Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 72 An unexpected gain

"Kushina, Kushina!"

Uchiha Mikoto held a book in her hands, knocked on the door of Kushina's house, and called out.

"Mikoto, come in, the door is unlocked."

"You're being lazy." Mikoto chuckled, turned the doorknob, and walked in.

There was no one in the living room, so she looked around a few times and came to Kushina's bedroom.

In the bedroom, Kushina was sitting sideways on the bed, holding a handful of playing cards in her hand. She considered them for a moment, pulled out two and said, "Pair of eight."

Then she clasped the cards on her lap, closed her eyes, fumbled for another pile of playing cards placed on the bed half a meter away from the front, and twisted them.

Pull out the pair of ten and say "pair of ten" in a rough voice.

Then she put down the cards again, opened her eyes, picked up the pile on her lap, "Pair Q."

Mikoto was stunned: "Kushina, are you... playing cards with yourself?"

Kushina looked over strangely: "Of course not, how can I play cards with myself? I am playing with Nine Lamas."

Mikoto's lips twitched: "With... Kyuubi?"

"Yeah." Kushina said angrily: "I closed my eyes when I took its cards. It always said that I was cheating on looking at its cards. It was so annoying, even though it was clearly the one reading the cards. Mikoto, you came at the right time. , it won’t be like this if the three of us play together.”

Then I must not be bullied to death by you two? Helplessness flashed in Mikoto's eyes, and she handed the book in her arms to Kushina: "Stop playing around now and read this book."

"Huh?" Kushina blinked and suddenly threw the cards in her hand into the pile: "Okay, this is a draw, let's not play anymore, Kurama."

"...I'm not cheating. I won't necessarily lose if this fight continues, okay, not necessarily."

Kushina talked to herself for a while before taking the book from Mikoto's hand, "Huh? Lord Jiraiya released a new book? Minato didn't say anything."

"Haha, you see clearly, Kushina."

Kushina was stunned for a moment and took a closer look: "Toad...human immortal? What the hell?"

"This is a book that borrows Jiraiya-sama's reputation. I don't know who the author is yet. Please hurry up and read the first story of this book." Mikoto explained.

Kushina opened the book: "Minato... what's the name of a clam?"

'One day, the Sannin Jiraiya-sama wanted to accept a disciple, so he went to the Ninja School, summoned a giant toad, and said to all the students: "Whoever can weigh it can be accepted as my disciple."

All the Ninja School students were lost in thought, except for Namifeng Minato...'

"...What nonsense?" Kushina looked confused, "I'm in the same class as Minato, why don't I know about this?"

Mikoto laughed: "Is it really a lie? I just said that I have never heard of such an episode when Master Jiraiya accepted Minato as his disciple."

"Well, this must be made up." Kushina responded: "There is something decent about it."

Mikoto: "I asked the bookstore owner. This book was just put on the shelves today. Kushina, let's go find Minato and ask him what to do with it?"

"Minato..." Kushina thought for a while: "He is taking the three children on a mission. If you want to know where he is, you have to go to the Third Generation first. The Third Generation is very verbose, and it will definitely take another half a day... ...It’s so troublesome! I don’t want to go.”


Kushina interrupted: "Anyway, at noon, Minato will show up with the Flying Thunder God Biu and bring me lunch. I'll make an appointment with him then."

Mikoto was silent, not knowing what to say.

"Come on, Mikoto, the Nine Lamas are urging us to play cards, hurry up, hurry up."

The corners of Mikoto's mouth moved, and she suddenly said with seriousness: "Look, Minato takes care of you every day, brings you lunch, and has done so much for you. Shouldn't you do something for him too?"

Kushina was stunned.

"This book borrowed Jiraiya-sama's reputation and fabricated such a little story without Minato's permission. Don't you want to help Minato solve this matter?" Mikoto asked again.

"I... think about it."

"That's right." Mikoto continued: "How about we go investigate the author of the book together and see who wrote this book?"

Kushina hesitated for a long time, then said with some tangle and reluctance: "Okay."

Mikoto breathed a sigh of relief. It was so difficult to drag Kushina out every time.

Now she hoped that the author of this book would be more difficult to find out and that Kushina would be allowed to wander around more.

Ten minutes later, Kushina finally got dressed and reluctantly left home. The two first went to the West Street Bookstore, asked the boss about the source of the goods, and found a small vendor.

After several twists and turns through questioning and force, Kushina finally found the chubby pirate printing shop owner before she was about to give up.

"You two, please forgive me. I really don't dare to say it. If I say it, that adult will not let me go..."

"That adult?" Mikoto was stunned.

The person who does such boring things is actually a ninja with a high status?

She and Kushina looked at each other, and both said one name: "Haruno Omen!"

The chubby boss's face subconsciously pouted, and the two of them said in unison again: "You guessed it right!"

"It turns out to be that annoying guy." Kushina muttered: "Mikoto, forget it, I get angry when I see that guy, I will ask Minato to find him later..."

"Hey, UU Kanshu has found it all here, how can we give up halfway!" Mikoto grabbed Kushina: "And didn't Haruno Omen fall into our hands this time? Come on, let's go and give it to him Tell a joke!”

Kushina blinked, her heart moved.

At the same time, Zheng Dai's family.

Zheng Dai was in the kitchen, staring closely at a few biscuits baking on the fire, with a serious look on his face, controlling the size of the flame from time to time.

Five minutes, ten minutes, half an hour.

Just as he was putting out the fire, he let out a breath and waited silently for a few minutes before picking up one of the biscuits with his hands, breaking off a corner, and stuffing it into his mouth.

After chewing and swallowing, the milky aroma was full, and Zheng Dai was slightly satisfied: "Yes, this time it tastes delicious even if it smells like tobacco."

He picked up another biscuit with a slightly different appearance and stuffed it into his mouth. "Well, it's very good. It tastes exactly the same!"

The two kinds of biscuits are actually different. One contains tobacco leaves that Asuma collected from the Third Hokage, and the other contains tea leaves that Zhengdai bought at a convenience store.

After more than a month of trial production, he finally made the taste of biscuits with tobacco and tea leaves exactly the same, and both were delicious.

"What Asma wanted has finally been made." Zheng Dai raised his eyebrows happily, "Hey, this is also a powerful tool to correct Asma. If nothing goes wrong, attribute points will come into the account soon!"

‘Kushina’s correction degree is 1%

Obtain free attribute points*1’

╭(°A°`)╮What the hell?

Zheng Dai was startled, I said right away, are you really going to play the subtitles right away? Are you so cooperative?


"She really needs correction, otaku? But I...haven't done anything yet?!"

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