Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 510 Zheng Dai who is willing to help others

"Gaara who is always attacked by sand?"

"The sand gourd on his back is made of sand gold from Luo Sha. Can it protect him at critical moments?"

"Is this... an incident that needs to be corrected?"

When Sunagakure's team entered the Land of Rain and the water body was released and brought a lot of memories to Masadai, Masaida suddenly couldn't sit still.

Recalling the situation in the original work, Gaara's tail was sealed before he was born, which caused Gaara to have a difficult delivery and died shortly after giving birth to him.

However, Gaara did not resent the village, and still left his full love to Gaara. His strength turned into sand, and he always protected Gaara.

But now... "Garuluo not only hates the village, but also his youngest son?"

“You have to see it with your own eyes!”

Yujie, who had just arrived at the edge of the Rain Village, tilted his head and said with a smile: "You are so fast, captain."

Just as Dai nodded, the four people at the front also turned to look at him. Luo Sha frowned slightly, turned around and waved, "Temari, Kankuro, let's go."

The two children quickly followed, and Gaara also turned around. At this moment, another breeze suddenly blew by, and the dust swept across again!

This is no longer the Kingdom of Wind. After the construction of the Kingdom of Rain, most places have been paved with blue bricks and marble, and the sand should not be so easy to gather.

But the strange thing is that the sand and dust still gathered into a certain size in just a few seconds and swept towards Gaara. Temari and Kankuro skillfully deployed their defenses again, only to find that the dust suddenly dissipated.

Zhengdai waved his sleeves and said: "Luo Sha, you have died once. I took revenge and you paid the price. I feel that our grudges can be wiped out, right? What's the situation with this child?" Won’t you ask me for help?”

Luo Sha looked back at Zheng Dai and said, "You don't need to meddle in other people's business. Gaara, let's go."

The four people of Sha Yin walked away, and Zhengdai shook his head helplessly at Yuji: "This guy is still like this. I don't know who told me that Luo Sha has changed a lot because he died once. Does it mean that he has not changed? Will he attack me now?"

"Hmm~" Yujie snorted: "I didn't give the captain your water-incarnate smile along the way."

"I know. Come on, Yuji. I've asked Yahiko to arrange your room a long time ago. I'll take you there first." Zhengdai turned around and said.

Yujie was startled: "Don't you need to take care of the child? Speaking of which, captain, you only spoke half of what you said. Why on earth is the child always attacked by sand and dust? What does it mean that there is a soul in the sand?"

"That's just half of what the water avatar said, not me." Zheng Dai smiled and said, "But the water avatar inherited my eyesight, so I didn't miss it."

"...Aren't the clones and the original body both you?"

"It's still a little different... right?"

"Ah... Captain, don't you want a boy and a girl in the future?"

"That's true, but you can't control this kind of thing. The two children don't change, but it doesn't matter whether they are boys or girls. Haha, it's too early to say this..."

At this point, Zheng Dai suddenly paused and turned to look at Yu Jie. Yu Jie turned her face away in a panic, "Captain, what do you think I'm doing?"

"Nothing, let's go, I'll take you to your residence."

In some respects, Zhengdai seems slow compared to the precocious children in the Naruto world, but he is not stupid. He had already realized Yujie's feelings the day he released the caged bird for the Hyuga clan.

However, he never dared to respond because he always had two concerns. One is the uncertainty between dreams and reality, and the other is... Hongdou.

"I didn't expect that one day I would have such troubles... After I kill the Immortal of Six Paths and my eyes evolve into samsara eyes, I'll go out and resurrect Yu Jie first. I don't know if Yu Jie can have the memory in the dream. Anyway, , if I keep pretending to be stupid for at most one year, Aunt Xiu will tear me apart."

There was nothing to say all the way, everyone had their own concerns, until Zhengdai brought Yuji into the room and said: "My room is diagonally opposite, call me if you need anything, the Five Shadows Conference should not be held in a few days.

Oh, I may not be there sometimes, Lord Tsuchikage has given me a young disciple to look after, and now there is one more Gaara Sunagakure to pay attention to. "

Before Yujie could ask, Zhengdai said quickly:

"Gaara's condition can be commonly referred to as 'possession by a resentful spirit'. He has an unconscious soul attached to him in a strange form. That soul can also use power to intermittently activate the sand to generate life, and spontaneously attack my beloved. Luo.

This is a kind of... yin-yang escape technique! "

Yujie asked in surprise: "Who is the caster?"

"Gaara's mother." Zhengdai said: "As for why as a mother, I still need to investigate. How to solve it in the end, I also have to consider..."

"In that case, it's a family matter for the Kazekage family, and he doesn't seem to want your help..."

Zhengdai shook his head: "It is a good virtue to take the initiative to help others. Yujie, you can rest. Someone will bring dinner to the room."

"He said weird things again." Looking at the closed door, Yujie muttered, and then smiled: "You are leaving in such a hurry, you don't even dare to have dinner with me. Are you scared? So cute. The captain seems to be shyer than the girls?"

She got up and walked to the bathroom, patted her face in the mirror, "Hey, Yuji, come on!"

In front of others and behind others, she always has two looks.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to ask the captain how Shisui is doing... Let's ask tonight. The wind and sand in the Kingdom of Wind are too strong. It feels like it will take a long time to clean up."

It's night, around eight o'clock.

Yuji put down the right hand that was tapping the door of Dai's room and murmured strangely: "No, it's so late. Where can the captain go? To the Tsuchikage's disciples?"

She gently twirled her hands to tuck her long hair behind her shoulders, shook her head and returned to the room. UU Reading

At the same time, Sunagakure settled down.

Gaara looked at Temari who was knocked unconscious at the door, feeling her breathing becoming increasingly unsmooth due to the confinement. There was no panic on her little face, and she could even analyze the situation rationally.

The infiltrator was so strong that he instantly knocked out his sister, who was responsible for defending against the sand attack tonight, and prevented the father next door from hearing the sound.

At least a jounin.

If he wanted to kill me, there was no need to let me slowly suffocate to death. He deliberately delayed it, knowing the backhand and Shukaku left behind by his father?

Thinking back to what I heard from my father, someone wanted to arrest me, so it was that person's subordinates who came to test my ability to fight back?

I have to make enough noise while Shukaku and his father's sand gold are defending!

Little Gaara secretly made a judgment, but after a few seconds he realized something was wrong. His breathing became increasingly difficult. Why hadn't Gourd and Shukaku moved yet? !

If they could answer, Gaara could hear the answers of 'can't move' and 'dare not move' respectively.

At this moment, a breeze suddenly blew by, and the familiar feeling made Gaara's eyes widen even more.

sand? Oops!

As the wild sand swept across, Gaara closed his eyes, but he did not feel the slap, and the force that restricted his breathing also dissipated at the same time.

After a few seconds, Gaara opened his eyes.

Looking blankly at the mess on the bed behind him, he murmured: "Sand, actually saved me?"

In the corridor, Luo Sha's face was as sinking as water.

Across the way, Zhengdai waved hello.

"Hi, I'm Zhengdai who likes to help others."


PS: (PY recommends books, Shaomai's "I Own a Piece of Valoran Wasteland". Anyone who has read his Hatake Family Happy Man will know what kind of slutty book it is. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. .)

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