Ninja Useless? I Am Mangekyō Susanata Buddha

Chapter 143 A Train-To-Busan-Like Courtship Scene

After hearing her words, Mr. Wu realized that the "dong-dong-" sound outside the wooden house became more and more intensive.

From the beginning, there was only one sound for about three or four seconds, and gradually it became a crashing sound that could be heard almost all the time.

Until now, it was as airtight as the raindrops of a heavy rain hitting the wooden house.

"Crackling" I couldn't tell where the impact came from.

Boss Wu slowly put down the wine glass in his hand and frowned.

Generally speaking, this banging sound does become more frequent at first.

Because the male's "Earth Ghost Floating" came out earlier.

If they can't find the mother float, they will start flying around like crazy.

Therefore, the number of people hitting the wooden house will gradually increase.

But this situation should be alleviated immediately after the mother's "Earth Ghost Floating" comes out.

All the males went after the females.

Where did they find the time to hit the cabin they were in?

And at this point in time, mother floats should have appeared in large numbers.

Wu Youde and Xie Yang looked at each other, then turned to look at Yufan.

"Junior Yufan, there seems to be something wrong with the situation outside. Can you open a hole in the roof so we can take a look outside?"

Wu Youde's proposal is very reasonable.

If a hole is opened from the side.

Judging from the crashing sound coming from outside the wooden house, there is no doubt that countless "floating ghosts" will flood in instantly.

These melee professions are okay.

The remote professions and auxiliary professions here will definitely not be able to withstand it.

But if a hole is opened from above, it will be much better.

There won't be so many "floating ghosts" crashing down from directly above.


Yufan was a little confused.

It was his first time playing this group version, so of course he didn’t know what the scale of this “Earth Ghost Floating” should be.

He thought it should be this amount.

"Is something wrong now?"

Wu Youde nodded, "That's not quite right. We need to confirm the situation outside as soon as possible and make countermeasures."

Hearing that the cabin was about to be opened, the "light bulb" and Xiao Qing in the room instantly became nervous.

One is auxiliary and has poor self-protection ability.

The other is naturally afraid of insects.

Yufan thought for a moment, then waved his hand.

"No need to bother, I can see the situation outside directly."

After saying that, he stood up and walked to the wall.

It's not that the "white eyes" can't see directly, it's mainly because they are afraid of scaring a few of them.

After all, if you are unfamiliar with it, it can still be a bit scary when "Byakugan" is activated.

Yufan raised his hand and opened his eyes suddenly.

The color in his pupils faded instantly, turning into pure white.

The perspective changes to an overbearing God's perspective and extends directly through the wooden house.

The moment he saw the scene outside, Yufan was stunned.

I didn’t see any of the scenes of “birds and butterflies” and “singing and dancing”.

If I had to describe the state of the "ghosts" outside,

Yufan feels that compared to "a low-budget adult film that can be completed by two people in one scene".

It's more like a zombie movie that requires tons of money to make well.

Have you watched "Train to Busan"?

The scene of countless zombies chasing behind a few people is still fresh in Yufan's memory.

At this moment, the floating group outside looks like that.

However, there are only a few female floats in the "living" position.

What was behind the dark and frantic pursuit was the male who was eager to mate.

Faced with this situation, of course the mother float will not stop!

Are you kidding me, millions versus a few.

Although it is very rude to say this,

But if any female float dares to stop, it will probably be "fucked" to death in just one second.

A literal fuck to death.

There are already many female floating corpses on the ground.

The body was in pieces and completely covered in orange-yellow liquid.

I am afraid that I will "die unexpectedly" as soon as I come out.

There is no chance of reproduction at all.

The few remaining female floats that are still alive are obviously the strongest among all the female floats.

Under the threat of death, they exploded with huge potential, and their speed was so fast that all public floats could not catch up.

Behind them, there are countless male swimmers who refuse to give up.

They were like a huge tail of the floating females, following closely behind.

This weird team was just spinning around the edge of the huge basin where Yufan and the others were.

Round and round.

Of course, except for these persistent public "ghosts floating around".

There are other male floats, and they seem to have seen through their own destiny.

Knowing the current situation, it is impossible for anyone to mate successfully.

Even if you can successfully catch up with a female float, I'm afraid it will be torn apart by other male floats before it even "moves" twice.

These "wise men" chose to destroy them directly.

Directly convert DNA into energy, and start to attack everything in front of you crazily to vent your anger.

And besides those same kind of people flying like crazy in the sky, what else is left here?

Of course it was the wooden house where Yufan and the others were.

They will probably never know, leaving them unable to mate.

The culprit who could not achieve the ultimate goal of "insect rebirth" and had no choice but to give up on himself - Yufan, was really in the wooden house.

If they knew, they would probably crash into the wooden house even more recklessly.

Mudd, this is too outrageous.

Why do I feel like those female floats are miserable?

Could this be my fault?

Yufan looked away with a complicated look on his face, and suddenly felt that he was very guilty.

"Junior Yufan, what's going on outside?"

Seeing that Yufan seemed to have finished his investigation, Wu Youde asked quickly.

Yufan didn't know how to answer for a moment.

After brewing for a few seconds, Yufan explained the situation outside to everyone in easy-to-understand terms.

Anyway, there are very few female swimmers.

Millions of male floats chased a few female floats, and the reason why the wooden house was hit so loudly was because many of the male floats had given up and began to run away.

After listening to Yufan's words, the cabin fell into silence.

Everyone knows that the reason why they can still stay in this wooden house safe and sound.

It all relies on the "hard support" of the few floating females outside.

Once those female floats are caught up, they will die.

Then all the male floats will realize that there are no more female floats, and then run away directly.

At that time, it will no longer be a matter of banging the wooden house.

Millions of rampaging floating armies will destroy the wooden house in an instant and tear apart everyone here.

"Why, how could this happen?"

"The raid of "Antuen" has changed? "

Su Yanan's eyes were full of shock.

When I usually hunt, it would be considered good if there are only dozens or hundreds left in the end.

This time it turned out like this.

Millions of floating creatures can no longer be considered monsters.

If you insist on saying so, it can be regarded as a natural disaster.

Like a plague of locusts and a swarm of ants.

"How about we..."

Wu Youde glanced at everyone with a somewhat difficult expression.

"Otherwise, let's all quit this time."

"It's too dangerous to stay here any longer."

Facing Wu Youde's proposal, Xie Yang took a deep breath. He also knew that this was the only way to go in this situation.

No one noticed that Jian Keke, who was sitting in the corner, turned pale the moment she heard these words.

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