The moment the sound falls,

Luke saw the patterns in Yufan's eyes changing rapidly.

From the beginning, Obito's "Spinning Shuriken" Mangekyō pattern changed into Itachi God's "Three Tomoe connected" Mangekyō pattern.

As a user of illusions, Luke could clearly feel it.

As the patterns in his eyes changed, Yufan's ability to control illusions skyrocketed again on top of the already terrifying levels!

No, you can’t take this trick!

Luke quickly closed his still physical right eye, leaving only his carefully designed electronic left eye.

In this eye is a program he wrote to resist mental interference.

It can almost eliminate the possibility of being visually cast an illusion.

The moment his eyes met Yufan's, his electronic eyes seemed to be covered with countless layers of filters.

Blue, green, red, black...layers of filters emerge quickly driven by the program.

But, it's a pity.

This intensive defense, which was like "the blazing sky covers seven rings," had no effect at all.

Moreover, electronic eyes are also visual and directly connected to the brain.

[Tsukuyomi] takes effect without any hesitation.

The only ones who can fight against [Tsukuyomi] are other Sharingan users with the same level of eye power.

And must be the true owner of "Blood Succession Limit".

No Sharingan obtained through transplantation can resist this move.

Not to mention Luke’s electronic eyes.


A strange current rose from the soles of Luke's feet and went straight to the Tianling Cap.

Cold sweat broke out all over my body, and my heart palpitated suddenly.

The next second, the world in Luke's eyes changed.

The originally light pink BOSS room turned into a deep red, and pure black clouds floated from a distance.

Then there was a spin.

When Luke came to his senses again, he suddenly found that he was tied to a huge cross.

Surrounded by endless water, the sky is open.

It's just that no matter where you look, it's all bloody red.

and more importantly,

There is no trace of mechanical modification on his current body.

Without that powerful mechanical body, he is just a thin and stooped old man.

Just when Luke was a little overwhelmed,

The water in front of him suddenly surged, and a black human figure emerged from the water slowly.

It was Yufan who looked malicious.

"What is this, what do you want..."

Before Luke finished speaking, Yufan stretched out his hand, and a meter-long katana appeared in his hand.

Yufan stabbed Luke in the kidney without hesitation.


A vein popped out on Luke's forehead.

He has been constantly transforming his body.

Therefore, his tolerance for pain is much higher than that of ordinary people.

But at this moment, he felt unparalleled pain.

Yufan's illusion seems to have the effect of making people more sensitive.

Luke is a bit broken now.

What on earth does Yufan want to do?

When it comes to torture, shouldn't we ask questions first and wait for the other person not to answer before torturing them?

How can anyone not ask anything and just chop first?

After this knife blow, how can he still live to answer?

But at this moment, the entire space suddenly stopped.

Then, like going into reverse, the black clouds in the sky quickly retreated, and the wounds on his body that spurted blood quickly healed.

Of course, although the wound had healed, the pain he had experienced was still vivid in his mind.

It made him sweat.

"Illusions, all illusions, all fake..."

Luke swallowed and kept giving himself psychological hints.

"Luke, how do you feel?"

Yufan weighed the knife in his hand with interest.

Every time the knife is thrown up, its shape will change in the air.

Tai Sword, Eight-sided Han Sword, Zhanma Sword, Kramer Long Sword, Damascus Sword, Nepal Army Sword...

"In Tsukuyomi's world, whether it's time, space, or quality, everything is under my control."

Although Yufan already knew its effect before using [Tsukuyomi],

But after actually experiencing it, Yufan was still excited about the feeling of having everything under his control.

Time pause and all that, compared to [Tsukuyomi], it's just inferior, okay?

Even Luke's old face showed a rare look of surprise.

Even though he was the one facing this move now, he still had trouble controlling his emotions.

He had been immersed in the art of illusion for many years. He thought that he had exhausted the magic and it would be difficult for him to use it more exquisitely.

Yufan really opened his eyes.

"Of course, I'm not a pervert, nor do I have a habit of torturing people. What I did just now was just to show you."

"From now on, I will ask you something and you will answer something."

"As long as you cooperate, I can let you die quickly."

Yufan said calmly.

While he was talking, "Yufan" emerged from the water one after another.

In the blink of an eye, figures filled the area.

But this isn't Shadow Clone, it's just pure control of the world.

Yufan thinks it should be there, so it must be there.

Each of them held a desperate-looking torture device in their hands.

The threat is obvious.

"Haha, I know what you want to ask."

"But I can only tell you that even if I want to tell you, it's useless."

After realizing his situation, Luke became calmer.

"You just want to know information about the power of heaven~"

"it's useless."

"There was a man named Ye Lan who asked me for decades, but I didn't tell him a word."

"By the way, what's your name?"

Luke was so leisurely that he suddenly mentioned the name of Dragon Kingdom Sword God Ye Lan. Yufan was stunned for a moment, and then his face darkened.

"Luke, don't you understand your situation yet?"

"Although this is a world of illusion."

"But the pain and everything else you feel here is just like reality."

"It will only get stronger!"

"Do you think your spirit can really hold on?"

Yufan picked up the knife and stabbed Luke's body hard.

The feeling of skin and diaphragm being pierced came from the knife.

But Yufan didn't stop, and the other Yufans next to him did the same.

Luke's entire abdomen and chest were filled.


The roar of pain echoed throughout the space.

"Let me ask you, you said before that after working for so many years, you didn't get much power from heaven. What did you mean by that?"

Yufan Luke stopped before his nervous breakdown and asked expressionlessly.

"I already told you, I can't tell you!"

Luke made a retching "cough" sound in his throat.

"Toast and don't eat!"


In Tsukuyomi's space, two hours later.

Although compared to Kakashi's 72 hours, this time is nothing.

But two hours were already a torture between right and wrong.

"good very good!"

"As expected of an illusionist, his mental strength is very high."

"I underestimate you."

Yufan frowned slightly and looked at Luke who was hanging on the cross in front of him.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to waste time with you."

The pattern on Yufan's right eye changes, but the left eye remains unchanged.

Tsukuyomi is the ability of Itachi God's left eye, which is retained to maintain Tsukuyomi.

The pattern in the right eye changed to look like Shisui's "square shuriken".

“Distinguished Heavenly Gods!”

If Luke's mouth wasn't too harsh, Yufan really wouldn't want to use this pupil technique.

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