Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 92 Death*Forty?

When Zhengdai ran out of the forest, what appeared in front of him was a steep slope with an oblique angle of 60 degrees.

And down the steep slope is the capital of the Country of Uzumaki... Oh no, the capital village of the Country of Uzumaki, the Ninja Village of Uzushio.

As its name suggests, Uzushio Ninja Village is eddy and tidal, with low-lying terrain, just like the huge crater created by Super Shinra Tensei when Pain attacked Konoha, with high sides and low in the middle.

Living in such a miserable place, it is normal for the Uzumaki clan to generally have a hot temper. Masahiro Dai doesn't even know how they manage to live a long life...

Looking down, you can see the destroyed houses, destroyed streets, and large patches of moss that have grown due to humidity and uninhabited people in the Uzushio Ninja Village.

In the center, there are still several large houses with signs of being burned.

"Except for the two bandits, there was nothing unusual along the way, so Teacher Haixing and the others could only have encountered trouble there, right?"

Zheng Dai took a deep breath, and the cold and moist air entered his stomach. This silent and cold dead village made people feel a little uncomfortable.

‘Water Escape – the art of water body transformation! ’

"Go and explore the road."

Moisture nodded, slid down the steep slope, and soon entered the dilapidated neighborhood.

You can still vaguely see traces of the houses around the block being rummaged through and looted. I think in the early years, there were many people scavenging.

Shui Shui separated and went straight to the center of Uzushio Ninja Village. He went in and out of several large houses and straightened his hair strangely: "Nothing?"

There were no enemies, and there was no trace of Mr. Haixing's activities, not even a mouse, smelly socks, or rattle.

The water body made its own judgment and walked around the Uzushio Ninja Village a few times. Unable to find any abnormalities, it took the initiative to transform into water and disappear.

Zhengdai, who was waiting in the distance, frowned, "Is it underground? No, if Kushina came to worship, she should go to the ancestral hall. The Uzumaki clan's ancestral hall was probably destroyed in the war, even if it was not destroyed, No family would build a place to worship their ancestors underground, right?

Well, it’s hard to say, God knows what traditions these ancient families have. "

He scratched his head with a headache and ran over hard. If he couldn't find the place...

"As for the ancestral hall, it may not necessarily be built in the village, but it may be around? But there must be no special institutions. Then where can I find it?"

While wearing the Lianlian Seal, three water avatars were separated at once, and they scattered together with himself.

After searching separately for half an hour, one of them found a dilapidated building covered with ivy two or three kilometers away from the Uzushio Ninja Village.

In front of the dilapidated building, there is a half-collapsed stone pillar with signs of being moved.

"This is it!" The water avatar hesitated for a moment and did not directly cancel the notification to the main body, but decided to go in first to see if there was any danger.

As soon as he walked to the door, a cold feeling hit his face. He vaguely saw an illusory figure opening its mouth to bite him, and behind the illusory figure, the pale-faced teacher looked like an excessive starfish with an eager look on his face. call:

"Zhengdai, get out of the way!"

Wow - Dai Huashui disappeared.

"Huh...water body, it scared me. Fortunately, this kid is pretty good." Haruno Zhao took a few breaths while holding his chest, and took out a mask in his hand.

"Where are you running? Come inside the mask!"

A few kilometers away.

Dai was in a trance and almost fell to the ground. His head hurt like needles. The remaining two water bodies were also relieved, and the memory came back.

"What?" He shook his head: "Teacher Haixing is fine, but his condition doesn't look very good... Does that thing seem to be the God of Death?"

The face of the phantom that attacked him looked a bit like the God of Death summoned when using the Ghoul Seal, but it was nowhere near as tall as that God of Death. At best, it could be 180? Not as tall as Mr. Haixing anyway.

Besides, isn't the God of Death in the mask at the Uzumaki clan temple in Konoha Village?

"No, that was 22 years later, and the Death Mask is still here? And the Death is still in its infancy, so it's relatively small?" Zheng Dai analyzed it in his mind and glanced at the attribute column.

Mental Strength: 29.15(32.28)

The headache gradually dissipated, but his spirit was still slightly damaged.

"It's just that I lost three points due to the attack on my body. A few more times will probably turn me into an idiot." Zhengdai was a little worried about Teacher Haixing, and even more worried about Kushina and Minato who had arrived earlier.

"I have accumulated three attribute points. If the clones collide, I can stand up to seven or eight times." Zheng Dai gritted his teeth slightly and jumped away.

Ten minutes later, he arrived near the ancestral hall and found Teacher Haixing covering his head and sitting on the collapsed pillar at the entrance of the ancestral hall.

A mask lay steadily beside him.

solved? Zheng Dai's heart moved and he shouted from a distance: "Teacher, are you okay?"

Haruno Zhao looked up at him and said angrily: "Do you think I'm okay? Come here, there's no danger here!"

Not bad, full of energy. Zhengdai breathed a sigh of relief and ran over and said, "What was that just now? Where are Sister Kushina and Minato Jonin?"

"The devil knows what that is!" Haruno Zhao said suddenly angrily: "The Uzumaki clan actually hid a bunch of monsters, and the teacher is going to lose his life today!"


"Ah, you saw it just now. There are forty shadow monsters in total. They were originally locked in the underground secret room of the Uzumaki clan's ancestral hall and were sealed in masks.

Maybe it took a long time, but those things escaped from the mask. As soon as Kushina and Minato opened the entrance to the secret room, they all ran out! "

Forty...deaths? !

"What about Kushina-nee and Minato Jounin?"

"They are fine. UU read www.uukanshu.nett Among the forty monsters, there is a big one, who is conscious and sane. He is the leader of all monsters. Kushina has been blocking it and blocking the entrance. He dare not relax. Minato and I alternate Go in and seal the other little monsters.

The one that came out just now was deliberately let out by Kushina, and I pulled it out and sealed it alone. "

Haruno Zhao explained a few words, and then started to curse: "What kind of underground secret room are you opening for two people looking for trouble! After opening it, you still have to be responsible to the end! If the teacher hadn't come and replaced Minato a few times, he would have become a fool if he came back alive. !”

"Uh..." Zheng Dai paused: "Teacher, is there anything I can do to help?"

"No! These monsters can directly attack the soul. With your strength, you will turn into a fool after being touched twice! Speaking of which, you almost killed me. As soon as the shadow clone was released, I was so distracted by the monster. I touched it several times. Just stop making trouble and just look at the mask here."

He took out another mask and placed it on the ground.

"Except for the big one, every three of the 39 little monsters look the same and must be sealed in masks with the same faces as theirs. The teacher sealed two, Minato sealed five, and there are six left. It took two trips and it was solved!

Damn, my life will definitely be shortened this time!

The teacher went down, and Kushina began to struggle to block the big one. She couldn't delay for long! "

39, a group of 3, a group of 13?

Zheng Dai's expression changed several times, are these things really the gods of death? Are there so many Shinigami in the Naruto world?

‘Water Escape – the art of water body transformation! ’

"Teacher, take him with you. He can help a little bit!" Zhengdai said quickly.

"Okay, come with me!"

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