Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 85 I will fix it for you...

"We've accepted this mission!" Obito put one hand on his hip and slapped the other hand on the table at the mission entrustment office, making a handsome look.

Minato scratched his hair in distress.

Don't you even look at the mission status? Don’t you want to know why Zhengdai refused to accept it? You don’t even know that it’s up to me, the teacher, to decide whether to accept the task or not? Don’t you know that your client is looking at you with great distrust?

He was really worried about Obito. He turned his head and glanced at Kakashi and Lin. He found that Kakashi, who had been arguing with Obito just now, was quietly watching Obito's performance without saying a word. He immediately knew that Kakashi had been arguing with Obito just now. Cassie also wants to take on C-level missions.

He hesitated for a moment, then reached out and pulled out the order form from Obito's hand, read it carefully, and soon relaxed his brows, looking at Haruno Ou strangely.

Haruno Zhao shrugged and said don't ask me.

Minato looked at Masaida.

Zheng Dai scratched his head in distress and chose to tell the truth: "It's just a feeling. My subconscious told me not to take this task."

The wealthy middle-aged man in green robe was secretly frightened, what was going on subconsciously? It seems that the task assigned to me by Elder Danzo cannot be completed. What should I do now? Return the order? Or let Namikaze Minato...

"Subconscious?" Minato whispered.

"Minato-sensei, leave Masaida alone. Let's take it, take it." Obito persuaded him again and again.

At this time, outside the mission commissioning office, a young man in his twenties, short in stature, with a high hairline and a broad forehead, who looked a bit simple, stepped inside. Seeing so many people inside, he hurriedly nodded and apologized, and then left. .

Zheng Dai squinted his eyes, this person... seemed familiar? Who is coming?

Minato finally made up his mind not to waste any more time. Class 7 can indeed try to take on C-level missions, which should be to prepare for the Chuunin exams in more than two months.

There are few ninjas in the country of Waves, and it is very barren and has no attraction for bandits and rebellious ninjas. There is no problem with this mission no matter how you think about it.

On the other hand, he remembered that on his way to the Country of Waves, he would pass by the former site of the Country of Whirlpool...

Minato turned to the rich middle-aged man in green robe, with a trustworthy smile, and said: "Can we take over the task of escorting you to the Country of Waves?"

The rich middle-aged man in green robe hesitated for a moment, but the short young man outside the door suddenly poked his head out: "You seem to be talking about us, the Country of Waves? Ah, I'm sorry, I... accidentally heard it."

Minato was startled: "It doesn't matter. Hello, are you...from the Country of Waves?"

From the country of waves? Zheng Dai turned his eyes, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he cursed in his heart: Damn it!

It's him? what the hell?

How could he be like this? !

"Yes, yes." The short young man nodded with some restraint: "Ninja-sama, I came from the country of waves."

Haruno Zhao showed interest and met two people in succession, one was going to the country of waves and the other was coming from the country of waves. What a coincidence.

"Are you here to issue a commission?"

"Yes." The young man nodded: "I want to hire a team of ninjas to protect me for a while..."

"Protect..." Haruno Zhao looked at him. Judging from his clothes, he should be a simple civilian, right?

The young man looked hesitant and looked at the wealthy middle-aged man in green robe: "Are you coming to our country of waves?"

"Open a store."

"Oh, thank you, welcome!" The young man showed a simple smile and went up to grab the hand of the green and wealthy middle-aged man, but was dodged for a moment. He did not feel embarrassed and explained: "That's it, we are surrounded by the country of waves. Being close to the sea, traveling inland can only be done by boat, which is very inconvenient.

I am a bridge builder. I hope to build a cross-sea bridge between the inland and the country of waves, so that the country of waves can have more communication with the outside world and make the country of waves rich..."

Just as he was wearing it, his vision went dark. Repairing the bridge?

The young man paused, showing some embarrassment. After a while, he continued:

"I'm not going to hide it from you ninja-sama. Most of our people from the Kingdom of Waves moved there to avoid the Ninja War. Some people lost their relatives in the Ninja War. They are more...hostile to the ninja-sama and don't want the Kingdom of Waves to be separated from the Ninja War. Make connections inland.

Therefore, my bridge-building work was blocked many times, and my life was even threatened.

But it’s impossible not to communicate with the outside world. The country of Waves has limited resources. If it wasn’t surrounded by the sea and could catch fish to satisfy hunger, people would probably starve to death..."

"Starve to death?" Lin whispered, and Obito opened his mouth slightly. The children who had had no worries about food and clothing since childhood were all worried.

"But don't worry, boss." The young man seemed to remember something, and said to the wealthy middle-aged man in green robe: "They are still very friendly to foreign businessmen. In the past few years, those who have come to our Country of Waves to do business and open shops There are a lot of people. Thanks to you, the country of Waves is a little more prosperous."

"Thank you very much!" He bowed deeply at a right angle.

The rich middle-aged man in green robe snorted lightly.

"So your commission is to protect you when you complete the bridge construction?" Haruno Zhao asked, "Those who may attack you are only civilians from the Land of Waves, and no ninjas will show up, right?"

The young man hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "They probably can't afford to hire ninjas. This time, I still had a few of my companions spend all their money to help, and they only managed to collect 30,000 taels to issue the commission."

"Thirty thousand." The corners of Haruno Zhao's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at the rich middle-aged man in green robe and looked at him. They were both going to the Country of Waves, and the time required for the mission was about the same. There was a difference of fifty thousand taels between the two commissions?

There is no harm without comparison. Haruno Zhao lost interest for a moment, UU Reading However, at this moment Zhengdai said: "Let's take over his mission, teacher."

"...Don't tell me that your subconscious told you to take on this task."

Zhengdai sighed deeply in his heart, this guy is going to build a bridge, what do you want me to do?

"Teacher, you see, it's not easy for this big brother. We can't just watch for money, we have to be people who are free from vulgar taste.

Asuma, Kurenai, do you think so? "

The two nodded blankly.

"Teacher, do you see?"

Haruno Zhao laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, no matter what, you are right, and you are out of vulgar taste, hahahaha..."

The short young man suddenly showed gratitude, "Thank you so much, ninja-sama."

"Hey, can our two classes go together?" Obito cheered up.

"No, Obito." Minato shook his head and said: "Two clients, two tasks, the two teams must act separately, otherwise they will be irresponsible to the client and the commission..."

"I don't care." The rich middle-aged man in green robe suddenly interjected: "It's better to go with me. I can learn more about the situation in the Country of Waves from this native resident of the Country of Waves. It will also be easier to hire employees after arriving in the Country of Waves. A local person can introduce me.”

The short young man: "No problem, no problem."

Zheng Dai wanted to say that I was unwilling, but after thinking about it he said helplessly: "Brother, please register the mission first and write it in more detail."

"Oh." The short young man nodded, walked sideways to the registration desk, and took out a registration form.

‘Client’s name: Kado’

Zheng Dai's last bit of luck was shattered.

Damn it, don’t they look alike, really a thin and simple version of Kado? !

Shall I fix your horse? !

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