Ninja Useless? I Am Mangekyō Susanata Buddha

Chapter 6 A Man Must Be Durable And Able To Shoot Continuously!

Come to test your skills and get a free perm.

What's hot, you ask?

Purely natural high-temperature ion perm, it also has a paste smell.

Which of you wants to be permed?

I'll shoot a [Great Fireball] at your head, for free.

Yufan smoothed his hair behind his head with both hands, but his hair was as unruly as himself and remained in a burnt state.

Taking a deep breath, Yufan activated his skills again.

This time he was smarter and took a small breath before blowing it out at the robot.

A Great Fireball with a diameter of four to five meters surrounds the robot.

There were only five seconds left in the countdown, and Yufan could easily hold on until the end. After all, men want to last.

The flames licked the robot's fire-retardant reinforced "skin", and on a monitor behind him, the numbers representing damage were beating crazily.

Two thousand, three thousand and five, five thousand...

The damage is very stable, increasing at a rate of 1,500 per second.

When the countdown ends, the damage stops at 9180.

"Ten-second pile driving test, the final score is 9180!" A mechanical sound reporting the score sounded on the speaker in the testing room.

As soon as I released it with all my strength, I hit two thousand in an instant. In the next five seconds, I burned one thousand and five per second?

Yufan nodded. This damage was really explosive. It was worthy of Madara's Great Fireball.

You must know that this damage value is the result of him not outputting for five seconds, and because the room is too small, he can't use his full strength at all.

If you let go and use the Great Fireball, you can do at least 30,000 more damage in ten seconds.

According to the content in the textbook, in the dungeon that I am going to fight tomorrow, the blood volume of the monster goblins in it is only a few hundred points, not to mention that their defense is definitely not as good as this robot that has been specially enhanced with fire resistance.

In the Grand Forest area, even if it is a nightmare-level dungeon, the BOSS's HP is only over 30,000 at most, and it can be killed instantly with just one strike.

One shot into the soul!


Yufan touched his chin. The Great Fireball can only deal such damage by continuously outputting it. The BOSS will not just stand still and let me shoot it full.

"Switch to sparring mode."

Yufan said to the robot in front of him, which was a little burned by him.

After hearing Yufan's words, the robot that had been standing dumbly started to move.

Move your right leg back, put your fists on your chest, and assume a fairly standard fighting posture.

"The sparring session lasts three minutes, please be prepared, ten, nine, eight, seven, six..."

Yufan took a deep breath and closed his eyes. When he opened them, his pupils suddenly turned blood red, and a solitary black symbol like a comma appeared in his eyes.

"Holy shit..."

The moment he opened Sharingan, Yufan couldn't help but exclaimed.

One Tomoe Sharingan's ability is very single, it only has the function of insight. When looking at Hokage, Yufan even felt that the Sharingan was almost useless at this time.

But the effect was far beyond Yufan's expectation.

If I want to talk about the feeling, it is clear, so clear!

For example, a person with high myopia wears glasses, or the resolution of the video is adjusted from 480p to 4k.

Humans are animals that rely more on vision. At this moment, Yufan seemed to have opened the New World. Every detail on the robot not far away, even the black marks that had just been burned by him, were displayed in front of his eyes. .

As Yufan sighed, the countdown had come to an end.

"The battle begins!"

The robot stomped the ground and attacked Yufan.

To be honest, it was faster than expected.

People always subconsciously think that big things will be slow, but this is not the case at all.

Although animals such as brown bears and hippos look fat, their muscles are also very developed and can fully bear their own weight, and they can run much faster than ordinary people.

If you underestimate them, you will pay a heavy price.

If it were Yufan in the past, he might have been tired of dealing with this kind of speed.

But it’s different now. In front of these red eyes, the robot’s movements have already been seen!

The robot struck Yufan's head with a right fist.

Yufan was well prepared. He stepped back to the left to avoid the attack, and then directly launched the Great Fireball.

In the eyes of people who can really fight, fighting is actually a turn-based game.

Once a person makes a move, he will inevitably leave a gap, and the opponent will seize this gap to counterattack.

The more open the move is, the greater the gap will be left after the move is made.

This is why the masters in martial arts movies always stare at each other and turn around before taking action, but do not take action.

Because whoever strikes first will reveal his flaws first.

Therefore, generally speaking, real fighting masters use small moves, short, flat and fast, to prevent their opponents from catching their own gaps.

It can be seen that the robot used for testing is indeed specially used by students like them.

Its big swing looks like a bluff, but it's actually very easy to dodge.

Under the influence of inertia, after the punch failed, it inevitably opened the city gate, leaving the tester with an excellent opportunity to attack.

【Fire Style·Great Fireball】!

The fireball enveloped the robot again, and the damage value on the display jumped crazily.

This time, Yufan didn't use too much force. In just one second, he shot out an output of 2000.

The robot stopped its moves and came forward again with the Great Fireball.

This scene is really scary.

Generally, whether it is a monster or a human, it is difficult to rush up against the flames in a fire. The most you can do is run away to avoid the attack.

But the robot is a specially designed fire-setting robot, and it is programmed to always attack.

Next, Yufan repeated the previous moves, first using Sharingan to avoid the robot's physical attack, and then launched the Great Fireball.

Hide, shoot, hide, shoot... It's very rhythmic.

The most important thing for a man is not only durability, but also the ability to recover. He must be able to shoot continuously!

Only in this way can you shoot your opponent to the point where he can't stop and want to die.

What kind of tough guy is a man who can only fight for one round?

Yufan didn't know whether other people's skills had a cooldown time or something like that. Anyway, he didn't feel that there was a time when he couldn't use them, and he didn't feel any consumption of mana.

Fundamentally different professions consume different "blue" when releasing skills. Some consume energy and blood, some consume mana, some consume fighting spirit, and some consume soul power...

According to the setting in Hokage, Chakra is a mixture of physical strength and energy.

It sounds complicated, but to put it bluntly, you will be tired when Chakra is gone. As long as you are not tired, there is still Chakra.

And now he doesn't feel tired at all.

The three minutes ended quickly. Even the robot that had been specially treated with fire resistance was melted by Yufan's fire. Madara Madara on the ground was dotted with unknown liquid.

The damage on the monitor finally stopped at: 61300.

More than 60,000? Yufan touched his nose.

It’s almost enough to kill the nightmare-level BOSS in the Grand Forest area twice - "Lightning Guyno".

In Dagulan Forest, the damage has obviously overflowed.

I think I can easily conquer the nightmare level dungeon of the entire Grand Forest by myself.

With this output efficiency, it will definitely be very fast to clear the dungeon. Moreover, the upgrade speed before level 25 is relatively fast. It is estimated that it will be upgraded to level 25 soon.

Then you can learn the super-wide AOE skills [Fire Style·Dust Hide] and [Fire Style·High Fire Extinguishment].

When the time comes, just leave the dungeon and go to the back mountain where the monsters are densest, and set the mountain on fire!

Crazy harvest the powerful wild monsters scattered outside, collect their life force, and improve the eye power. It is bound to open [Mangekyō Sharingan] before the college entrance examination!

Give the strong men of this world a little "Susanoo" shock!

Yufan made up his mind.

"But there is one thing we still need to check first. In this world, setting fire to mountains should not be illegal..."

Yufan walked out of the piling room talking to himself.

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