Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Extra Fairy Tail Chapter 2 Fairy

"Hoo~ Saslum is dead..."


"Did those damn traitors do it? Are they going to go to war with us?!"

" seems was done by humans..."

"Human? How is that possible!"

In a dragon's lair somewhere, the roars of eight hellfire dragons could be heard one after another. After a while, they flapped their wings and soared, their huge bodies covering half of the sky, and flew to the southeast.

In the lair, a hellfire dragon that had not participated in their discussion opened its eyes, and there was some worry in the evil eyes.

"Is it true that there is already a Dragon Slayer Mage who can kill Sasryum...Iguniru, I'm afraid you are in trouble. They will no longer just treat human Dragon Slayer Mage as a joke..." After thinking for a moment, the hell flame dragon named Atlas Flame flapped its wings and flew in the other direction.

"Master Goblin, how long do we have until... we reach... the... gathering place of... the Dragon Slayer Mage Masters?" Acnologia asked breathlessly.

Since he was rescued by Zhengdai, he has been following Zhengdai on the road for more than five days. When he asked Zhengdai his name, he heard Zhengdai muttering "Fairy Tail", and he misunderstood Zhengdai as "Fairy Lord". ’, Zheng Dai thought it was interesting, so he didn’t stop him.

After listening to his question, Zhengdai pointed to the mountain in front of him and asked, "Look at that mountain, does it look familiar to you?"

Acnologia was stunned and looked away. After a few seconds, he said in surprise, "It was when I met you... Lord Goblin, we went around in a circle and came back again?"

Zhengdai nodded, "That's right."

Isn’t the whole world just a circle?

That's right, in the past five days, he took Acunologia, who was unaware of it, around the entire continent. Although he didn't go to the ends of the earth, at least his perception reached every corner.

Using seeing as belief, to confirm what Akunorukia said orally, not to mention, I really discovered some unusual things and made some speculations about the changes in the world.

Knowing that he was back to the same place, Acnologia was disappointed for a while and asked, "Aren't we going there? Master Goblin?"

"There is no such place at all. How dare the dragon-slayer wizards gather together? Waiting to be annihilated by the evil dragons in one wave?"

"No, no?"

"No, that's just a rumor."

"Not at all..." Acnologia's expression gradually darkened. In the past 15 years of his precarious life, the power that supported him has always been the legendary holy land.

It is said that where the dragon slayers gather, no evil dragon dares to cause trouble, and humans live and work in peace and contentment. Unfortunately, there are too few people who can become dragon slayers. They cannot protect the entire continent... But sooner or later, humans can Destroy the dragon!

"No... no, it's impossible... Lord Goblin, please don't... lie to me..."

"Indeed, there is not, but from now on, there will be." Zheng Dai replied, "I will establish a human kingdom here, summon all dragon-slayer wizards, teach magic, and protect humans. The name of the country will be Feo The Kingdom of Thunder.”


Zheng Dai hummed, turned around and looked at the sky.

Acnologia repeated it twice, then turned around to look at him, revealing his nervousness.

"One, two...eight, eight-headed evil dragons! They must be the evil dragons you killed for you! Master Goblin, let's... let's hide!"

"Why are you hiding? We've been waiting for a long time." The windmill that was wearing blood-red eyes gradually condensed into a huge green complete Susana that was up to a kilometer high in Akunolokia's shocked eyes!

The eight huge flame dragons soaring thousands of meters in the sky instantly became extremely small. Before they had time to react, a cold light flashed in the dragon's eyes, and their consciousness disappeared instantly, and they fell slumped.

Dai sheathed his sword and patted Acnologia on the shoulder, who was stunned. "Young man, from now on, the era of evil dragons is over!"

400 years later, the Kingdom of Fiore.

Fairy Tail Guild.

"Transformed into a thousand-meter giant, the goblin killed eight evil dragons with one sword and established the Kingdom of Fiore!" The union president Makarov stood on the table, ensuring that his eyes were level with the union members, and said impassionedly, "This is It’s just…a fairy tale!”

"Si...Si Guoyi!" Lucy, who had just joined the union, heard this story for the first time, and looked up to her with admiration, "The giant's magic is actually so powerful, isn't it true that the president..."

Makarov pretended not to hear and said, "But not long after the Kingdom of Fiore was established, the goblin suddenly disappeared, as if he had never appeared before. Not many people have seen him, so we still don't know who he is." It’s not human, or even...did it ever exist!”

"It existed! I remember...Iguniru said he had seen him!" Natsu raised his hand to speak.

Hubby "Love!"

"Really? You didn't say that last time."

"I just remembered it!"


"What did you say?! Gray!"

"Quiet!" Makarov shouted, interrupting Natsu and Gray's love affair, "Anyway! This is the origin of our Fairy Tail Guild!"

"Whether fairies have tails or not. Before this, it was impossible to determine whether fairies existed. Therefore, it is an eternal mystery and an eternal adventure. There is such a meaning in it."

He pointed back and said, "That stone monument is the only thing that is suspected to be left by the goblin. The power of the magician cannot destroy it! It is also something that our union must pursue and protect forever!"


Amidst the cheers, Makarov was secretly satisfied that he had given a perfect speech, and the new member Lucy had integrated into the union a little bit more.

But just then.

Didi didi... didi didi...

Suddenly, there was a sharp and piercing sound, as if someone was ringing the doorbell, or someone had brought the alarm clock to the union, and it rang in broad daylight.

The cheers died down instantly. Everyone, including Makarov, subconsciously searched and groped around on his body. Finally, everyone looked at the sound and looked at the 'Fairy Stone Tablet'.



A hand reached out from inside the monument, groped for a moment on the monument, and then patted it.

The beeping sound disappeared immediately.

Then a sleepy black-haired young man emerged from the monument, yawned, smiled and waved to the stunned crowd.

"Well, the alarm clock was set very accurately. I woke up when it was time to wake up. UU Reading Hello everyone."


"He doesn't have a tail..."

"Hey, hey, is it time to discuss whether he has a tail?!"

"Hahaha, you are the goblin?! Take the move, Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!!"

"Hey! Natsu?! Stop it!"

"Oh! Man!"

"Love! Seer~!"

The Fairy Tail Guild was instantly in chaos.


ps (How about interspersed with extra chapters? I plan to write a character chapter, a long branch chapter or a patrol chapter in the next chapter. Well, I am in Beijing, so I will probably have the next extra chapter next Tuesday or Wednesday.)


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