Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 96 Water Encounter

Noon the next day.

"Teacher, are you really going to leave?" Hong looked at Haruno Zhao's pale face and asked worriedly.

Haruno Zhao grabbed the starfish and laughed: "Let's go, teacher and Minato are not that fragile. The client agreed to extend it for one and a half days, which is their understanding and consideration. If we delay for another week or even half a month, that is because we don't know how to advance or retreat.

Ninjas still have to put their mission first. "

"However, exceptions can be made when a companion is in life-threatening condition." Zhengdai picked it up subconsciously.

Haruno Zhao looked at him silently, just like this, you still graduated with perfect marks?

Kakashi was startled and looked at Masadai thoughtfully. Masaidai said quickly: "Obito said it."

Obito: "It it really what I said?"

Why do I say this nonsense?

"It's okay." Minato, who was also pale, said with a smile: "Me and Zhao are not so weak that we are about to die, we just have a little headache.

We can no longer delay the client's affairs, because we have delayed them for a day and a half because of our private matters, and they are already very sorry. "

The two teachers insisted on starting, and the six children no longer objected. Zheng Dai silently sighed that the three days of leave he had asked the two clients for yesterday were in vain. The subsequent three days changed to seven days, and the seven days ended. The rhetoric prepared by Ban Yue was also invalid, and he went to call out the two clients.

Soon, the team was ready to set off!

The Land of Waves is not far from the coast, or in other words, the ocean in the Ninja World is not that big.

The distance between the Land of Fire and the Land of Water, which face each other across the sea, is only more than 300 kilometers, and ninjas can completely cross it in a day's rush.

Of course, he is a strong enough ninja.

The Country of Waves was less than ten kilometers away from the Country of Fire, but no one wanted to carry the client across the sea, especially Sakuramoto Midori, so half an hour later, a small boat floated in the sea.

Mizutaka, Obito, Asuma, and Kakashi were rowing the boat. Masaidai and the others were sitting in the cabin watching the scenery on the water.

"Mr. Midori Sakuramoto, after arriving at the shore, will you choose to continue traveling with Mr. Cardo or separate from him?" Minato confirmed.

"I made an agreement with Kaduo. After arriving at the shore, he will find a few friends to take me to find shops and labor."

"Okay." Minato nodded and closed his eyes to rest.

Kushina was leaning next to him, chirping, frowning, and the index fingers of her hands were cutely placed together for a long time.

Zhengdai looked at her, then looked at her again after a while, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Sister Kushina, what are you thinking about?"

"Well," Kushina looked up, "I can't remember that guy's name."

Which? Masadai was startled for a moment, and suddenly he was talking about the ninja who fled back to Konoha from the Country of Uzumaki and said that the leader of the Uzumaki clan was secretly escaping? Kushina hasn't forgotten to beat him up.

That's right, this time she jumped to 15%, but she had no intention of jumping back.

"Ming Yu, Ming Cheng, Ming Zhe..."

Kushina muttered under her breath.

"Mingqing?" Lin asked tentatively.

"Ah, yes, yes!" Kushina perked up, looked up strangely, and finally looked at Lin: "Lin, do you know her?"

Lin hesitated and said, "Just...the uncle that Kakashi's father rescued."

Kushina glared and shouted: "It's him, he should be beaten!"

‘Kushina’s correction degree is 16%’

As Dai's heart moved, Kushina's anger level rose, and the guy's injury level instantly jumped up an octave... But he deserved it!

It turned out to be the white-eyed wolf who killed White Fang, so he had to go see the scene where Kushina broke out, and by the way, to add insult to injury, he might be able to take the opportunity to correct Kushina a few more points.

The boat continued to float. After more than ten minutes, the boat was halfway through the water. The cabin was so drowsy that it fell asleep for half of the time, and low snoring could be heard from time to time.

The water body's strength and stamina were not enough, and it gradually became a little labored. "Body, it's time to change!"

Just as Dai walked out, he formed the seal to remove the water body, and formed the seal again: "The art of water body!"

"It's your turn, go ahead."

The new water avatar picked up the oar of the senior water avatar with an expressionless expression.

Zheng Dai walked back to the cabin and sat down next to Teacher Haixing, when he suddenly heard him chuckle.

"...Teacher, are you dreaming of a joke?"

"Teacher is not asleep." Haruno Zhao opened his eyes and shook his head and smiled: "Hahaha, I was originally worried that something might happen to the mission. After all, Minato and I are not in good condition. It is best not to take action if we can.

Now it seems that Dazuna can't afford to hire ninjas as Mr. Cardo said. "

Zheng Dai was slightly stunned: "How do you say that?"

Haruno Zhao shook his head and smiled: "If the other party hires ninjas, they will most likely be ninjas from Kirigakure Village, who are proficient in water escape. If we change places, I will definitely choose this place to attack. After all, not touching the shore before and after, it can bring great danger to the client.

Hahaha, since no one has attacked so far, it proves that no ninja will appear. Even if he does, he must be an idiot, so don't worry.

This is all based on experience, Zhengdai, you still have a lot to learn! "Haruno Zhao was very proud.

Zheng Dai was slightly silent. Teacher Haixing's rhetoric seemed a bit familiar.

Sure enough, Kushina suddenly opened her eyes and said to Haruno Zhao angrily: "Crow's mouth!"

Haruno Zhao's expression froze.

At the same time, Obito yelled from outside the cabin: "Hey, hey, why is there such a heavy fog all of a sudden? I can't see clearly!"

"Idiot, be careful, this is a ninjutsu!"

"...Who are you calling an idiot?!"

Minato also woke up, opened his eyes, and asked Kushina attentively: "How many people are there?"

"One, two, three, four!" Kushina closed her eyes and opened them again: "Oh, UU Reading is probably a ninja team, and there is a guy with a lot of chakra, more than Minato, you and Zhao There’s so much chakra.”

"A ninja team, led by a Jonin with a lot of chakra?" Haruno Zhao turned his eyes, suddenly covered his head and said: "Oh, my head hurts so much, the teacher can't do anything anymore, Zhengdai, let's go!"

Zheng Dai's face turned dark, it was really fake.

"Okay, just take a rest."

He pulled out of the cabin. Hong and Lin looked at each other and got out nervously.

"Zhao, is it okay to let the children face the Kirigakure village jounin on the water?" Minato asked worriedly.

"Minato, you are too honest, I am just lying to the children." Haruno Zhao shook his head and stood up, "My head really hurts, I will swim in the water to wake up later, you wake up these two who are still sleeping The client, let’s talk about the commission upgrade.”

Minato smiled helplessly.

Outside the cabin, Zheng Dai immediately lifted his water body, stood on the bow of the ship, looked far into the distance through the thin mist, and saw four figures vaguely a hundred meters away. One in front and three in back.

The three people at the back all seemed to be about the same height and height as Zheng Dai, about thirteen or fourteen years old, but the person in front was very tall, and his figure looked more "expanded".

"Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost?" Zheng Dai's heart was beating lightly, but he didn't notice the outline of the same shark muscle, "Isn't it? Then who is this figure...?"

All four people had stopped paddling, but the boat still slid forward a few meters along with its inertia. Gradually, Zhengdai could see the man's face clearly.

Middle-aged fat man wearing glasses.

It's medium rare.

"It seems to be a supporting actor who has appeared... the teacher of the Vulpix Jinchuuriki Yugao... Haruyu?"

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