Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Single chapter chat

I couldn't sleep after reading this chapter late at night. I thought about it, except for the leave chapter and the summary chapter at the end, it has been a long time since I published a single chapter.

The last chapter happened to be called Chat, so I’ll use this single chapter to chat with you.

First of all, I want to apologize. It’s been three books, and my handling of the emotional line is still a mess. I originally had a perfect idea, but somehow it turned into shit when I wrote it.

In my opinion, Anko was the heroine in the early stage, but in the middle and late stages, Yue's role obviously outweighed hers. Whether it was going out to open a casino to correct Tsunade or the Uchiha genocide incident, or the final carrier of Kaguya's chakra, she The weights are getting heavier and heavier. I think everyone can understand no matter which one she and Hongdou choose.

But it probably lacks some daily descriptions of Zheng Dai and Yu Jie, the characters are not established, and too much was written about Hong Dou in the early stage, which makes it difficult for most people to accept it.

Of course, there will be a small number of people who are unwilling to accept the choice of Hongdou. It is just a big mistake or a small mistake no matter what I do. The only fault is that there is something wrong with my writing.

In fact, the choice of Yujie as the heroine, as one post in the comment area said, was just to promote the last part of the plot, and Hongdou lost to the outline.

And I thought I would have a clever solution to Hong Dou at the end, but the opening chapter of this volume was really explosive. I didn’t want to write it as a cruel thing, but it ended up being wrong. I had no choice but to force it back.

So in the last chapter, Hongdou asked Hongdou not to worry about it and wanted to go around it, but he received more criticism. This made me not so confident in my own IQ and EQ and the originally planned ending...

Alas, there is no other way. Internet articles are just like that. They are updated every day. A single thought from the author can cause the character's fate to completely deviate.

There is no chance for repentance.

It's already like this. For those who feel uncomfortable reading the previous six chapters and don't want to continue reading, Eryang can only kneel down and beg for a reunion. For the sake of bringing joy to everyone, scold me a little gentler... Good thing you can't hit me, otherwise I feel like I'm going to die on the spot.

The plot will get back on track later on. I will write the last part of the plot carefully first, and then give you an explanation at the end.

I thought about it carefully, and that explanation... is not outrageous no matter what I think. I still have confidence, and I hope everyone will give Eryang a little more confidence.

That’s all I have to say, and it would be too long to say any more.

‘Do you have time to write a single chapter without coding the text? ! ’

Is that what anyone wants to say? Hehe, let me say it first, I will choke you to death!

(I'm much happier now. The last time I was criticized, I restarted the early stage. The middle and late stages were so bad that no one read them. So I haven't been scolded so badly in more than a year. It's really a bit harsh. Not adaptable, upset)

You may want to say here that I deserve it, but I’ll say it for you in advance, you’re welcome, hey.

(You still have the nerve?!)

Good night.


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