Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 548 Re-entering the Infinite Tsukuyomi World


"I lost." Lying on the ground panting, Madara closed his eyes and softly uttered these words. There was no disappointment in his words, just a little bit of unwillingness and a little bit of dissatisfaction.

There was no time in the ice space, but both he and Zheng Dai had measured it. The two of them had been fighting fiercely for almost a day and a night.

Even Kaguya's huge chakra has been exhausted. After all, he is not a perfect body, the chakra of the ninja world cannot be recovered, and the nine tails are still missing half, so he cannot be called infinite chakra.

Of course, even so, her chakra amount is still better than Zhengdai who only shows 0.74 radiant chakra in the attribute panel.

However, Madara's chakra was exhausted, but Masadai still retained more than half of it, which only shows that he suffered much more damage than Masaida.

In other words, except for the fact that Zheng Dai was slightly injured by his stupid attack that exchanged injuries for injuries, his attacks were not very effective from the beginning to the end!

"Aren't you struggling anymore?" Masadai was sitting not far away and said: "Kaguya Otsutsuki's chakra recovery speed will not be slower than mine. In these ten seconds, we should have accumulated enough chakra to fight for several more minutes.

Or launch your ultimate move that you haven't used yet and try to pull me into the starting ball space? "

"Hmph, you really know, or have mastered the Expansion Seeking Jade, right?" Uchiha Madara snorted in displeasure, "There's no need to use it. At least I can still retain my consciousness. If I use it, Otsutsuki Kaguya will probably regain consciousness." Take control of your body.”

After revealing his shortcomings, it seems that Madara really doesn't want to fight anymore. After all, with his pride, it is impossible for him to play the tricks of the Fire Cloud Evil God.

As early as an hour ago, Zhengdai noticed that Madara's fighting spirit was getting weaker and weaker. Now that he heard him personally admit defeat, it was finally confirmed.

"Then go out, build a bigger moon with me, and shut yourself in."

Madara's face turned dark, "You... are the most... humph, forget it, I will let you seal it later and won't resist."

"But before that, I have some questions, and I hope I can get answers from you."

Zhengdai hummed: "Ask, do you want to ask Infinite Tsukuyomi or Black Zetsu?"

"No, that doesn't matter anymore." Madara said calmly: "In the past year, I could faintly sense the ninja world through the broken seal. Let me ask you, has true peace...come?"

Zheng Dai was stunned for a moment: "Ah, yes."

"Sure enough, did you choose the right path in the end? Hashirama." Madara had mixed feelings.

"Not necessarily, the ninja world has achieved peace, but who can say clearly what will happen a hundred years or a thousand years later." Zhengdai said: "Speaking of which, judging from your reaction, I already knew it when the seal was broken. Wrong? Then why fight?"

Uchiha Madara tilted his head: "Nothing can make me admit defeat, I am... Uchiha Madara!"

"Didn't you just admit defeat to me?"

Uchiha Madara: "..."

The fight almost resumed, but fortunately Madara did lose the will to fight and didn't want to struggle anymore.

Unlike Kaguya Otsutsuki in the infinite Tsukuyomi world, Kaguya is innocent, but Madara is the culprit who started the war. Even if he sincerely repented, he could not move to the moon and enjoy life like Kaguya. .

Besides, how could Madara sincerely repent?

Even if you know you are wrong, you will not admit it.

So in the end, he was just sealed in it by Zheng Dai with the Earth Exploding Sky Star and Moon without any resistance.

This time the moon is bigger and rounder.

It also hangs higher.

The aftermath of the Four Wars that swept through the Ninja World has finally subsided, and peace will soon return to the Ninja World.

Shodai, who is not well-known in this world, has made a strong impression on his presence. At least the senior officials of each village will definitely know of his existence. As for whether the Fourth Raikage, Gaara, and Terumi Mei will think of him because of this, Zheng Dai was not looking forward to it.

After all, except for Gaara, the other two people's memories related to him in the Infinite Tsukuyomi are quite embarrassing. If Terumi Mei knew that she had expressed love to Masadai more than 20 times since she was 11 years old...

What if this old woman relies on him again...

In short, this is one of the reasons why Zhengdai did not take the initiative to awaken their subconscious memories.

After fighting the battle, Masadai did not participate in any post-war actions, returned to his ordinary appearance, and returned directly to Konoha.

The resurrected First Hokage changed his body half a year ago and is stronger. His body and soul have not yet fully integrated. In addition, he knew Masadai's strength, so he did not participate in this gathering.

Just in time to stay and protect Konoha.

He was both happy and complicated to learn Uchiha Madara's last feelings from Zhengdai. After that, he often looked up at the new moon at night and recalled the past.

As for Anko, she wasn't very interested in Masadai's description of how to fight Kaguya Madara. She asked Masaida to teach her how to cook dinner, and then drove Masaida away... refusing to let Masaida taste her craftsmanship.

Night fell again, and Dai returned to the laboratory.

Orochimaru, who had been waiting here, understood everything from Zhengdai's eyes. After a moment of silence, he took the initiative to lie back on the experimental bed.

‘Orochimaru correction 2%’

‘Orochimaru’s correction degree is 5%,

Obtain free attribute points*1’

"Don't be angry, I have an idea on how to go to that world without you." Zhengdai comforted him, "I will find another you this time."

Orochimaru took a deep breath.

‘Orochimaru correction degree 4%’

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Mr. Zhengdai, it's not a good experience to have your head opened all the time."

"The other one, you didn't open someone else's head. The retribution is on you. You scolded him vigorously." Zhengdai walked to him, "I'm going to knock you out... Oh, this time it will take longer, but I will prepare it in advance." I’ll seal a life force to you and you won’t die.”

‘Orochimaru correction 5%’

You might as well not tell me, I'll be even more worried if you say so... Orochimaru rolled his eyes and fainted.

Zhengdai skillfully opened his skull.

Connect the chakra line.

"It's also night over there. Changzhi and Xunyin should be at home, right?"

Infinite Tsukuyomi World. UU reading

Twenty miles northeast of Konoha Village, Scorpion took the scroll from the mouth of a small snake, opened it and scanned it.

"Oh? The First Hokage is not in the Leaf Village? It saves me a lot of trouble."

"After all, this is Konoha, and there are a lot of troublesome guys. It takes a lot of time and materials to repair puppets, and you are working for that bastard Orochimaru. Why not wait another two hours, wait until the lights in Konoha are almost extinguished, and sneak in under the night. Kill Kakashi Hatake and capture five pairs of white eyes..."

"Hmm, but I hate waiting."

"Forget it, let's start now. The most troublesome First Hokage is not here, and the rest are just trash. The lost puppets, that bastard Orochimaru will definitely replenish them for me..."

At the same time, Zheng Dai's family.

Zhengdai felt that Yujie and a pair of children were at home, and once again walked into the house with excitement. This time... they could be completely reunited!

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