Ninja Useless? I Am Mangekyō Susanata Buddha

Chapter 147 \"Core Skeleton\"

After a few minutes,

The six Yufans successfully arrived inside the BOSS room.

Only then did Yufan understand.

The "Antuen" raid is nicknamed the "turtle" raid, not because the final boss is a turtle.

Instead, the final battlefield is within the body of this giant turtle named "Antuen".

Seeing this situation, Yufan suddenly felt regretful.

If he had known this was the case, he would have followed the first team in.

Entering the body of the turtle, one group enters through the mouth on the other side of the head.

It is naturally self-evident where the second team entered from.

As the captain of the second team, Xie Yang walked to a huge bulge in front of the "door" that flashed red light, and then put his hand on it.

The bulge trembled slightly, and then the color of the light changed from red to green.

At the moment when the color changes, the closed "door" expands, forming a circular passage about two meters high.

Several people filed in.

The moment he entered the dungeon, a stream of information flooded into Yufan's mind.

[Has entered the body of "Antuen", current location is "The Source of Black Mist". 】

It feels different from the previous feeling of hunting wild monsters in the wild.

This will finally give me the feeling of brushing a copy.

A fairly standard monster room appeared, and a portal that would only be opened by killing all the monsters in the monster room.

The so-called "source of black mist" seems to be an elegant name for the rectum of this big turtle.

In the first monster room in "The Source of Black Mist" is a giant goblin skeleton whose whole body is red.

It was accompanied by three little brothers that looked almost exactly like it, but with different colors.

Not red, but a very strange black.

Of course, it is not the so-called colorful Madara black.

Perhaps those who have seen black people with their own eyes will understand that the blackness of black people is completely different from the black skin of people in the Dragon Kingdom caused by exposure to the sun outside.

They are darker and purer.

The tanning of people from the Dragon Country is never really black, it's like a layer of transparent black paint splashed on top of other colors.

And the three little brothers around it are so black with red inside.

Yufan opened [Tianyancha] to check its information.

Unexpectedly, I found that the [Sky Eye Check] skill could not completely see the attributes of these monsters.

In addition to seeing the name "Core Skeleton", the level, characteristics, and skills all show "???".

"What kind of monster is this?"

Yufan turned to look at Xie Yang and others.

"Core Skeleton."

Xie Yang looked at the monsters in front of him solemnly and said calmly.

"Yes, but how come there are four of them?"

"What the hell are those three black ones?"

Bao Guowei said with fear.

Today's trip was full of weirdness. He already had a bit of PTSD. If anything unusual happened, he would feel very dangerous.


Xie Yang raised the staff in his hand and used the fireball technique as a habit.

It is his habit to use this skill to test.

I saw red fireballs exploding among the skeletons.

The two black skeletons were blown to pieces.

The round skull "Gulu~Gulu~" rolled away far away.

Just when Yufan thought that the two little brothers were cold, he saw that the broken bones were attracted back together like magnets.

Although the body reorganized, the skull did not fly back to the body like the other bones.

The headless body ran toward the head that rolled away.

A tiger pounced and threw it under him.

Then he picked it up with both hands and pressed it on his neck.

After taking two steps, I found that it seemed to be pressed backwards, so I pulled the head off again and pressed it on again.

Looking at this somewhat comic scene, Yufan couldn't help laughing.

"It doesn't look any different from the red one?"

Bao Guowei looked at the black skeleton carefully.

"What exactly is the situation with this "core skeleton"? Yufan asked.

"The "Core Skeleton" is not very aggressive, but has strong survivability. "

"Generally speaking, it will not take the initiative to attack adventurers. Even if adventurers take the initiative to attack them, they will not fight back."

"There is only one exception, that is, if an adventurer wants to snatch its head, then they will attack the person who snatches its head."

Answered Su Yanan beside Yufan.

"As long as the core skeletons' heads are not destroyed, they will not die. No matter how they are attacked, their bodies will be reorganized."

"In short, the skull is their core and the core must be destroyed to kill them."

After saying that, Su Yanan stepped forward, raised the giant sword high, and launched one of the Berserker's signature skills - [Mountain Collapsing Strike].

The weight of the giant sword quickly defeated the red skeleton standing at the front.

Red bones were scattered everywhere.

Without waiting for his body to regroup, Su Yanan flew up and kicked the red skull back to where everyone was with the same posture as a football shot.

Presumably the head of this "Core Skeleton" must be very difficult to destroy.

She did this so that everyone could focus their firepower on destroying it.

Skeleton: I'm done with you, you idiot.

The red skull felt that it was being snatched away by everyone, and the blue flames in its eyes suddenly exploded.

Immediately afterwards, everyone unexpectedly discovered that the red color on the red skull suddenly dimmed.

In just one breath, it turned into the same color as those black skeletons.

"What does this color change mean?"

Yufan looked at the skull on the ground with some confusion.

"You, look over there!"

Jian Keke screamed.

Looking in the direction of her finger, Yufan suddenly discovered a red "core skeleton".


Yufan was also a little confused.

What is this monster doing?

"Don't worry so much, destroy this skull!"

"The skeleton's body has rushed up!"

Bao Guowei activated his skills, and his hair was like countless needles, piercing the skull crazily.

In an instant, countless densely packed holes were pierced on it.

Then Xie Yang launched magic one after another, first burning, then freezing.

Warm it first and then cool it to make the skull crispy.

The moment the freeze ended, Su Yanan's heavy sword struck his head.

With a crisp sound of "click--", the skull was chopped into countless pieces.

The headless black skeleton body that was running wildly in the distance fell down.

The whole process was completed in one go, without any delay.

"Okay, next one!"

"It seems that there are just a few more ones. It's okay. It's not a big deal."

Bao Guowei's anxious heart was finally relieved.

Then everyone followed the same example and smashed the skull of a skeleton again.

Looking at everything in front of him, Yufan raised his eyebrows slightly.

I always feel like it's not that simple.

If that's really all it is, then what's the point of exchanging red skulls and black skulls?

The mechanics of these monsters are all reasonable.

Monsters don't do anything for no reason.

After all, it should have some purpose.

What is the purpose...

While Yufan was thinking, he fired [Amaterasu] at the remaining skeleton.

Unlike Xie Yang and the others, they had to remove the skull first and then smash it into pieces.

Yufan can directly attack the skull.

Burn the skull to ashes on its head.

Bones are more difficult to burn, and the black inflammation took five or six seconds to finish.

Now there is only the last one left that Xie Yang and the others are dealing with.

"Hmph, you don't have a little brother now, do you?"

"Look how you let your little brother be your scapegoat!"

Bao Guowei's hairpins stabbed crazily on his red skull.

Then Xie Yang used magic to deal with it.

Su Yanan raised the giant sword and slapped it down.

But just before the giant sword was about to smash the red skull, something happened that made everyone's expressions suddenly change.

The color of the skull changed again, turning into that black with red inside again!


The skull was torn apart.

But everyone's mood was very heavy.

Bao Guowei raised his head and looked around, and then his pupils suddenly shrank.

At the end of his sight, a blood-red skeleton was walking slowly not far away like a ghost.

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