Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 571: To remember

Infinite Tsukuyomi World.

When Yujie returned home with Xunyin, who was reporting on the Ninja School on the first day, Zhengdai had already prepared a large table of sumptuous dinner.

Level 10 cooking skills were put into full play. Ordinary pork could be cooked as delicious as if it had just been cut from the second senior brother's body. Xunyin Changzhi's mouth was full of oil after eating until the two children were full and holding their stomachs together in the yard. Going round and round.

Yujie has long been accustomed to Zhengdai's cooking skills, but she just felt a little bloated. While putting away the dishes, she smiled sweetly and said, "Zhengdai, you haven't prepared such a big meal with such care for a long time. Today is..."

"Let's celebrate. The Ninja School officially starts tomorrow. Meguyin and Nagae are both going to school. It's been a long time since the two of us can live together as two people."

They are an old couple, and they still have a world for two... Yujie glanced at Zhengdai angrily, her pretty face still blushing like a girl's, and walked into the kitchen with empty dishes.

Zheng Dai leaned on the sofa and hummed a few lines of the singing group's signature song, looking confused.

Early the next morning, Changzhi and Xunyin went to school together, and there were only the couple left at home. Zhengdai directly took Yujie's hand and looked at her with a wicked smile.

Yujie blushed slightly, pursed her lips slightly, and closed her eyes, but she didn't wait for the expected touch for a long time, and suddenly smelled the sweetness of the sea breeze.

Opening her eyes blankly, she looked around and found that she had been taken out of the house by Zheng Dai and came to the coast of the sea, next to a bridge.

"I have told the story of the Land of Waves to Meguru many times, and you are probably tired of hearing it. But this is probably the first time I have come here in person.

You got pregnant not long after you got married, and have been taking care of your two children since then. I'm afraid they haven't even left Konoha for a long time. Now that they have finally gone to school, they can finally take you out for a walk. "

"This kind of world for two?"

Zheng Dai blinked, "What else?"

Yuxie glanced at him angrily, "You can move in space. Even if you have a patrol to take care of, you can still find a chance to take me out for a walk. Why don't you have a chance? Are you lazy?"

Zhengdai said: "Let's climb the bridge."

Walking hand in hand on the bridge, Zhengdai said with emotion, "Speaking of which, since the bridge was repaired, this is the first time for me to walk up the 'Cado Bridge' in the Land of Waves."

"Since you can fly, you rarely walk."

"Yeah, since I learned space ninjutsu, I rarely fly anymore." Zhengdai nodded, and suddenly said, "In my world, there is such a bridge, and the name of the bridge is 'Naruto Bridge'."

"...Naruto? Uzumaki Naruto?"

"Well, in my world, Cardo is a gangster. In order to monopolize business, he blocked the country of Waves from communicating with the outside world. In the end, Kakashi led Naruto and the three of them to ruin the conspiracy. Naruto's contribution was extremely important. It’s big, so it’s named Naruto Bridge.”

Yujie chuckled and said with a smile, "The two worlds are really different yet similar."


Walking through the "Kaduo Bridge" step by step, from an angle that Yujie couldn't see, the light and shadow in Zheng Dai's eyes could be seen.

"Let's go to the next place."

As time and space turned, Zhengdai took Yuxie across dozens of miles to another beach.

"This is the location where we fought with the ninjas of the Land of Water when we recovered the body of Hyuga Munao. A total of three ninja swordsmen died, one of whom was directly related to me, and two were indirectly related.

Konoha's information was also taken seriously by major villages at that time. "Wearing a 'face full of glory'."

Yujie was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Isn't it the time to become the youngest jounin?"

"Of course not. Without corresponding achievements, everyone will only pay attention to it but not take it seriously. Maybe they are still laughing at Konoha for getting a 10-year-old child to be a jonin in order to show off its strength and attract commissions."

Yujie hummed, "That's right."

"Let's go to the next place."

"This is where I break the third generation mine defense..."

"This is the tower where Monk Fenfu lives. When I was besieged by Sunagakure, I ran here and kidnapped Monk Fenfu, and I took it from him..."

"This is the place where I traveled thousands of miles for three days and three nights to attack and kill the 11th Kaguya Jonin..."

"Here is Cha Yuan, a disguised warrior..."

"This is the capital of the Snow Country. When the Snow Country had a coup, Jiraiya-sama, Tsunade-sama and I happened to be passing by. We helped quell the chaos and supported the current Queen Fenghua Koyuki to take office."

One place after another, Zheng Dai Yujie walked all over the footprints he had left in this world, stood in the snow of the Snow Kingdom, pointed at the Queen's Palace and said, "Xiaoxue was still a little girl at that time. In the blink of an eye, two More than ten years, she is almost 30 years old."

"Not married?" Yuji suddenly asked.

Zheng Dai was startled, "Well, I've never heard of this. It seems that she is indeed not married."

Yujie chuckled, "Another girl whose life has been delayed because of seeing you?"

"Uh." Zheng Dai blinked. "Don't make trouble. She was only three or four years old at that time. What did she know? And what do you mean...another one..."

"Handsome, funny, and powerful, don't you know how attractive you are to girls?"

"I'll be embarrassed if you praise me so much..."

"Do you want me to count for you?" Yuxie smiled and said, "In the past, you always coaxed Sakura into saying that you wanted to marry you because you were angry with Teacher Haruno Zhao, but after Sakura turned ten, why did you always stay away from her? "

"How can I hide..."

"Why does Tiantian come to our house to hang around you every time she is beaten by her father, even if you haven't helped her a few times in total?" Yujie asked again.


Yuji smiled, "Even little girls who are twenty years apart will have a vague impression of you because of too many contacts, let alone girls of the same age as you.

The most daring one is Terumi Mei, luckily you don’t like her, the second daring one..."

She blinked, "That's me."

Zheng Dai was silent and laughed, "Okay, okay, you're right, there's nothing you can do about it, I'm such an attractive man, don't be jealous."

"They have to be jealous of me." Yujie sighed softly, "The wisest thing I did was to take the initiative to confess to you back then. I am very happy that I have been husband and wife with you, captain, for these years."

"...Why did you call me captain again?"

Yuji turned her face and said, "Forget me."


"The dream will eventually wake up. If it continues for a few years, it will eventually break. Don't indulge in the infinite Tsukuyomi world all the time. Forget me, forget Changzhi and Xunyin, and start living again in the real world. Since that The world is without me, Then no matter you marry Anko, Yukito, or even Terumi Mei, you don’t have to care about me."

Zheng Dai was stunned, seeing tears streaming from Yuji's eyes, he quickly helped her wipe them away, "Don't cry... When did you know that it was the Infinite Tsukuyomi World?"

"I've known it for a long time. Captain, I once carried Kaguya Otsutsuki's chakra and got a bit of her memory." Yuji murmured softly, "In reality, some people have memories here, but we don't have memories over there. , I have guessed it a long time ago."

"Captain, you took me through so many places today, wasn't it just to say goodbye? It seems that the infinite Tsukuyomi world is finally going to be completely shattered... Then forget me, captain, forget us."

"Have you guessed it a long time ago?" Zheng Dai sighed lowly, "Oh, I was too negligent. It has been hard for you to pretend that nothing is wrong all these years."

Holding Yuxie in his arms, Zhengdai smiled again, "But is this a drama of bitter love? Yuxie, you misunderstood. I took you through the place where I left my footsteps today not to forget, It’s impossible to forget them.”

"I remember."


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