Although here in the Career Management Center, all professional guilds in the Dragon Kingdom have branches.

But the professional guild itself can never be opened in the center of the city.

Most adventurers spend many years in the dungeon areas in the outskirts and in the wild where wild monsters gather.

The professional guild is opened in the center of the city, and it is very stupid to let its own professionals run back and forth.

Therefore, the professional guilds in Kyoto are generally opened on the periphery of the four dungeon areas in the southeast, northwest and northwest.

Among them, the dungeon area in the south is the most popular.

The reason is very simple. The "Sky Veil Behemoth" and "Dark City" dungeons in this dungeon area hit the most people.

The strong people in this world are like the rich people in Yufan's previous life.

If you look online, it seems that everyone is rich and no one is poor.

But in reality, how many of them live an easy life?

The same is true in this world. If you open a newspaper and read it,

Hey, the forty-level strong ones are as cheap as dogs, the fifty-level strong ones are everywhere, and there are five second-level strong ones...

But in fact these are only a few.

The real number of people must be between level 30 and level 40.

You can understand this when you see that Rabbit Bird can walk sideways in the countryside with his level 39 strength.

If it were true that a strong man above level 40 was as cheap as a dog, he would have been finished long ago.

The house for Yufan's "Ninja" guild was prepared by Gao Qiqiang.

Who is Gao Qiqiang?

One of the biggest restaurants in Kyoto!

Tianluo Hall is backstage, supported by the Sword God.

Even people from the four major families in Kyoto can only call him "Brother Qiang" when they see him.

What he prepared for Yufan, whether it was the location or the house, was naturally the best.

Although Yufan was prepared for this, when he actually stood here, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"Damn it, Brother Qiang, do you want to be so exaggerated?"

Looking at the building in front of him that looked like the mansion of a wealthy family in ancient times, Yufan couldn't help but complain.

This place is the only way to the dungeon area, and there is a constant flow of people coming and going.

You don’t need to think about it to know that every inch of land is definitely valuable.

And this place definitely couldn't have been empty originally. It was probably the territory of some other guild.

Then Gao Qi forcefully poached him for his own use.

"Who is it? The guild hasn't opened yet, so don't come near!"

"Hey, there are even doormen."

Yufan took out the Tiandao card from his arms and showed it to the guard at the door.

This thing is just like the token given by the emperor, it can be used wherever you go.

The two guards were stunned for a moment, then bent down slightly, looking very professional.

"Mr. President, everything inside is ready, just waiting for you and the Card of Heaven."


Yufan nodded, he was still not used to this feeling.

However, guild guards are necessary.

The dungeon area is a mixed bag, with everyone there. If there are no guards, problems can easily occur.

Just now Yufan felt it, these two guards have the strength of level 30.

Although I don’t know what the profession is, it must not be too bad.

As soon as you enter the door,

What comes into view is an empty field.

There is a huge stone of heaven placed in the center of the venue, which looks very similar to the one found in late Tang Dynasty.

And this large stone of heaven is connected to many smaller stones through mysterious lines.

These stones covered the entire site one by one.

These things are used to learn skills.

Although Yufan can now directly operate the Tiandao Card, allowing all "ninjas" in the Dragon Kingdom to see the skills he released.

But there is no way for them to learn skills from a distance.

To learn, they must come to the guild or other places where Yufan left skill information to learn.

Yufan inserted the card of heaven into the guild's stone of heaven.

The next second, a light green light connected the Tiandao Card and the Tiandao Stone.

The skill information on the Tiandao Card quickly appeared on the Tiandao Stone, and the icons of the five skills slowly emerged.

Naturally, it is the first level 15 skill that Yufan chooses for each escape technique.

Because everyone’s Nature Transformation is different.

Presumably, the profession of "ninja" will be divided into "Fire Style Ninja" and "Earth Style Ninja"...

Five such schools.

Then there will be rhetoric like "ninja with double escape from fire and wind", "genius ninja with triple escape"...

But the difference is that there will not be a battle between these schools like "Kun Quan Style" and "Hunyuan Xingyi Tai Chi Style".

Because in the final analysis, which of these schools is stronger and which is weaker is just a matter of Yufan's thoughts.

Just like among the five skills now, Fire Style is undoubtedly the strongest.

It's just that there is no D-level Fire Style ninjutsu in Mr. Kakashi's template, so he can only put a weak C-level one in it.

What can be done?

Balance is so difficult to achieve, and planning is so innocent.

"President, the skill transfer has been completed. Is our "Ninja" guild now officially open? "

“How much do these skills cost?”

A man who looked like a butler walked up from a distance.

Such people naturally have good eyesight.

When he saw the card of heaven in Yufan's hand, he knew Yufan's identity.

"emmm... let's go, let's go."

Yufan waved his hand.

These five skills now sell for 50,000 each, and you are responsible for arranging them.

Yufan has now completed the release of the skill, and he has written the location of the "Ninja" guild in the skill annotation.

Maybe someone will come soon.

Of course, just these five skills are definitely not enough.

He also needs to hurry up and select a few level 20 and level 25 skills that are not difficult to learn but have strong practicality.


The "butler" bent slightly, gave a very standard salute, and then prepared to leave.

"Hey, wait a minute, is there a place to take a bath here?"

"And, what's your name?"

Yufan asked.

I didn't sleep all night last night, and I didn't even have time to take a shower.

I still feel a little sticky now.

"Mr. President, just call me Fang Zhong. I am the steward here. You can call me all kinds of things here, big or small."

"As for taking a bath."

Fang Zhong waved to an unknown place in the distance.

Then Yufan saw five or six figures approaching from a distance.

Taking a closer look, I can see that the girls in Yi Shui'er's cheongsam are all pretty and graceful.

Long legs in black stockings and a slim waist are all standard.

"This is the new president." Fang Zhong said.

"I've met the president."

My ears are filled with the sounds of warblers and swallows.

"The president and his friends need to take a bath. Please take care of them."


These girls don't say any nonsense and are very well-behaved.


A big question mark lit up in Yufan's mind.

"Why do I feel like I'm not coming to the "Ninja" guild, but to "Heaven and Earth" or "Chang'an Club"? "

"Is this originally a guild or a clubhouse?"

"Isn't the former president very good at playing?"

After hearing Yufan's question, Fang Zhong immediately Kaidō:

"Reply to the president, this was originally the "Magician" Guild of the Dragon Kingdom. "

"Not long ago, after Master Gao and Master Chen had friendly negotiations with our president, they became a "Ninja" guild. "

"Haha, I see, that's no wonder."

Yufan nodded and understood immediately.

The profession of "Magician" is naturally a first-class profession.

It's a pity that most of the branches are in the hands of the United States. The only way the magicians of the Dragon Kingdom can take is a "dimension walker".

Just like Li Qiudao, the principal of Luocheng Nancheng High School.

After they changed jobs at the age of eighteen, they took a little succubus wife with them.

It's hard for Yufan to imagine how good a group of people like this can be when they get together.

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