Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 560 Wedding

Kakuzu walked out of the stinky public toilet with an expressionless expression.

As a member of the Resurrectionists, Kakuzu spent a year investigating the world today.

There was no dawn, no war, and the money exchange seemed to have changed its owner, and the business was no longer prosperous. But as long as there were people, the disputes would not end. With his ability, he could still make money easily.

Just avoid the eyes of the Great Ninja Village.

"Hmph" I felt uncomfortable thinking about it, Kakuzu glanced in the direction of Konoha, "Is that hateful brat Uzumaki Naruto getting married?"

"Yeah, do you want to give me some gift money?"

The sound close to his ear made Kakuzu stiffen suddenly. He slowly turned his head and saw a slightly familiar young man looking at him with his hands in his pockets.

He looks casual like a civilian gangster, and the words coming out of his mouth are also like: "I am a pauper in this world. I can't even afford a wedding gift. I want to borrow some money from you, Kakuzu."

Want to borrow money from me? Kakuzu's eyes were slightly gloomy, but for some reason, he couldn't control his movements. He actually took out all the banknotes he had earned during this period from his arms and handed them over.

"It's quite a lot, as expected of you. I won't pay back the money because I don't think you want to see me again. From now on, you should be a good person and hunt for bounties only for traitorous ninjas who are guilty of crimes. We will never meet again."

Zhengdai disappeared in a flash, and Liu Jiaodu clenched his fists with a gloomy expression on his face, "He was in the dream, that dream was abominable!"

He didn't feel bad about spending other people's money. Zhengdai bought the best formal suit. When he went to attend the wedding the next day, he also packed a red envelope with the largest gift money tied with Jiraiya.

The wedding scene became more and more lively. Hongdou, who had ignored Zheng Dai for three days, stared at the back of Zheng Dai's hand warily and came closer. He looked at Zheng Dai who was dressed in formal clothes and said, "This one looks good. He's quite handsome."

"When have I stopped being handsome?" Zhengdai said with a smile, "It's better to hold back. After all, the protagonist today is Naruto, and I can't steal his limelight."

"Why didn't I realize that you were so shameless before?" Anko asked, pointing to Sakura and Sasuke on the other side, "Are you as handsome as him?"

"I can keep him in the hospital for half a year."

Anko was speechless and pointed to Saai and Ino, Shikamaru and Temari, Neji and Tenten on the other side, "Half of the boys here have to be hospitalized?"

"I don't accept this." Zhengdai rolled his eyes and smiled again: "Tsk, these are all in pairs. Naruto Hinata's wedding was so exciting that all his friends were paired up. ”

Hong Dou glanced at Zheng Dai and said, "Yes, Hong and his family seem to be here. Can we go together?"

"You go first, sister Kushina and Minato are here too." Masadai greeted Kushina and Minato.

As Naruto's mother, Kushina had a smile on her face. On the day of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Kushina had imagined the wedding day of newborn Naruto, but she never thought she would have the opportunity to attend in person.

However, her resurrection has to be said to be a bit inconsistent, because her physical age is only 24 years old. From a certain point of view, she is not as mature as Naruto, and she and her daughter-in-law Hinata are more like sisters.

She smiled like a young girl and accepted congratulations from acquaintances and strangers. When she saw Zheng Dai, she turned her eyes and quickly waved to Zheng Dai.

Zheng Dai was startled, but after he walked over, Kushina whispered in his ear for a while, making his eyebrows frown and relax, and finally gave Kushina a helpless smile, "This matter"

"Leave it to you!" Kushina patted Masaida on the shoulder and walked to the parent's seat with Minato.

When Zhengdai was about to say more, he saw Naruto and Hinata walking side by side in the distance. He could only turn to the crowd of spectators, looked around, stood next to Kakashi, and whispered: "Didn't I tell you to keep it a secret? Is the Infinite Tsukuyomi world still running?

Kakashi, who have you told? "

Kakashi clapped his hands in congratulations, then turned his head and said, "Well, I have to say something to Minato-sensei, there is no one else."

"If too many people know a secret, it will no longer be a secret." Zhengdai sighed, "Minato knows it, and Kushina-sister also knows it."

Originally, only Orochimaru, Anko and Kakashi knew that the Infinite Tsukuyomi world was still running. It would be difficult for Anko and the Sixth Hokage Kakashi to get around Orochimaru if he opened too many skulls.

"Kushina-sama should be measured in her words. It doesn't matter if you know, right?"

"It doesn't matter to you, I'm here to cause trouble."

"What's the trouble?" Anko asked, squeezing next to Zhengdai and Kakashi.

Kurenai and Asuma's family did not push into the crowd because their child, Sarutobi Mirai, was here.

Zhengdai glanced at her and used natural energy to build a soundproof barrier between the three of them, saying: "Sister Kushina is very satisfied with Hinata. She just asked me to let Naruto marry her in that world."

Kakashi's eyes rolled up: "Is that all? I think it's good. I'll be a good matchmaker and wear it now."

"What a good guy, I don't want to worry about it. They can develop as far as fate can. If they match up a couple, can I match up a bunch of them? Naruto and Hinata are okay, but they don't get along with each other less. In that world Do you think Sasuke Sakura is reliable?"

Kakashi thought for a while: "That's right. After all, we are developing different worlds, so why don't we refuse?"

Zhengdai sighed: "I wanted to refuse, but Sister Kushina was too pitiful, so I didn't say anything.

She said that if the two people in that world formed families with other people, and one day Naruto Hinata here knew about it, then"

Kakashi was stunned for a moment, then chuckled: "That makes sense, it's a bit difficult."

Zheng Dai's face darkened, and he hit Kakashi in the kidney with his right fist, "Hey, it's good, it's right, it makes sense? Why are you pushing soft fists with me here? This is the trouble your kid caused me! "

Kakashi coughed: "Why don't you let this go as you like? We can't go to that world anyway, UU Reading You can say whatever you want, Kushina-sama and Minato-sensei won't know."

"In my opinion, there is no need to worry about it at all." Anko interjected: "Infinite Tsukuyomi is Infinite Tsukuyomi, reality is reality, even if Naruto and Hinata over there form other families, it doesn't matter, right?

Anyway, they are two different worlds. If Naruto and Hinata get married here, what does it have to do with Naruto and Hinata over there? The reverse is also true. "

Kakashi narrowed his eyes and responded with a smile: "That's right, that's right, uh, um, Dai, let's lift the barrier, the wedding is about to begin."

"How did you become a yes man?" Zhengdai scolded with a smile and looked around the wedding venue.

Naruto and Hinata were already standing in the venue, and the wedding host and witness Jiraiya were also in place.

Temporarily putting aside the troubles he just took over, Masaida lifted the soundproof barrier, watched the whole process and sincerely blessed the wedding of Naruto and Hinata!


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