The United States, Niuyo.

United Nations emergency conference room.

"This United Nations emergency meeting was convened by Neon Country using the opportunity of holding it once in ten years."

"Please ask the Neon spokesman to state the urgent matters for convening an emergency meeting."

"If the stated circumstances are insufficient to convene an emergency meeting, Neon will bear the corresponding responsibility and permanently lose the right to convene an emergency meeting."

The moderator of the meeting stood on the podium in the middle and read out the pre-meeting charter.

The surrounding tables were filled with representatives from various countries who had come to attend the meeting.

Since it was an emergency meeting, not all top leaders from all countries were present.

But no country is absent.

This seat is very particular.

The closer you sit to the host, the higher the country's international status.

Representatives of the five major countries sat in the first row.

The Neon representative was sitting in the second row behind the American representative.

He is a middle-aged man wearing exquisite black-rimmed round glasses and a well-trimmed mustache.

It is Neon's current prime minister, Nobi Koio.

Unlike the people of the Dragon Kingdom who pursue larger and stronger aesthetics, the Neon people prefer small and delicate things.

When the host asked him to start his statement, he calmly adjusted his collar, then slowly stood up and picked up the microphone in front of him.

"We have good reason to suspect that Long Country is doing something that breaches the Skills Development Humanitarian Contract."

"On behalf of Neon, I strongly question that Dragon Kingdom is conducting some shameful human experiments in an attempt to change the pattern of professional skill development!"

"And there is a high probability that actual results have been achieved through this method!"

He spoke in neon language, and most people could only listen to the real-time translation in the headset to understand what he meant.

But his slow tone gave people a sense of justification.

As soon as the words fell, the entire conference room was in an uproar.

The people sitting here are the leaders of various countries, and they are all people who have seen the big world.

But even so, I couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing Nobi Koumaki's words.

"Real, what do you mean by actual results?"

"It actually succeeded? How is this possible?"

"Hiss, Dragon Kingdom is actually the first to succeed?"


Although there are screams of exclamation everywhere, there are only a few people who really care about "human experiments".

The only thing that shocked these senior officials was that Long Guo had obtained the experimental results of developing skills.

In this world, whoever masters the method of developing new skills will be as effective as whoever takes the lead in developing controllable nuclear fusion.

As for human experiments and humanitarianism, they are just rhetoric.


The host shouted into the microphone.

After speaking, he turned to look at the representative of the Dragon Kingdom this time - the second in command of the military department, Ren Yixu.

Ren Yixu had already guessed that once Yufan released a few "ninja" skills, Neon would definitely attack.

So I have been waiting.

We must not let people from Tianluo Palace come over and then engage in peace talks.

This time he will never take a step back, not even a little bit!

"Regarding the Neon representative's statement, does the Dragon Kingdom representative have anything to say?"

Ren Yixu didn't stand up at all and grabbed the microphone in front of him.

"Nobi Little Bear, you idiot, are you Chaoba?!"

Longguo dialect is much more difficult to learn than Neon dialect and English.

Only a few people here can understand Longguo dialect.

The translation machines that Ren Yixu said cannot be recognized, so most people don't understand what Ren Yixu is talking about.

Of course, this does not include Nobby Bear.

He is very Grandmaster in Dragon Country.

Ren Yixu scolded him as soon as he opened his mouth, not taking him seriously at all.

His face was very ugly.

When he first came in and saw that the person coming from Long Kingdom was Ren Yixu, he already had a premonition of this.

The high-level officials of the Long Kingdom Military Department are of extremely low quality, and swearing at others is like drinking water.

Especially for their neon country.

"Representative of the Dragon Kingdom, please use official words. If you speak like this, no one will understand."

The host said solemnly.

As a host, his foreign language skills are naturally no problem.

As one of the five major countries, Longguo language is also a required course for him.

Although he couldn't understand the meaning of "diaomao" and "chaoba" in detail, he knew very well that these two sentences were curses.

If representatives of other countries cursed people like this, then he would start issuing warnings.

But for the five major countries, swearing at United Nations meetings is not uncommon.

Rules are given by the strong to the weak.

Whether a strong person abides by it or not depends entirely on his mood.

"I'm just a rough guy who only knows how to fight. I don't know what you mean by "reasonable suspicion," "strong doubt," and "high probability." "

"I only know that no matter what people say, they must provide evidence!"

"No evidence, just empty talk about White Fang, anyone can say it!"

"I still "strongly doubt" that your wife, Shizuka Minamoto, is having an affair with Takeda Takeda, the head of your neon military department! "

"I also have reason to suspect that you, Neon, are conducting a large number of human experiments and have broken that contract!" "

"Who doesn't know about this sitting here? I'm just too lazy to care about you."

"I also suspect that there is a "high probability" that you are a gay. There is no evidence, so you are talking nonsense! "

Ren Yixu fully demonstrated the style of the military's main battle.

Be reasonable, but only a little bit, mainly personal attacks.

He severely and physically attacked Nobi Bear.

"Ahem, spokesperson of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Please pay attention to your words, discuss the matter as it is, and do not make personal attacks on the representatives of Neon!"

The host said helplessly.

Meetings attended by Dragon Kingdom military personnel are always full of excitement.

It's very difficult for him to be the host.

"Representative of Neon, do you have enough evidence to prove what you just said?"

"Please provide evidence to support your own statement."

Nobi Bear glanced at Ren Yixu with cold eyes, and then took out a special green stone from his arms.

Then he threw the small green stone into the air.

The small stone quickly flew into the air and then levitated.

Finally, a "buzz" sound unfolded into a curtain of light.

A large number of pictures stacked on top of each other are displayed on the light screen.

These pictures are full of Asian people using various skills.

Some spit fire, some spray water, and some have electricity surging from their hands...

"These pictures are pictures of people from the Dragon Kingdom using their new skills that I collected through legal channels in the Dragon Kingdom."

Nobi-chan adjusted his glasses, paused, and then continued:

"The profession of these people is all "ninja". "

"Judging from these pictures, there are at least five or six skills."

"Before this, everyone must know what the development level of the "Ninja" profession was. "

"Only I, Neon, have developed a certain amount of "Ninja". "

"Other countries, including the Dragon Kingdom, do not have any "ninja" professional skills. "

"Excuse me, Mr. Ren Yixu of the Dragon Kingdom Military Department, how did your Dragon Kingdom suddenly develop so many "ninja" professional skills in such a short period of time? "

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