Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 88 Shoemaker

The Wave Country mission team drifted away, leaving Konoha far behind.

Obito, Kakashi, and Rin were all away from Konoha Village for the first time. Asuma and Kurenai had only been to Shinkawa River, including Shodai, and only had some vague memories of life in Komaki Mountain Village.

They were all in high spirits walking in the forest and in the endless wilderness.

But one hour passed, two hours passed, the scenery in front of me was almost unchanged, and the excitement turned into boredom.

"You're walking so slowly." Obito muttered with a bleak look on his face. He turned around and glanced at Midori Sakuramoto, who was walking slowly. "The mountain in front of us is obviously right in front of us, but why has the distance not changed in half an hour?"

"Ah, it's a bit slow." Zheng Dai felt a little surprised that this wealthy businessman didn't hire a carriage and just walked all the way. Was he losing weight?

Just as he was thinking about it, Sakuramoto Midori said: "How far ahead is it to enter the town? When we get there, I'll hire a carriage." When he was in Konoha, he had been worried about Danzo's mission, and he really forgot about it for a while. About hiring a carriage.

"The next town... is about ten miles away." Haruno Zhao pondered, "We won't enter the town. When we wait there, let the children go ahead and go into the town to hire the carriage. Then we have to Speeded up a bit.

Mr. Caddo, do you want to hire a carriage? "

"I... don't need it." Cardo's face showed a little embarrassment.

Sakuramoto Midori turned to look at him and said to Haruno Zhao: "Hire two carriages and I'll pay for them."

"Ah, thank you!" Cardo said quickly.

Zhengdai turned his head to look at Cardo, who had a simple face and hurriedly and solemnly thanked him. He thought for a while, then leaned over and said, "Mr. Cardo, have you ever thought about how the country of Waves will develop after your cross-sea bridge is repaired? How to become rich?"

Kaduo was startled: "Just... communicate with the interior, and things will get better gradually, right?"

"What about you, don't you want to get rich?"

Cardo scratched his head and said with a naive smile: "Of course I have thought about it. After the bridge is repaired, I will also be a bridge builder with construction experience. I hope someone will ask me to design bridges and buildings in the future."

"It's too slow to make money little by little." Zhengdai shook his head and smiled: "If it were me, I would build a house next to the bridge I built, and everyone who crosses my bridge would have to cross it for me. fee!"

Cardo shook his head quickly: "That bridge was built by everyone together, not just by me."

"Then let's divide the fees equally and let's all walk towards prosperity together."

Kaduo was stunned for a moment, and was suddenly surrounded. It seemed to make sense.

‘Card correction degree 1%

Obtain free attribute points*1’

Zheng Dai's face darkened, so I casually tried to tell him, Cardo really wants to be corrected independently, isn't it a part of the "Bridge Repair Incident in the Country of Waves"?

Haruno Zhao patted Zheng Dai's shoulder angrily: "What about bridge tolls? I've never heard of tolls for crossing bridges."

"Ah, yes, yes." Cardo suddenly realized.

‘Card correction 0%’

"Of course I want it. Aren't cross-bridge rice noodles more expensive than ordinary rice noodles?" Zheng Dai came back to his senses and said with a smile.

However, Haruno Zhao was not amused by this super old joke. Instead, he frowned: "What are rice noodles? Are you talking about whether you can cross the bridge or not?"

Zheng Dai was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and found that there really was no such thing as rice noodles in this world.

"It's a special kind of food. It's somewhat similar to noodles and tastier than noodles. I'll make it for you some other time."

"Any new food?"

Anko was not there, but Kurenai, the second captive under the chef, immediately expressed interest in this topic, and Asuma and Obito followed Kurenai.

Kakashi glanced back, keeping his cool and not being tempted by the food.

Unfortunately, while the few people behind him were chatting, he recalled the days when Zhengdai was dangling his lunch box in front of his eyes during lunch time at school.

I haven't smelled that kind of fragrance in a long time.

Kakashi was a little hungry.

After chatting about delicious food, we walked for another hour. After seven or eight miles, we finally saw the small town in the distance.

Haruno Zhao exchanged a few words with Sakuramoto Midori, and Sakuramoto Midori took out a ten thousand liang silver note and handed it to Zhengdai.

Haruno Zhao: "Let's hire a carriage."

Zheng Dai picked up the banknote and said, "Who is going?"

Five responses sounded in unison. They were all curious about the Fire Nation town outside the village, so the six of them rushed to the town ahead.

"Don't run around! After hiring the carriage, get back on the road as soon as possible. We're on our way!" Haruno Zhao chased after him.


Guishu was frustrated all the way, and the six of them ran a little wildly. Obito was still holding back his energy, and his face was distorted as he wanted to surpass Kakashi, but in the end he could only watch behind Kakashi and Masadai and eat dust.

The two miles were covered in just three minutes, and they reached the edge of the town.

Both belong to the Land of Fire, and the architectural style of the town is no different from that of Konoha Village. Occasionally, a few low-pitched hawking sounds echoed.

Obito pointed to a large white building at the edge of the town and said, "Is that a toilet?"

Everyone's eyes converged. Zhengdai's eyes narrowed slightly. He glanced sideways at Asma, turned around and confirmed, "It's a public toilet."

"Ah, then I have to go there." Obito ran over there in a hurry.

The other five people looked at each other and started to follow.

Walking into the men's room with Asuma and Kakashi, UU reading Obito had finished solving the problem and ran out holding his nose: "You are here too, it smells so bad here."

Indeed, a pungent smell hit their noses. Zheng and Dai frowned, holding their breath, and each found a pit to queue up to solve their physical problems.

After Zhengdai pulled up his trousers, he tentatively tapped the walls on both sides of the toilet with his hands, and keenly discovered that the sound on one side was somewhat empty.

"I'll go, it's really there. Aren't the people inside afraid of being smoked to death?" Zhengdai's eyes narrowed.

"What's the matter, Zhengdai?" Asma asked.

Zhengdai looked at him and said, "Nothing."

He suddenly felt a little nervous. It wasn't until he walked out of the toilet and met the two girls and heard them complaining about the smell of the toilet that he relaxed a little and smiled a little self-deprecatingly.

"How could it be such a coincidence that I bumped into Kakuto when I ran into an underground exchange outside? I have read too many novels...Besides, Kakuzu in this world are not necessarily greedy for money, right?"

However, you can't stay here for long, as any rebel ninja you encounter will cause trouble. Zheng Dai took the lead and led a few people into the town.

At the same time, the country of waves.

In front of several low, dilapidated and simple shack-like buildings, a tall man wearing a high-collar windbreaker and wrapping himself tightly was setting up a small stall, taking the place of his predecessor... and holding shoes.

The needle and thread were like living things in his hands. In just ten seconds, the damaged soles were restored to their original state.

The ragged civilians gratefully handed him a banknote or two, which he took and put into his bag.

"It's great for such a poor country to be far away from dirty money. It's a pity that these three years of peace and quiet will soon be unsustainable. we have to build a bridge?"

His eyes were far-reaching, looking into the distance.

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