Ninja Useless? I Am Mangekyō Susanata Buddha

Chapter 64 Huang Sichong’S Fighting Method

Yufan crossed over the place where the "Mushroom Monster" fell and entered the second section of the Road to Heaven.


The moment Yufan stepped into it, portals several times the number in the first section appeared at both ends of the Road to Heaven, which was quite oppressive.

Not only has the number of portals increased, but the monsters that appear from the portals have also changed.

It is no longer the cat monsters and goblins that appear in the "Grand Forest", but the "dragons", "little flying dragons", "stone giants", and "golds" of various colors in the "Sky Castle" area. Stone Giant" and so on.

But for Yufan, it's actually the same.

It's just a difference between stepping on it a few more times and kicking it a few more times.

When you have decided to use nuclear bombs to strike a certain area.

So it makes no difference to you whether there are a hundred ordinary people or 10,000 Dwayne Johnson in this area.

After only a few minutes, Yufan cleared the first wave of monsters that came out of the portal.

Then start the same operation as in the first paragraph - block the door to kill monsters, and throw "Amaterasu" into the door.

In the VIP viewing room, several principals were already a little surprised by Yufan's operation.

They already knew very well that Yufan would not leave until he killed all the monsters.

Looking at Yufan's crazy rising points, several principals even felt that if he was strong enough, this would be the optimal solution to the road to heaven and he could get the most points.

After all, in order to fully demonstrate the strength of each candidate, the big exam does not set a time limit. Whoever has the ability can always earn points in it.

Just because the distance points are much more than the points for killing monsters, this situation gradually formed where all the participants were killing monsters while rushing forward quickly.

Yufan's one-sided massacre is a bit boring. His actions always give Gao Qisheng the illusion of a naughty child stepping into a puddle.

Although this "naughty kid" is a hundred-meter-tall giant, it really lacks the beauty of fighting.

Gao Qisheng turned his head towards the light screen where Huang Sichong was, and was surprised to find that Huang Sichong, a professional guy, actually fought quite smoothly.

Compared with others, Huang Sichong actually has a big advantage.

Yufan pushed all the way, and he followed behind, reaching the road to the sky without spending any energy.

This is just like a physical fitness test. There is a difference between asking you to run a thousand meters before jumping rope and directly testing the jump rope.

Huang Sichong's style of play was much more normal. He did not obsess about killing monsters, but moved forward while killing monsters.

He arranged seven "Bull-headed Beast Lords" in an arrow-like formation.

The highest level 28 one is at the front, and then there are three on each side.

Just like the formation of wild geese during migration.

The last remaining one was placed behind him in case a monster came around to attack him.

Very stable.

Huang Sichong himself sat on the "Yanjia Giant" together with the "Wooden Monkey Lord".

He controlled the wooden monkey to continuously fire "wooden cannons".

Fight wherever there are many monsters to help the Minotaur Lord relieve the pressure of advancement.

It feels like playing a special tower defense game.

Relying on this style of play, Huang Sichong easily broke through the "Mushroom Monster" in the first stage and the "Lord of the City of Light" in the second stage.

Although he can't beat Yufan in terms of points, he has already left Yufan behind in terms of distance. After all, Yufan is still on the second stage and wants to drive all the dragons away.

In the viewing room, Gao Qisheng looked at Huang Sichong's playing style and nodded slightly.

Huang Sichong's style of play reminded him of the "Summoner" profession.

The situation of this profession is very delicate.

Because during battle, a large number of special creatures must be summoned and controlled to fight.

Therefore, battles involving "summoners" are often very chaotic and difficult to direct, and the efficiency will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, many people are unwilling to accept a summoner to join the team when they form a team to play a dungeon.

However, once a completely unknown new copy appears and people are needed to open up wasteland, the situation is completely different.

The "Summoner" instantly went from being a nuisance to everyone's dad.

Just because the fighting method of "Summoner" is so suitable for land reclamation.

A large number of summoned objects poured into the dungeon at once. Monster mechanisms, dungeon traps, and the like were all triggered by the summoned objects, making it clear at a glance.

And although the attack is slow, the summoner can always slowly kill all the monsters and then come out of the dungeon.

Safety is also ensured.

But although they are similar, Huang Sichong's monsters are obviously not summoned from other spaces like the summoner.

But a real wild monster.

Gao Qisheng knew the profession of "Divine Eye Appraiser" very well. It was a living profession, and it was absolutely impossible for him to have the ability to control wild monsters.

Gao Qisheng narrowed his eyes and took a closer look at the third eye on Huang Sichong's forehead and the purple light emanating from it.

"This thing... was most likely created by that boy Yufan." He muttered.

Huang Sichong has been following Yufan. If he wants to say that this has nothing to do with Yufan, he will never believe it even to death.

"Is he now able to develop skills across professions??"

Even with Gao Qisheng's knowledge, he couldn't help but be shocked.

Not many people in the entire Dragon Kingdom knew that people with extremely high savvy could develop skills across professions.

Because only four people have succeeded in the history of Dragon Kingdom, and the skills developed are not very useful in actual combat.

But the skill Huang Sichong used was different. The upper limit of this skill was simply ridiculously high.

If this skill's control over wild monsters can be improved as the level increases,

After the level increases, wouldn't it be invincible to use it to control those big ferocious beasts?

Every time a beast wave comes, I will directly use a skill to control your strongest beast.

Turn your strongest fighting power into my fighting power. How can the beast tide attack if the tide of beasts is ebbing and flowing?

Gao Qisheng was immersed in his own fantasy.

"Although the fighting style is good, I'm afraid this is the end." Li Qiudao didn't know when he also looked at the light screen on Huang Sichong's side.

Gao Qisheng came to his senses and realized that Huang Sichong seemed to be in big trouble in the third section.

The monsters that appear in this section are all aquatic monsters in the ocean, among which "octopus monsters" are the most common.

Ordinary octopus monsters had no effect on Huang Sichong's formation, and they were still killed by the "Tauran Beast Lord".

But among these octopus monsters there is a very special upgraded species - the "cursed black octopus".

The "Cursed Black Octopus" is less than one-tenth the size of an ordinary octopus.

But its speed is surprisingly fast, much faster than the fastest "Little Flying Dragon" in the second section of the road.

Anyone who is familiar with "Summoner" knows, what is Summoner most afraid of?

Of course I'm afraid of being approached!

The melee ability of "Summoner" is worse than that of various mages. It is almost impossible to resist after being approached.

Huang Sichong's situation is similar to that of Summoner.

Although Gao Qisheng didn't know what means Yufan used to let Huang Sichong master the ability to control monsters,

But Huang Sichong is still a living profession after all. Once he is approached, he will probably be inferior to a "summoner".

While his thoughts were spinning, five or six "cursed black octopuses" had already crossed Huang Sichong's defense line of the bull-headed beast, climbed onto the Yanjia giant, and headed straight for Huang Sichong.

Just when everyone thought it was over, Huang Si was impulsive. He waved his hand and took out something from the ring.

It was a small hilt.

Even if others are not familiar with this thing, it is impossible for Gao Qisheng not to be familiar with it.

This is what he is proud of, and it is something that no other profession can use. Their "Sword Soul" special weapon - lightsaber! ! !

"It's crazy, isn't it!?"

Gao Qisheng felt an extremely absurd feeling in his heart.

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