Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 528 The way home

In a different space.


"Yuxie, are you going to suck me dry?" Zhengdai took a long breath and wiped his lips.

A blush flashed across Yujie's restored cheeks, and she lay on the snow and gasped: "Thank you, Captain, I finally fully recovered."

It was completely recovered a minute ago. Zheng Dai wiped his lips again and did not say the words in his heart, felt pretty good.

If he wasn't worried about the situation in the Tolerance World, he wouldn't be stupid enough to push Yuji away.

Zhengdai stood up and took a closer look at the surroundings. He found nothing but white snow and vast land. Immediately, Zhengdai ascended into the sky, and after observing for more than ten seconds, he landed on the ground.

Yuji had already stood up, adjusted his mood and asked: "Captain, how should we go back? This is a different space, not a ninja world, right?"

"Yes, it's a different space." Zheng Dai nodded and said, "I know this place. It's a place called Drum Island. It's located in the East China Sea. There's a big medical country in the center of the island, and there's also a dog named Tony Tony Chopper. Tanuki…um, reindeer?”

"...Huh?" Yujie looked confused.

Zheng Dai laughed: "Just kidding, if this is Magnetic Drum Island, we probably won't be able to go back. This is just an ordinary ice and snow space. There are no living things within a hundred miles. I'm not interested in exploring further places for the time being. First Find a way to go back."

The weather is already cold enough. Captain, why don't you stop telling cold jokes that I don't understand? Yujie shrank, and the next moment she found herself being held in Zhengdai's arms, and the blush on her face that had just subsided rose again.

'The captain suddenly became very aggressive. Could it be that the alien space with no people made him...'

"Yukai, sit down."

Zheng Dai's voice interrupted Yu Jie's association, and she realized that she had been taken into another space by Zheng Dai, a space decorated like home.

Zheng Daizheng pointed to the sofa for her to sit on.

‘It turns out it’s just...Yujie! The ninja world is in great crisis because of you, and the captain has been taken to a different space where I don't know if he can go back. Why are you always thinking wildly at this time? ’ Yujie shook her head suddenly, walked over and sat down.

Zheng Dai snickered secretly, and his figure left the divine power space, but reappeared in the ice and snow.

"Sure enough, the location of Kamui Space is in my eyes. It is where I am. It is impossible to return to the ninja world so easily."

In fact, trying it would just make him give up. Otsutsuki Hagoromo knew that he had a divine dimension, but he still felt that Masadai could not return to the ninja world, which already explained the problem.

Zhengdai bit his finger and tried channeling again, but found that it still didn't work, which meant that this space was extremely far away from the ninja world, and the power of the channeling blood contract could not be communicated.

Zhengdai opened the property bar and took a look.

Necromancy Level 10 (7%)

Add 8 attribute points!

*Necromantic Level 10 (100%)

Masadai prepared more than 200 attribute points for this war, and it took 13 points to top up Kamui. Later, in order to use the power of the Tenshou to instantly switch places with Kushina, he clicked 105 attribute points at once, turning level 10 The reincarnation eye is added to the six-path master skill column, and is added to level 12!

At the moment when he was hit earlier, he used Bie Tianshen twice in a row, one of which was to release the Nine-Tails, which completely corrected him!

Coupled with Xiaonan's complete correction, he extended his attribute points to 150, which was prepared to deal with various situations.

However, when the psychic skill was increased to level 10, it was not advanced to six auxiliary skills, which made Zheng Dai a little disappointed.

After trying it out, it turns out that there is no qualitative difference between entering level 10 for the first time and reaching level 10 at full level. Zhengdai still cannot return to the ninja world with this.

Looking at the attribute column again, Zheng Dai used the remaining two real skill conversion opportunities to turn Flying Thunder God over, spending 27 attribute points to top it up.

Unfortunately it still doesn't work.

"Can we just take risks?"

After various attempts, Zhengdai sighed.

There was only one last way left, and it was the way he was confident that he would be able to return to the ninja world.

Chakra exploded, and Zhengdai released super-standard physical skills with all his strength, distorting space!

"Huh? The stability of this space is a little worse than that of the Ninja World. Is it because it is not as big as the Ninja World? I'm lucky. This will be a lot more convenient."

Continuing to erupt, Zhengdai distorted the space into a dark crack that was large enough for people to pass through!

He stuck his head in and retracted it before the crack closed. The several scars on his face healed quickly under the action of the living body.

"Anticipated danger."

That's right, his last resort is to swim back through the gap in space! Without the Heavenly Control skill, he cannot build stable passages in different spaces, so such behavior is extremely dangerous. He can resist the cutting of space and consume some attribute points at most, but if he gets lost in the cracks of space, who knows what will happen. How about it.

But he doesn't worry about getting lost, because he has a way to know the coordinates of the ninja world! Of course, it wasn't that he had done something like sticking his head into the cracks of space in the ninja world, but...

Zhengdai sat down cross-legged.

Forced awakening, activate!

In the familiar falling feeling, Zheng Dai's consciousness awakened in the human cocoon, and he directly tore the human cocoon into pieces.

Directly opposite, Hongdou, who was sitting on the ground with his hands on his knees and staring at other people's cocoons, was stunned for a moment, jumped up, and whispered: "You finally came out! You were in there for three minutes this time, how about it, the war in the dream world Are you finished?"

Zhengdai shook his head a little.

When the war came, Zheng Dai could not help but feel a little selfish, so he incorporated Hong Dou into the evacuation team and asked her to protect Uncle Craftsman and Aunt Xiu.

It makes no sense for Yuji not to join the war, but Hongdou is just a special jounin, so this arrangement is normal, but now it makes Zhengdai feel a little complicated, because... he has already made a choice.

Hongdou inherited the memory in the dream, so naturally he didn't know everything that happened on the battlefield. When Zhengdai didn't speak, he was surprised and said: "Hey, no, you idiot won't lose, right?"

"No, I didn't lose." Zhengdai shook his head and said slowly: "Hongdou, next time I come out, it may take longer, about an hour. You don't have to wait for me here, it's boring."

One hour? Nearly five years have passed in a dream in three minutes. Doesn’t it take 100 years in one hour?

Do you want to live your whole life in a dream? ! This sentence did not come out, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net Hongdou blinked, and suddenly seemed to understand something, she made a sound, waved her hands away freely, and shouted as she walked: "I know! Idiot! Idiot! Damn cook!!"

Zhengdai watched her disappear silently, let out a breath, and his chakra exploded!

The space is distorted and cracks are forming!

After looking for a while, I put it on my hand and drew a few lines. Then I hung it on the southeast branch and returned to the dreamland to make cracks. I went back and forth several times!

Finally, after confirming that the route was correct, Zhengdai returned to Shenwei Space: "Yuxie, I found the way home. Let's go back!"


PS: (The extra is just a casual mention. I didn’t expect that there are a lot of things I want to read. I really don’t have a writing plan for this part... Well, this, anyway, the extra must be after the main story is finished. The main story was originally planned to end at the end of December. Now I’m reading The progress is almost there at the beginning of December. I will add it all up when the text is finished. If I don’t promise, don’t expect it. There is a high probability that it won’t happen because I am lazy.)

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