Even with only half the initial number, the monsters along the way were unable to resist.

There is no need for Yufan to control it at all.

As long as the monster dares to show its head, the army of parasitic bugs will eat them up to nothing in an instant.

Really fully automatic monster spawning.

The efficiency is many times higher than those of "summoners".

"You guys are already in shock before I take action. How lonely it is to be invincible."

This is probably how Gaara felt when she was a child.

Until Xiao Li opened the [Eight Inner Gates] and kicked the [Sand Armor] to pieces.

Because they meet in seconds, the schedule of the two teams is almost the same.

In less than an hour, the two teams successfully arrived at the entrance of the Big Turtle.

This time, Yufan was naturally in a team, entering from the mouth of the big turtle.

Under the attack of the parasite army, the monster room in front is not a problem at all.

Whether it's "Core Skeleton" or something else.

The army of parasites destroyed every monster and every moving thing in the room.

Any mechanism or lack thereof is meaningless.

"The Source of Black Mist", "The Trembling Earth", "Optimus Prime"...

In just a quarter of an hour, the group rushed from the turtle's mouth into its heart.

The two teams of men and horses merged together, and the two groups of parasites also merged together.

You can feel that the number has become slightly smaller, but overall, it doesn't matter.

Yufan and Gao Qisheng put their hands on the raised mechanism and opened the door of the BOSS "Matega".

In the middle of the room, the white-haired humanoid BOSS "Matega" was sitting cross-legged.

As if he felt someone intruding, he slowly opened his eyes.

Not only the hair, but also the pupils and eyelashes are white.

But his white pupils are different from the white color of [White Eyes].

It's not pure white, there's a light blue current flowing in it, which is very strange.

This was the first time Yufan really looked at him carefully.

Last time, before Yufan even glanced at him, Wu Youde kicked him to death with a big kick.

"Why did you come back to type my copy again?"

"Matega" looked at Yufan and said.

There was no expression on his pale face.

Um? Talk to me?

Yufan was stunned. What he was wearing this time was completely different from last time.

"Haha, I'll accompany my friends next time."

Before Yufan could reply, Gao Qisheng's voice sounded from the side.

He said in the tone of meeting old friends.

Yufan frowned.

In fact, starting from "Thunder Guyno" in the dungeon area outside Los Angeles,

There was always a huge question lingering in his mind.

"Guyno" is a goblin with super intelligence and the ability to speak human words.

What impressed Yufan most was his Ultimate’s bad mouth.

The level of swearing is worse than any human being Yufan has ever seen. He could curse for half an hour without saying anything serious.

Of course, Yufan's question is not why it curses so much.

But "Thunder Guyno" made one thing clear - it clearly remembered the last time Yufan killed it!

You know, "copy" can be refreshed repeatedly.

Not only can you brush it repeatedly, but you can also brush it with many people at the same time!

Therefore, before this, Yufan had always believed that the monsters in the "dungeon" had no self-awareness.

Or they may be self-aware, but once killed, they will retreat.

Just like when I played games in my previous life.

The monsters in the dungeon are more like programs than creatures.

Because only in this way can it make sense.

Yufan's high school textbook did not mention this issue at all.

But after Yufan changed jobs, he found that the situation seemed a little different from what he thought.

After playing the dungeon for the first time, the monsters didn't seem to know Yufan at all when they played again.

When they face Yufan's attacks, their evasion strategies will become more reasonable every time.

And the pair of sexy twin monsters of ice and fire that Yufan remembers deeply - "Ice Graka" and "Fire Graka".

After the two of them were pushed to the ground for the first time by Yufan and Huang Sichong and stripped off their equipment.

When Yufan went to fight for the second time, they already looked extremely embarrassed and annoyed before Yufan did anything.

It seems that he is very dissatisfied with the "animal" behavior of Yufan and Huang Sichong.

Until then,

Although Yufan already had quite strong feelings, his reason still believed that this was just a coincidence.

Maybe Huang Sichong looked at her so obscenely that she was so embarrassed and annoyed.

Well, it can't possibly be caused by Yufan's own clean and pure eyes.

However, by the time "Thunder Guyno" came, the facts could no longer be ignored.

There is no other reason, "Guyno" can speak!

It told Yufan clearly that he knew how many times Yufan had killed it, and also knew how Yufan killed it last time.

I also know that Yufan wanted to steal its lord's artifact dagger last time.

Since then,

"What exactly is a "copy"? "

This question has always been in Yufan's mind.

If the monsters in the dungeon are all alive and have their own minds, how does the dungeon run?

How is it possible for several groups of people to enter the dungeon at the same time and fight a monster at the same time?

This is so weird, isn't it?

Now, this question was put in front of Yufan again.

Even Gao Qisheng knows the boss of "Antuen", "Matega"!

Think again about Luke who Yufan interrogated in the "Tsukuyomi" space before.

He was even more exaggerated. He even knew "Ye Lan".

And judging by his tone, it seemed that in his opinion, Ye Lan was just a little brat.

So how long did he live?

Oh no, before asking how long he lived,

Yufan wanted to ask more about what they were?

"What the hell are you?"

With this thought, Yufan looked at "Matega" and asked directly.

"Matega" obviously didn't expect anyone to ask him that.

He was stunned for a moment and looked at Yufan.

The moment he looked at Yufan, his body visibly stiffened again, and his expression changed again and again.

After a few breaths, he took a deep breath and smiled to himself.

"I haven't thought about this question for a long time."

"I'm sure he's not a human being anyway."


After laughing at himself, his white eyes narrowed, his lips pursed slightly, and he looked at Yufan with a strange expression.

"Before you ask others what they are, do you know what you are?"

! ! !

Yufan's heart contracted violently and seemed to miss a few beats.

"You, what do you mean by this!"

"I really want you to die here if I could."

Matega ignored Yufan's question and stood up slowly.

Before this, Yufan could not feel any normal human emotions from Matega.

But at this moment, he clearly sensed an emotion in Matga's tone that was almost unique to humans - greed.

"If you don't tell me, I have a way to make you tell me!"

Yufan's eyes flashed fiercely, and his eyes burst into red.

Ten thousand points of eye power equivalent to the eternal Mangekyō exploded with full force at this moment.


"How can it be?"

A huge feeling of fear arose in Yufan's heart.

Tsukuyomi, this all-conquering illusion actually failed on "Matega"!

Three days ago, he used it against Luke, the boss of the group who was good at illusions.

How could it not be effective against Matega?


Seeing Yufan standing still, Matega smiled.

"You used an illusion on me, right?"

"You used this trick to dig out a lot of information from that old ghost "Luke" before, right? "

"You are indeed amazing, I admire you, but it's a pity~"

Matega changed the subject.

"This trick of yours will be ineffective in all special copies from now on!"

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