Ninja Useless? I Am Mangekyō Susanata Buddha

Chapter 145 Paper Escape With Amaterasu!

The clouds over the basin where Yufan and his team are located are thick.

This is also the main reason why it is very dark here.

But it is precisely the best stage for Yufan to display [Lightning Style·Kilin].

Yufan's [Fire Style·Haolong Fire] shot to clear the way hit the clouds in the face,

After messing up the clouds, it rolled over very sensitively.

The cloud body quickly turned from gray to black, and there was a faint flash of light blue electricity in it.

Seeing this, Yufan nodded secretly. It seemed that the clouds in this copy were not much different from those in the real world.

Just when Yufan was about to shoot [dragon fire] towards the sky again,

The nearby males who had converted DNA into energy had already rushed forward angrily.

As the saying goes, "Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes."

The countdown to life for these "ghosts floating on earth" has already begun.

Even if he is not killed by Yufan, he will not survive for long.

Therefore, they had no fear at all towards Yufan who suddenly released flames and then appeared in the sky.

"Haha, it's wrong to vent your anger on other people~"

"Since you have done something wrong, you must be punished. This is the rule of this world!"

"[Paper Release·Paper Rain]!"

The pure white wings behind Yufan, with a wingspan of more than ten meters, instantly spread to their maximum size.

Countless pieces of paper quickly peeled off from above, then automatically folded into the shape of a small arrow, and shot out in all directions of Yufan.

But Yufan also knew very well that no matter how densely packed these paper swords were, there would still be big gaps, and it was not guaranteed to hit every "Earth Ghost Floating" that flew over.

The reason Yufan chose this move was not because he expected [Paper Release·Paper Rain] to directly kill.

This move is just a carrier!

After countless paper arrows were shot out, Yufan's eyes suddenly became powerful, and Mangekyō Sharingan was operating at full capacity.


Black flames that could burn everything instantly appeared where Yufan's eyes converged.

It was a male float that had just joined the rampaging team.

It is a pity that it did not have the opportunity to vent its dissatisfaction to the world.

The black flame burned through its rapidly flapping wings almost instantly.

Without its wings, it could only let its body fall downwards in free fall.

As it fell downwards, it kept hitting other "good brothers" and then infected them with the black inflammation on its body.

Those males infected with the Black Flame repeat this process.

Infect the black flames to more "Earth Ghost Floating".

The black inflammation spreads among the floating swarms like a plague.

However, this is far from what Yufan expected.

Yufan endured the pressure on his eyes caused by continued use of Amaterasu and rotated his whole body in a circle.

It wasn't just the floating objects in front of Yufan's eyes that were ignited by the black flames.

And that huge amount of "paper rain" that Yufan just shot out!

It is different from the floating ghosts that will quickly burn through their wings and fall after being ignited.

These "paper rains" created by Yufan's Chakra will not stop flying immediately even if they are ignited by [Amaterasu].

Instead, he continued to fly forward with the black flames on his body.

Each paper arrow was like a bullet from hell, and wherever it passed, it was filled with a sea of ​​black fire.

There are many ninjutsu in Hokage that, if combined, can produce unimaginable power.

It is far from as simple as one plus one equals two.

[Paper Escape] The output is intensive and the range is wide.

[Amaterasu], ignores defense, once hit, it will be burned until death.

The combination of the two is simply incomprehensible.

In the blink of an eye, all the "Ghosts" within a hundred meters of Yufan were infected with Amaterasu's black flames.

And this black flame is still spreading.

Of course, compared to the large army of floats chasing their mothers, these floats that had begun to mess up early outside the wooden house were still only a minority.

After taking care of all the bad guys that started to mess up in advance, Yufan started his own plan.

It has to be said that with Konan's pair of paper wings and the ability to stay in the air, Yufan's mobility has been greatly improved.

Finally, there is no need to specifically choose where to place [Kamui] and [Flying Thunder God].

You can choose any location in space as the landing point.

Next, Yufan continued to move to new positions and fired [Fire Style] into the sky, gradually turning all the clouds over the entire basin into deep black as if a thunderstorm was about to fall.

During the process, although new men who gave up pursuing the "goddess" continued to appear and tried to attack Yufan, the number was simply incomparable to the previous ones.

Yufan casually threw a few paper shurikens with his paper escape and dealt with them.

I have to mention here that the reason why Yufan's plan went so smoothly is also thanks to the female float that is still persisting until now.

It's been nearly ten minutes, and it still hasn't given up resistance.

What kind of "chaste and fierce woman" is this?

Yufan was moved to tears by it.

"Fire Style·Haolong Fire!"

Yufan teleports to the side of a paper shuriken, and then releases the Dragon Fire.

This is one of the last few places that has not turned into dark clouds.

The fireball flew high into the sky as always.

But at this moment, variables suddenly emerged.

A slightly larger "Earth Ghost Floating" with special patterns on its wings suddenly appeared, and then slammed into the dragon fire.

The sound of insects being burned to ashes was heard.

"Earth Ghost Floating" is a wild monster that wins by quantity, and its individual defense may not be as good as that of a Goblin.

When it hit the [dragon fire] released by Yufan, it was naturally burned directly.

Yufan was not the only one stunned.

Even the large floating troops were stunned.

For a moment, the floating army of millions suddenly became confused.

There is no other reason than this one with patterned wings is not another one.

It was the only living female floating in the entire basin.

In his two lifetimes, Yufan never thought that one day he would be shocked by an insect.

This mother-in-law is really fierce. In order to keep her "innocent body", she actually chooses to run directly into the [dragon fire] like this!


Yufan naturally knew that there should be a lot of accidental elements in this.

In fact, this last female float probably didn't notice Yufan's sudden release of dragon fire, so it crashed into it.

But the truth doesn't matter, people often only look at the results.

How many heroic stories are there in reality that have not been beautified?

What people want is a beautified story. Maybe not so many people care about the truth.

During the few seconds when Yufan was wandering in his mind, the floating army finally came to their senses.

The female float is gone!

All of their floating ultimate goals cannot be accomplished!

None of their DNA can be passed on!

It's like being teased by a chicken for a long time, and then she said she didn't want to sell it,

Anger instantly filled every male's heart.

One by one their eyes turned red.

That is a sign that the floats have transformed all their energy.

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