Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 59 Stories and Fairy Tales

Zhengdai said he had his hair permed just as a joke, playing a joke about Uncle Yu that no one here could understand.

He is only nine years old and is still a boy. How can he be permed into a flower roll and scare the craftsman's uncle and embroidery aunt to death?

Besides, perming your hair will also damage your hair, so doing whatever you want is not a disgrace to yourself.

He just wanted to be alone for a while and digest the somewhat excessive amount of information he received this morning - first of all, the issue of unlimited Tsukuyomi.

Although I can't go out in a short time, and I don't really want to go out, it's time to put learning illusions on the agenda to be prepared.

Even if basic illusions are incomparable to Infinite Tsukuyomi... Huh? By the way, if you catch Uchiha Madara or Black Zetsu in the Infinite Tsukuyomi world, is it possible to get all the information on the Infinite Tsukuyomi?

What you learn from anime is only superficial.

This thought suddenly flashed through Zheng Dai's mind, and he laughed at himself for thinking too much. What kind of strength does this have? He just wants to catch Master Ban? It's expanded.

"When you are strong enough, you can try it."

The second problem is that after Anko and Kakashi, the newly discovered Hyuga Hizashi is dissatisfied with the clan separation system, the otaku Kushina who is still suspicious, Asuma who does not smoke, and the children's enlightenment book writer Jiraiya. Which one is better to fix?

"The one who gets closer to the water first gets the moon. The easiest one is definitely Asma. As for the other three..."

Zhengdai thought about it, and suddenly the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "Jiraiya, the children's enlightenment writer, I really want to see it, hahahaha..."

After giggling a few times, Zhengdai shook his head and walked towards the stationery store on West Street of Konoha Village. He remembered that there was a large bookstore near the stationery store, where he should be able to buy Jiraiya's fairy tale books.

On the way, Zhengdai cast his gaze on the final question. He had to choose 1 out of 3 real skills at full level. He hadn't made a choice yet, but it wasn't hard to choose now.

As a real skill that can bring out unlimited Tsukuyomi, it is too wasteful to be occupied by camouflage. After all, whether it is to unlock the Infinite Tsukuyomi by oneself and participate in the final battle, or to wait for Naruto and Sasuke to seal Kaguya before going out, the camouflage concealment is useless.

It's not as useful as Thousand-Year Kill. Maybe the fully-leveled Thousand-Year Kill will have a special effect that guarantees a hit every time?

It's a terrifyingly powerful skill when you think about it.

Of course, you cannot choose to kill for a thousand years, and you cannot choose it in this life.

Then the only option is to bet on the third option.

Zheng Dai makes choices with his mind.

The ‘X’s were instantly replaced by words.

1. Konoha’s Secret Body Technique - Thousand Years of Killing

2. Ninja Technique-Camouflage Hidden

3. Sex - the secret of seduction - pole belly dance

? ? ? ? ? !

"Damn it! I choose the first one! I have to choose Thousand Years of Killing! Don't-"

Options 1 and 2 shattered and disappeared, and the remaining options 3 were perfectly integrated into the property bar.

Real Skill 3: Secret of Seduction - Pole Belly Dance Level 5 (100%+500%)

"...I really am!" Zheng Dai felt sad from his heart.

Property bar, tell me, where does this kind of thing come from? !

Where did the pole dancing in Naruto come from? Where did the belly dance come from? Is there any hidden meaning in the art of seduction?

How the hell are you still integrating them together?

You are really awesome!

"Why do I need this thing? To fight Kaguya? Hey, it seems to be able to deal with Kaguya." Zhengdai paused for a moment, "No, that's not the problem. Using something like seduction, your moral integrity will fall to the ground. Even if It’s shameful to be in the Infinite Tsukuyomi World…”

He was heartbroken and suddenly hummed again, this technique seems quite interesting?

"It's interesting but it's not necessary. Haha, if I am wearing it, I will die. If I die outside, or be killed by the enemy, I will never use seduction, absolutely!"

Emphasizing in his heart, Zhengdai continued to stride towards the bookstore, and soon paused again.

Jiraiya, the author of children's enlightenment books?

Sex - the secret of seduction - pole belly dancing?

Fuck me!

Zheng Dai felt a deep malice coming from the attribute column!

Twenty minutes later.

‘There was a little pig in the forest. It had a round head, big ears, a turned-up nose, and a chubby body.

It likes to look for food in garbage dumps. After eating, it will roll around in the mud puddle, covered with mud. It thought: Humph! I won't take a shower! …’

"Pfft, haha..."

In the bookstore, Zhengdai was holding a copy of Jiraiya's "A Little Story a Night" and was reading the first story. He finally got over the pain and found it much funnier than Haruno Ou's cold joke.

The general content of the story is: 'A little pig who doesn't like to be clean wants to find friends. The little white rabbit didn't play with it, and the little white goose didn't play with it either. It was very sad.

Later, the little pig took a bath, and the little white rabbit and the little white goose finally wanted to play with it! ’

It is very educational. In fact, it is very suitable for children aged three or two to tell stories or learn to read. But when I thought about it, it was written by Jiraiya...

Hahaha, no more, no more.

The owner of the bookstore had been staring at Zhengdai for a long time. He didn't know whose child it was. When he entered the room, he went straight to the children's story area, holding a storybook by Jiraiya-sama and laughing non-stop.

Have you still lost your childlike innocence? Is it really okay for a child like this to wear a forehead protector and become a genin?

"Uncle, how much does this book "A Little Story a Night" cost?" Zhengdai asked.

Still want to buy it? The boss secretly complained, but he had to do business, "80 taels."

"How much?" Zhengdai blinked. UU Reading

"80 taels, no counter-offer." The boss explained half of the sentence, "The purchase price is also very expensive. After all, Jiraiya-sama is very famous..."

Zhengdai wisely understood the second half of the boss's unsaid sentence. The publishing house gave Jiraiya a large share, so the price of a single storybook would naturally have to go up in order to make a profit.

80 taels, which is only 50 yuan when converted into RMB. As a storybook with only a hundred pages, it seems very expensive, but parents can still afford it.

"Tsk, no matter in the normal world or the infinite Tsukuyomi world, Jiraiya is a very lucky person. Putting aside the remuneration he received from the missions for completing the most S-level and A-level missions, writing a book can make He's making a lot of money. Maybe he can compete for the second richest ninja in the Naruto world?'

The thought flashed across his mind, and Zhengdai took out 80 taels and bought the storybook, having an idea in his mind.

Who doesn’t know how to write stories and fairy tales?

Zheng Dai is a modern young man who has read Andersen's fairy tales, Grimm's fairy tales, One Thousand and One Nights, and many children's fables.

Although I can't say that I can completely remember the contents, I can always recall the classic ones, which is enough to compile two or three hundred-page fairy tale books.

Moreover, many fairy tales are not only suitable to be told to children, but can also be read by older children, such as Spirited Away and Big Fish and Begonia. The parts with fantasy magic can even be replaced with ninjutsu, making the children of this world more magical. empathy.

"It seems very interesting to make friends with Jiraiya through literature, and it is a good way to make money. Compared with making money by opening a restaurant, isn't it much better to become a writer?"

Zheng Dai thoughtfully said: "If Jiraiya's wealth is taken away, can he be forced to embark on the path of pornography? It is very difficult, but... why not try? It is better than using sex and seduction!"

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