Ninja Useless? I Am Mangekyō Susanata Buddha

Chapter 57 The Great Fire Is Extinguished

By the time Yufan arrived at the Demon Marsh River, many teams had already begun to challenge him.

The means are also multi-faceted. Eight Gate.

In the distance, there is a little loli wearing a big magician hat sitting on a broom, planning to fly through the air.

What's outrageous is that there is a rope tied to her broom, and five people are hanging from the rope.

This little loli's occupation is obviously "apprentice of the devil".

Only this profession has the ability to fly in the air on a broomstick.

When Yufan played Dungeon and Babybus in his previous life, he liked this profession very much. After all, who doesn't like the silly "manhole cover"?

Flying from above is indeed a very simple and normal idea.

But they obviously overestimated the flying ability of the small "manhole cover".

Seeing that the little loli was exerting all her strength and her face was flushed from holding back, it was obvious that she couldn't pull so many people.

Just a few seconds after Yufan looked over, the little loli was exhausted, and six of them fell into the swamp river one after another.

You must know that there are not only swamps in the Marsh River, but also an extremely large number of monsters-Magic Swamp Jie (jie, jue) (both the second sound.)

Demon swamp larvae, the larvae of the swamp mosquito, hatch from the eggs laid by the swamp mosquito in the swamp.

The body is slender, and the chest is wider than the head or abdomen. When swimming, the body twists violently left and right, swimming vertically up and down in the water.

To put it bluntly, they are oversized mosquito larvae.

They don't have too strong attack power, but there are many, very many, densely packed together, and they are still twisting and turning, and they look very disgusting.

If someone with cryptophobia sees it, it will probably become a shadow in their life.

Not to mention falling into a group of larvae.

The little Loli screamed, pressed the exit crystal without hesitation, and exited the examination room.

Seeing that the only person who could fly was gone, the other five people also evacuated.

Six people failed the exam just like this.

In addition to this group of people, Yufan also saw the methods of the teams around him that challenged the second ring.

Mei Jiba paved the road with ice and traveled very fast.

Qin Meng and his group stayed in a big transparent ball.

They were just like playing with the big rollers that floated on the water that Yufan had played in the water park when he was a kid.

A group of people inside are running in the same direction, making the big ball roll and move forward.

The speed is not bad.

This is probably Jiang Xiaoxiao's skill. It was originally used for protection, but now he can use it flexibly.

Then there are the most simple Wang Yanyan’s team, and Yu Kun’s team.

The operation of the two teams was very simple. One team built a stone ship, and the other team built an iron ship.

I don’t know what profession in their team created them.

Yu Kun's side is an iron boat, and their division of labor is very clear. Two people are responsible for rowing, and the remaining three are responsible for cleaning up the monster swamps that are jumping up around them.

The boat was not moving very fast in the somewhat viscous swampy river, but it was moving forward steadily.

What Wang Yanyan and the others have here is a stone ship. The stone ship is much worse than the iron ship.

But Wang Yanyan is the "Dragon Flame Master". She can use dragon flames to create a sea of ​​​​fire around the hull of the ship. Any bird that is close to the hull will be burned immediately with "cracking".

So there are more people on their side who can row, and the overall speed is only faster than Yu Kun and others.

"Oh, Lao Wang, you are a great granddaughter! With your style back then, how about being my grandson's wife?"

"The person using this dragon flame is worthy of being from the "Red Demon Clan"! "

"It is truly the number one fire profession in the Dragon Kingdom. It's really amazing that you can have such firepower at level 20 or above!"

In the viewing room, people from various families were full of praise for Wang Yanyan's performance.

"Haha, not bad."

Wang Yan did not appear very happy with the compliments given by these people.

For the past month, he has been looking for the young man who broke his own record in the piling hall.

But I have never found it, and I feel very upset.

And the person who made Wang Yan so upset was now standing by the river.

Yufan looked at the other people's methods and touched his chin, should I get there?

The first thing that came to his mind was the Flying Thunder God.

As long as he can throw a marked object to the opposite side, Yufan can directly flash over with Huang Sichong.

Fast and stable, perfect.

But the problem is that the Swamp River opposite the ring where he is is the widest, more than ten kilometers away.

At this distance, no matter how strong you are, it is difficult to throw the kunai to the other side.

If you have to do this, you must learn to lead the girl forever, complete the relay in mid-air, and then keep flashing, and finally reach the other side.

To be honest, this operation is so awesome that Yufan can't do it yet.

Minato is Minato after all, and some operations cannot be learned casually.

The second way is for Yufan to summon Susano.

Drive the Susanoo and drive straight over.

But this method also has a very serious problem, that is, Yufan doesn't know how deep the swamp river is.

Although Yufan can now summon Susanoo with legs, even he is not sure it is really tall enough.

Alas, it’s a bit difficult to handle.

Yufan had a headache watching the people around him showing off their magical powers.

It would be nice to have Hashirama's Wood Style at this time.

Just build a large wooden bridge over the river that is more than ten kilometers long, and it will be full of people.

Just as Yufan was thinking, he suddenly heard one of Wang Yanyan's teammates shouting loudly in the distance.

"Sister Yanyan, sister Yanyan, please hold back a little. Your firepower is too strong. These swamps have solidified, making it difficult to paddle!"

"Okay, okay, I accidentally lost control."

Wang Yanyan smiled and said with a hint of pride.

It's like those game masters who say "Oh, I didn't pay attention, and I accidentally tortured you terribly" when they were competing against others.

But this gave Yufan a hint,

That's right, who said you have to have ice attributes to pave the way?

Only then did Yufan realize that he had just fallen into a misunderstanding.

Because I saw Mei Jiba's method first, I preconceived the idea that ice must be used to pave the way.

But in fact, as long as the firepower is strong enough, fire can also pave the way.

Just burn the surface dry!

Yufan looked at the other of the two skills at level 30 on Madara's template.

[Fire Style: Fire Extinguishing]: A super-wide AOE ninjutsu with a very wide range and one of the strongest Fire Styles.

Form: From a high place downwards, a huge amount of flames are ejected, forming a veritable sea of ​​​​fire below!

Having made up his mind, Yufan no longer hesitated, took out a kunai, marked it with the Flying Thunder God mark, and then threw it with all his strength into the sky above the Marsh River.

Although it can't be lost more than ten kilometers, it is more than enough to lose two or three thousand meters.

The kunai flew to the highest point. With a thought, Yufan activated Flying Thunder God and teleported directly to the side of the kunai. Mangekyō was activated instantly, summoning the first stage of Susano's ribs, and then the seal in his hand changed rapidly.

"Fire Style·The fire is extinguished!"

Just like Second Generation's crazy use of Water Style in places where there is no water,

Yufan almost instantly created a huge sea of ​​fire covering the entire river where there was water.

The sound of "cracking" in the fire is continuous!

If we go down all at once, we may have to kill tens of billions of monster marsh eggs!

But Yufan didn't have any psychological burden.

It has been said that everything has animism, except mosquitoes.

"Fuck, I knew it!"

The sea of ​​fire that Yufan sprayed was too large, and the high temperature reached Mei Jiba almost instantly.

Mei Jiba's mentality immediately cracked.

Because he clearly felt that the ice road under his feet was beginning to melt.

"Li Yuan!! Why are you still holding on? Run away!!!"

"Do you want to fall into this marshy river?"

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