Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 556: Double happiness?

Real world, night.

In a remote courtyard in Konoha, the resurrected First Hokage built a wooden escape table, poured two glasses of wine, and looked at the moon from a distance.

"Madara, today is your birthday."

"Happy birthday."

The first generation drank it all in one gulp, picked up another glass of wine and wanted to throw it at the moon, but suddenly he was startled.

Under his excellent eyesight, the full moon, which was larger than before, seemed to be trembling gently... no, it didn't seem to be, it was trembling.

"Do you feel my feelings?" Chudai smiled: "Forget it, you can't drink it, so there's no point in hurrying. I'll drink the other cup for you."

Time flies, and months pass by.

Time has entered Konoha's 67th year.

With the efforts of Kushina and Minato, Naruto and Hinata in the real world probably decided to get married earlier than in the original work. Masadai also received the wedding invitation from the smiling Kushina, and soon You can attend their wedding.

Of course, in the real world.

There is currently no sign of the two of them in the dream world, and it is not certain whether they can get together.

Zhengdai was sure that there was no correction in this regard, so he let them go without intervening.

After Sasuke and Hinata were completely corrected, the other gods directly corrected Madara. Tenten, who had worked hard for a month but still failed to achieve the ultra-high goal set by Masaida, regretted losing the weapon shop and also subconsciously gave it away. Get rid of the problem of spending money and wasting money.

Coupled with the fact that Kimimaro was deceived by Orochimaru, who was originally a human trafficker, the world correction rate advanced by another 3% to 91%.

In terms of templates, Shodai gained a Uchiha Madara template that was stronger than Sasuke, Kimimaro was unsatisfactory, and Tenten was negligible.

In terms of skills, Masadai obtained the corpse bone vein skill from Kimimaro, but he found out that his own bones were too strong. Using them was basically the same as killing gray bones together, and he couldn't suppress too much power even if he suppressed it forcibly.

Tenten had three useless skills, so he chose Shoryuken at random. Madara's skills were not very good either. He had mastered both the Infinite Tsukuyomi and the first-generation Wood Release Bokujin Masadai, so in the end he could only choose the remaining one. Obito's Fire Release - Storm Dance.

On this day, Zhengdai was preparing to make an attempt to enter the Infinite Tsukuyomi without borrowing Orochimaru.

After the world correction exceeded 90%, Zhengdai was finally able to vaguely perceive the infinite Tsukuyomi world in the real world, but waited until 91% before trying, just to be more secure.

Skillfully opening Orochimaru's skull, Dai realized that he didn't need to open it this time...

There was no way around it. It turned on and off every four days on average. It was so easy to use. Zhengdai stared at Orochimaru's brain and thought about it, but didn't cover it for him.

Everything is open.

Stay as a precaution.

If the monster in the Infinite Tsukuyomi World performs a reverse operation, allowing him to go over independently but unable to return independently, he will be blinded.

After a few months or a year of delay, the body here will have to be buried in a tomb even if its vitality remains.

After connecting the chakra wires and sticking the two copper pieces on his temples, Zhengdai did not borrow Orochimaru's channel this time, but used his consciousness to communicate with that world independently, and then took the initiative to leave his body as a spirit!

An invisible film is captured.

Close your eyes and open them again, keep pushing forward!

Penetrate that invisible film.

Masadai's consciousness appeared on the streets of Konoha. A stronger repulsive force wanted him to return than before, but Masaidai's consciousness remained motionless.

"Very good, successful!"

"It's okay to go back..."

"But the feeling of repulsion without entering this world through Orochimaru is even stronger. If we don't deal with that monster, it may be more difficult to travel between two worlds with our true form... Let's continue to correct it."

There are still 8% left in the Infinite Tsukuyomi World, and Zabuza will be able to complete it soon. Orochimaru also sent a message, telling him that he needed to borrow Kurotsuchi from Onoki. After Dai told him not to hurt Kurotsuchi, he put the correction of Kurotsuchi. In the back.

On the Konoha side, Naruto and Sakura Shodai have verified that there is no need to correct it, so Masdai's next goal is the uncertain 5%.

It seems difficult to find five people who need correction in the huge ninja world, but there are actually traces to follow, and Zhengdai is not worried.

First of all, those who need to be revised are definitely the characters who appeared in the original work, and secondly, the remaining ones are mostly from the new generation, because the older generation of ninjas are pretty much seen, so it is unlikely that something will slip through the net.

Then let’s meet each other.

Zhengdai went to Kirigakure Village first.

In the Mizukage Building, Ghost Light and Kurosui started chattering as soon as they saw Masadai: "You Konoha have elected the fifth generation, and it's time for me to step down. I wanted to give the position to your nephew Mangetsu, but Terumi Meina Girl, I don’t know what method I used to get the support rate even higher, it’s really a headache.”

"Looking for Suigetsu and Chojuro? Okay, hey, Zhengdai, do you want to accept a disciple? Let me tell you, your second nephew Suigetsu's talent is even better than Mangetsu, and he can also transform into water, Chojuro Although that kid is not bad, but..."

Zheng Dai used natural energy to block all the places where the sound could be heard, letting him bang.

Until Kito Suigetsu and Chojuro arrived, Shodai asked them a few questions casually, then gave Kito Heishui a cold back like a father that you can't get, and left the Mizukage Building.

Suigetsu's personality is slightly different from the real world, but that, like Naruto, is a change due to changes in life experiences and does not require correction.

Chojuro is even more like reality.

After walking around in Kirigakure, listening in all directions and looking in all directions, Zhengdai didn't find any correction points, so he left Kirigakure and went directly to Kumogakure.

This time it finally paid off.

"What we are about to see is the legendary ninja god Zhengdai, aren't you excited?

What if he sees at a glance that I have talents far beyond yours and wants to accept me as his disciple, should I agree or not?

Promise, I can't bear to leave you...Forget it, the God of Ninja has to give you face, and I will take care of you when I learn all his skills.

By then, I, Omoi, will be the third ninja god in the ninja world. Just think about it... Well, it's only natural, after all, it's me. "

Karui, who was walking with him, had already put his hand on the handle of the knife, and the Fourth Raikage beside Masaida also clenched his fists tightly because he was embarrassed in front of the annoying Masaida, preparing to explode.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Dai said at this time: "This guy named Omoyi is interesting. If he stays, I will teach him something. The others will not need it."

The Fourth Raikage:? ? ?

Karui who just walked in: Is this really the God of Ninja? Is he serious?

Omoi: I knew it! He is truly the God of Ninja! So discerning!

The frustrated beast turns into a proud beast, UU reads www. uukanshu.nett The remaining five correction points confirmed one. Zheng Dai's trip was not in vain. He never expected that he would receive a double happiness two minutes later.

If that's a blessing.

Looking at the skinny little loli kunoichi in front of him with fair skin, in his twenties, but with a figure like a twelve or thirteen year old girl, Zhengdai was silent for a long time.

Did you call the wrong person?

(?_?) It’s too difficult for me.

" is Samyi, right? Keep some here too." Dai Muran looked at the Fourth Raikage, "That's all for now. Thank you for your cooperation."

‘If I can’t beat you and it’s beneficial to us, Yunyin, will I cooperate with you? ’

The Fourth Raikage snorted, and suddenly found sadness in Zhengdai's eyes... This lunatic suddenly came to our Kumogakure to recruit a disciple, and with this expression, what conspiracy was he planning?

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