Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 546: Only those who are familiar with it

Two days later.

"What?! Let him deal with it?!"

The Fourth Raikage's voice was thick, and his eyes as big as lightbulbs swept over Masaida's body. He felt uncomfortable no matter how he saw it, "Although he looks familiar, this ninja I can't even name can handle the legendary ninja ancestor Otsutsuki." Kaguya?”

Although you haven't awakened your memory, are you still subconsciously unhappy when you see me? Do we have such a big feud in Infinite Moon Reading? Zheng Dai glanced at him and said: "I almost forgot that Raikage's right hand is also made of the body of the sacred tree. Remember to send someone to keep an eye on him to prevent him from causing trouble."

"What did you say?!"

The Fourth Raikage found out that Kakashi really showed an expression of approval, and immediately became furious and stared at me? !

Among the other Kage, Gaara and Mei Terumi both looked at Masadai with a recalling expression. Only Tsuchikage Onoki, one of the 14% who have not been fully corrected, did not recognize Masadai at all.

"Hokage, you Konoha..."

"It's going to explode!" Zhengdai suddenly said in a deep voice.

Everyone immediately turned their attention to the moon.

I saw that the full moon hanging high in the sky clearly showed criss-crossing black lines, which suddenly became blurry for a moment.

A sense of depression enveloped everyone.

Subtle flames streaked across the sky.

Like shooting stars scattered!

"That's..." A horrified voice came from the ninja who was responsible for monitoring the moon with a telescope: "The moon is really broken! There are dozens... no, hundreds, hundreds of boulders flying to every corner of the ninja world. There are huge boulders about to fall above our heads!"

"We saw it!"

Ohnoki's old face twitched. The huge rocks exposed in the clouds gave him some bad memories. Compared with that time, these rockfalls were smaller, but there were too many of them!

There are also meteorites flying to the ninja world. Are they intentional by the sealed guy? hateful!

At this time, he suddenly saw the strange Konoha ninja Zhengdai moving his shoulders, flying up, raising and lowering his right arm.

Countless firelights radiated with him as the center, catching up with the scattered meteorites first and causing them to explode into blossoming fireworks!

"Uncle Zhengdai! Awesome!"

Zhengdai tilted his head and glanced at Naruto: "I'll leave the missing ones to you. I'll go see the real master."

"Oh! Uncle, be careful!"

Zheng Dai said yes and soared into the sky. The rich thunder light around him spread and gradually turned into an overwhelming thundercloud. Most of the falling boulders were smashed into ashes. A small part was lucky enough to remain as big as a fist!

The Fourth Raikage's eyes widened even more, and an inexplicable word came to his mind - crazy?

Is there such a powerful guy in Konoha? Why didn't there be... Ohnoki's old face was puzzled during the Ninja War, and he was the first to come back to his senses and form a seal.

"Wait a minute, Naruto! We can't leave all the tasks of protecting the ninja world to you Konoha ninjas. Let me use Dust Release to clear up some omissions first!"

"Oh! Grandpa Tsuchikage!"

Breaking through the clouds, the lightning around him gradually returned to his body. He searched with his eyes and found the figure standing in the air with his eyes closed.

At this time, he was slightly surprised, because the shape of the figure was not the expected Otsutsuki Kaguya, but Six Paths Madara!

"Aren't you going to dress up as women this time?" He muttered inwardly, but Zheng Dai actually made a decision in his mind.

That Uchiha Madara was able to temporarily control Kaguya's body because of Black Zetsu, but this one was because Kaguya's power was extracted too much as it was completely corrected, and he took over Kaguya's body!

There are differences between the two.

Uchiha Madara felt his arrival, and his closed eyes opened, revealing...pure white eyes.

"No wonder the Hyuga clan and Uchiha can be called the two major eye-jutsu families. The Byakugan does have its own uniqueness." Madara said slowly: "And after having these eyes, the first person I see is you bastard, but That's great!"

boom! !

The body flashed, and the next moment Madara's fist collided with Zheng Dai's palm. The terrifying sound waves and air waves spread, the sky became clear in an instant, the clouds dispersed, and there was no cloud in the sky!

"Oh? Sure enough, in the past year, you bastard has stolen power from my body more than ten times, and you have become stronger than before. But! This is better! Dance to your heart's content, please to your heart's content... ...I gained invincible power!”

Zheng Dai blinked and smiled.

"It's a familiar scene, and it's much more comfortable for Kaguya to say such words with your appearance. I'll give you the same words again. It's really... great to be able to fight with you like this again!"

Fight again? What did he say?

Uchiha Madara frowned slightly.

The next moment, the roar continued!

After surpassing the Sixth Level, the most lethal weapon is no longer the Jade of Seeking Dao, but returns to your own body! If it were Kaguya, as the goddess of eggs, she would definitely not engage in hand-to-hand combat with Shodai.

But Uchiha Madara doesn't have the baggage of being an idol. He can't wait to punch to the flesh and beat Masadai, whom he deeply hates, to death with one punch!

After all, although his appearance is Six Paths Madara at this moment, his actual body is the essence of Kaguya.

And how strong is Kaguya's body?

During the Fourth War, Sakura had surpassed Tsunade in terms of supernatural power, and her average attack power even surpassed that of a Rasen Shuriken. Even the Third Raikage, who had a monster-like physique, suffered broken bones and tendons when hit by her, but that kind of The fist hitting Kaguya's head just made her lower her head slightly.

Even with Madara Uchiha's character, his physique, and his strength, he was somewhat unbalanced. However, in one minute, he was hit by Po Yan's fists more than ten times, and he felt a basin of cold water pouring down on his head. , so chilling!

The familiar sense of taijutsu suppression came to him. Uchiha Madarataijutsu was level nine, and the Six Paths Madarataijutsu was level 10. Now that he had the Byakugan to attack weak points, his level of taijutsu had finally entered Taishu.

But it’s still far from being worn right now!

What's more important is that he can't defeat Zheng Dai with pure strength, and he always feels that Zheng Dai is very familiar with every move and style of his, even more familiar with him than he who just had this kind of power. You can predict him first.

It's like it's predicted, how to fight this?

Using Hirazaka to distance himself, Uchiha Madara looked at the space distorted by the fight between the two, and put aside the suspicion that he had gained a fake power.

That means...this guy has the same level of power as me now?

"Hmph, you... really gave me a surprise." Uchiha Madara snorted: "It's better this way. Fighting with the weak is too boring. Next, struggle under the art of the ancestor of Chakra!"

Stretching his right fist backward, he instantly gathered chakra equivalent to three ten-tailed beast jade!

‘Eighty God Air Strike! ’

One punch shakes the world! Bambi Kaguya knows how to punch better, and the power of his Yagogami air attack even surpasses that of Ye Kai, directly distorting space!

Facing an attack that seemed to be able to crush everything, Zheng Dai also stretched his right fist and punched!

Yasushigami Air Strike, UU Reading www. uuknshu. net is equally powerful!

The space was distorted and shattered by the impact in the face of Uchiha Madara's surprised face. In the roar, a dark hole with a diameter of tens of meters appeared between the two people, which slowly healed under the self-repair of the space!

Zheng Dai kept moving, drawing a circle and flashing back three meters, and stretched out his right hand to kill the ashes.

A hard thrust forward!


Uchiha Madara, who just appeared, seemed to have bumped into his attack and was pierced through the heart!

"Kill the ashes together, you..." Why did you predict my attack path again? !

"Don't ask, there's no other reason, I'm just familiar with it."

In the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi, Masadai, who is still at the sixth level, has been struggling for a whole day and night under the hands of Uchiha Madara's version of Kaguya!

The tide has turned, it's his turn to take revenge!

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