skills to choose from, Zheng Dai only glanced at them and chose the third one.

Although I couldn't identify what the third one was for a while, the first two were obviously Inuzuka's secret techniques. The first one was to merge man and beast into one and become a two-headed dog. Masashidai couldn't accept it.

The second one is to attack in conjunction with the Ninja Dog, which can be ignored.

Real skills 59:

Secret Technique-The Art of Parasitic Ghost Evil Level 0 (1%)

"That's it." Zheng Dai frowned.

This is the secret technique of Sakon and Ukon, a very cruel assassination technique. Through special methods, the proteins and cells of the body are restructured, integrated into the other party's body, and the meridians of the other party are destroyed. Normally, the left and right sides are integrated with each other by this technique.

True Combination Technique.

Masadai still remembers the scene where Ukon's head sprouted from the back of the tooth, and the kunai inserted itself and almost died together.

For Zheng Dai, this secret technique is really for suicide. My body is so strong, isn't it wrong to destroy myself? The only consolation is that in a sense, this secret technique has the same effect as Tsunade's Yin Seal.

Through the consumption of a large amount of chakra, injuries can be restored. As the level increases, the recovery ability of Zhengdai Liudao level may also be improved...

I guess so.

Shaking his head with some disappointment, he was returning to the laboratory when he suddenly stopped.

"Wait, it seems like...Yang escape?"

His eyes gradually brightened, Shadow Ninja +7 solidified two types of wind escape, and coupled with this Yang escape, the gap left by the upgraded Taoist Jade, one Yang and two winds, was completed!

‘Uchiha Shisui’s correction degree is 1%,

Obtain free attribute points*1’

Another barrage suddenly passed by.

"Huh? Double happiness."

The Land of Rain, Vientiane Village.

Shisui himself didn't even know why he actually followed Zhengdai's suggestion and came to the Land of Rain.

A month after leaving the village, he felt angry and disappointed, and kept wandering aimlessly.

His eyesight is indeed recovering. From being unable to see clearly five meters away at first, he has gradually recovered to the point where he can even use the single Magatama Sharingan for a short time.

Walking on the streets of Wanxiang Village, Zhisui suddenly felt a sense of peace from within.

This small village houses shops from dozens of countries. He had been here two years ago when he was on a mission. At that time, businessmen from different countries always had frictions and disputes, but now what Shisui saw was a peaceful one.

A magical power makes even people from hostile countries become friends.

This force is definitely not oppression by force.

"The leader of the Rain Country, Yahiko... Master Masadai, do you think I can find the answer from him?"

Zhisui hesitated, and was suddenly attracted by a conversation not far away.

"I heard that in our Rain Country, the largest bookstore in the ninja world is about to be built."

"Yes, I went to see it two days ago, and bundles of books were transported in. I just don't know if it can be done as originally advertised. As long as everyone pays a deposit, everyone can go in and read the books."

"When did Yahiko-sama speak without counting? It must be possible. I never thought that one day, we commoners would also have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge that only nobles and ninjas can easily acquire."

The voice faded away, and Shisui murmured in surprise: "The biggest bookstore?"

There are bookstores everywhere, and the word "biggest" is just a little bit special. But according to what the two people just said, there will be a lot of hard-to-obtain knowledge and information in the bookstore?

Is it the knowledge he imagined, similar to the knowledge that the major ninja clans have sealed away as their foundation?

After thinking about it with some concern, Shisui decided to go take a look. When he passed a dead end, his face suddenly changed slightly and he turned in.

At the end of the dead end, a slightly familiar figure was looking at him with pure white eyes, waiting for him to approach.

"Are you... Hinata Hideki?"

Shisui didn't know that Hinata Hideki was the reincarnation of Otsutsuki Hamura. He was a little surprised when he recognized the other person's identity, and soon became very wary.

The sense of threat that just came from was not something that Hideki Hyuga could emit. Even if he was not in a good condition, he could still be sure that the Hideki Hyuga in front of him was stronger than anyone except Mr. Shodai, who could never see the depth clearly. powerful!

"I am Hamura Otsutsuki." Hyuga Hideki stated his identity calmly, "Don't you have enough identity to get the information about the reincarnation of my eldest brother and me?"

Zhishui's face changed suddenly, and he was shocked and uneasy.

"It seems that he knows something." Hinata Hideki continued: "Save me the trouble of explaining. You don't have to be wary of me. Killing you will not benefit me. On the contrary, it will attract the hostility of Zhengdai and make his eyes Move from big brother to me.”

"Master Zhengdai...knows your identity?"

"Ah, thanks to my good big brother, my identity has been exposed a long time ago. I have been coming and going, and I have been having trouble calming down during this period. I always want to cause some trouble for my big brother." Hinata Hideki smiled.

Shisui secretly mobilized chakra.

"Don't try to make a fuss and attract people. The guys from the Land of Rain are no match for me, and Zhengdai didn't come so quickly." Hinata Hideki said: "I care about the friendship between classmates, and I don't want to be with Zhengdai for the time being. As an enemy, I’m here to help him this time.”

"No one knows Big Brother better than me. I must be worried that Zheng Dai is now trying to find his true identity? He is well hidden and I can't lock him in now, but I can share some relevant information.

The eldest brother is very courageous and often dances with the tip of his sword. I have heard about what happened in Uchiha and here not long ago. It is by no means the real plan of the eldest brother. He wants to use the incident of almost being discovered by Masaida to reveal his true identity. To cover something up. "

"I strongly suspect that he is one of the three leaders of the Kingdom of Rain, including the female ninja named Xiaonan, who deliberately dispelled Zhengdai's suspicion of them through the battle here. UU Reading Of course, It could also be someone from the Akatsuki organization.”

"Also, remember to ask Zhengdai not to have the illusion that his eldest brother's reincarnation status is not too old. If it weren't for these people from the Kingdom of Rain, he might be very old. Even Hanzo, who disappeared after being defeated by the three current leaders of the Kingdom of Rain, had possible!"

"Don't let him have the illusion that our bloodline will bind us. I chose the direction of reincarnation just for convenience. The bloodline of you ninjas comes from us. As long as we want to, with a little effort, we can make ordinary bodies have the original bloodline, it’s not difficult.”

"Masadai may still wonder why his elder brother didn't kill him in advance? In a sense, Uchiha Madara, who was not killed by Masaida until Konoha 46, may have indirectly affected Masaida during his growth period. Protected him!

Of course, the eldest brother would not have thought that Zheng Dai could break through the boundary between humans and gods. He might not have cared about him at first, but by the time he did, it was already too late! "

Analyzing a lot at once, Zhi Shui was stunned for a moment, and Chi asked: "You... why do you want to pass the message through me? Why don't you send the message directly to Master Zhengdai? You can do it, right?"

"Send him a message directly? Ha, it was just by chance. I happened to meet you. I'm not helping those damn civilians... Absolutely not!"

Zhisui was stunned for a moment. When he wanted to speak again, the figure in front of him had disappeared. His face was slightly condensed. He didn't catch his movement at all? This kind of teleportation technique is much faster than me!

Hinata Hideki, who had teleported several miles away in a few seconds, was already standing in the wilderness, patting his head with a sullen face.

"Damn it, I'm not Hinata Hideki!"

"No, I am Hideki Hinata!"

"I am Otsutsuki Hamura!"

"No, I am not……"

"Damn it, who am I?"

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