The noise outside was getting louder and louder, and the senior students from No. 2 and No. 3 Middle School had already arrived at the playground.

The atmosphere in the class became increasingly tense.

After a few minutes, the horn sounded.

"Please all senior high school students who have reached level 15 and are preparing to transfer to the playground to assemble!"

At this moment, the Tiandao Divine Stone that had been dormant for a year in the middle of the playground has been reactivated.

Three handsome old men stood in the air, standing directly above the Heavenly Dao Divine Stone.

They are the principals of the three major high schools.

Wang Xingde, the principal of the No. 1 Middle School - level 49 "Ghost Swordsman" and second-level "Berserker", is only one step away from his first "Awakening".

Li Qiudao, the principal of No. 2 Middle School - level 46 "Magician" and second-level "Dimension Walker".

No one in this branch has yet understood the "Awakening" skill. If Li Qiudao doesn't understand and develop it himself, he will never be able to reach level 50.

Other schools of magicians are in the hands of the United States. Unless you become a citizen of the United States and work as a dog for the United States, you will not be able to learn them.

Taking the path of "Dimension Walker" is also a no-win solution.

But it's not entirely without benefits.

The magicians in the Dimension Walker path come with beautiful girl wives. Are there other paths?

Just for this reason, real men can choose the "Dimension Walker" genre without any thought!

Qiu Dejie, the principal of the No. 3 Middle School, is level 45 - "Light Job", second turn "Blue Fist Holy Envoy". It is said that when fighting seriously, he can punch hundreds of punches per second, which is a way to play combos.

All paths of the "Light Worker" are unique to the Bear Kingdom, but the Bear Kingdom has good relations with the Dragon Kingdom, and all paths except the "Light Knight" branch are open to the Dragon Kingdom.

The main reason why the five major countries are the five major countries is that these countries have mastered a level 70 "second awakening" path, that is, starting from the job transfer at level 15 until level 70, there are combat skills that can be learned every five levels.

These five professional upgrade paths are the five most well-developed among all combat professions in the world. They are the guarantee of the status of the five major countries. The supreme power who has completed the second awakening stabilizes the status of the country like a needle in the sea.

Unless absolutely necessary, the five major countries will never let people from other countries take these five paths.

There is a second transfer path, and generally other branches of this profession will also be vigorously developed.

Therefore, it is known internationally as the Dragon Kingdom Sword, the American Law, the Enamel Gun, the Sound Shield, and the Wooly Bear Milk.

To put it simply, the swordsmen of the Dragon Kingdom are the strongest, the mages of the United States are the strongest, the magic spearmen of the Fa Kingdom are the strongest, the guardians of the Sound Kingdom are the strongest, and the nannies of the Mao Xiong Country are the strongest, well, Mao Xiong The little girl’s breasts are not too small.

on the playground,

Each of these three principals is a strong man who can stand alone. Now they are gathered here, and they are full of coercion.

The students standing on the playground were a little trembling.

"let's start."

Following Wang Xingde's order, one person from each of the first, second, and third schools walked out and placed their hands on the heavenly stone.

After a few breaths, three rays of light fell on them, one blue and two white.

The blue color falls on the petite girl from No. 2 Middle School, which represents a pretty good combat profession.

Two white colors represent life and career.

"Succeeded! I changed my profession to an archer! I changed my profession to a warrior, I succeeded!" The petite girl went crazy like Fan Jin won the exam.

The two boys from No. 2 Middle School and No. 3 Middle School looked ashen and their eyes seemed to have lost their light.

Their head teacher came up, comforted him a few words, and took them down.

The transfer ceremony continues, and the following students are not as lucky as the girls in the first round.

Only a few can switch to combat professions, most of them are life-related professions, and there are even many barren professions, that is, professions without any skills. These people may not be able to experience what it feels like to release skills for the rest of their lives.

The three principals frowned more and more.

"Old Li, our situation is not good this year. Let alone "Ghost Swordsman", there are not even a few combat professions! "Qiu Dejie, the principal of No. 3 Middle School, looked worried.

"Well, it's indeed a bit worse, but we haven't reached the first class yet. The really interesting things have to wait until the first class. There are a few in the first class that look pretty good." Li Qiudao said helplessly.

"Yes." Wang Xingde nodded: "There are several in Class One and One of Middle School."

"I heard that there is a girl whose parents are both "ghost swordsmen", right? "

"Well, Bai Xiaoxiao, the girl with the very fair skin holding the sword below is her. Did you see the two boys next to him? One is named Yufan and the other is named Yu Kun. These two are also very good."

"Yu Kun? Hiss, isn't that the son of the current leader of the "Kun Boxer" sect of the second-level "Fighter" profession? "

"Well, that's him."

Job changes are proceeding rapidly, and those who have transferred out of their living professions have already left. There were only a few hundred people left in the playground that originally had seven to eight thousand people.

The most important class of the three schools is finally beginning to awaken.

Suddenly, a dazzling red light flew out from the Heavenly Stone. This red light shot straight into the sky, scattered the clouds in the sky, and then turned into a red flame dragon.

Even looking at it from a distance, you can feel the fiery aura.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

"Wang Yanyan from No. 2 Middle School has awakened the hidden profession "Dragon Flame Mage"! "

"Hidden profession? How is the development level? If it is not developed, it will be of no use."

Everyone understands the principle that "predecessors plant trees, and future generations enjoy the shade", but if it is not helpless, who doesn't want to directly enjoy the shade?

"You don't even know this. The "Dragon Flame Mage" is known as the Ultimate Fire, the first fire in the Dragon Kingdom. He has developed the first awakening profession and is one of the strongest paths among the five major paths! "

"Oh my god, she's so awesome. This girl has a bright future."

For a time, all the students and teachers were envious.

Wang Yanyan is a tall girl with a high ponytail. She wears a short skirt and her long legs are exposed.

She came down like a proud peacock.

Next, combat occupations appeared one after another in No. 2 Middle School and No. 3 Middle School, while more than a dozen in No. 1 Middle School were life occupations.

Wang Xingde's face was a little confused.

It wasn't until Bai Xiaoxiao went up and successfully awakened the "Ghost Swordsman" that he started to smile.

"Ghost Swordsman" is the second path to the Dragon Kingdom. It is the face of the Dragon Kingdom. Having one is a great thing.

Even Li Qiudao and Qiu Dejie were smiling.

The more high-level experts like them understand the importance of "Ghost Swordsman" to the Dragon Kingdom.

The current international situation is so tense. The five major countries seem to be calm, but in fact there are undercurrents. Each country wants to take the lead in cultivating a second strong person with second awakening and lead the world.

And among the five major countries, everyone wants to develop their own path to second awakening and become a new major nation.

No one is safe.

In this situation, the Dragon Kingdom must have a large number of "Ghost Swordsman" professionals and a second "Sword God" appear as soon as possible in order not to fall behind. Once it falls behind, it will be beaten.

Besides, Bai Xiaoxiao's parents are both powerful professionals and they will definitely not be short of money. Bai Xiaoxiao will definitely take the path of "Sword Soul". There is no need for him to take the path of "Berserker" because he has no money. .

Everyone in the Dragon Kingdom wants to follow the path of the Sword God, but it makes sense to be rich in "Sword Soul" and poor in "Berserker". Poor people want to follow the path of Sword Soul. A lightsaber will make you bankrupt, but the Berserker's Greatswords are much cheaper.

The next person to go up after Bai Xiaoxiao was Yufan.

Both Wang Xingde and Li Ruyin value Yufan very much.

Genetically, both Yufan's parents are strong professionals.

In terms of grades, Yufan is even more impeccable. He passes every test with high scores and is undoubtedly the first in the school.

Yufan calmed down and placed his hand on the Tiandao Sacred Stone.

A few breaths later, a strong black light burst out from the Tiandao Divine Stone.

"Another hidden profession!"

"The black one, what kind of hidden profession could it be? Dark Summoner, Black Mage?"

"Black people are not easy to mess with. I remember that the boss of an international criminal gang seemed to have the profession of "dark wizard". He only relied on the few skills he developed to control the group of desperadoes. Yes, it's simply terrifying. "

"As expected of Yufan, the momentum is even greater than that of Wang Yanyan just now!"


Amidst everyone's busy chatter, Yufan's divine light finally stabilized.

It was a shuriken that covered the sky and the sun.

The playground was deathly silent.

Actually a "ninja"? !

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