Ninja Useless? I Am Mangekyō Susanata Buddha

Chapter 79 Phantom Dragging Down

Water Dragon Bomb roared and rushed towards Chen Jinmo, forcibly pulling him back from his dazed state.

There is no doubt that Chen Jinmo's ability to control this water area is definitely not inferior to Yufan's.

I saw him open his arms, and then quickly close them.

The sea water on both sides was like two huge hands, slamming on Yufan's Water Dragon Bomb.


A huge wave of water erupted at the collision point, and both the Big Hand and the Water Dragon Bomb disappeared.

"Boy, you really surprised me!"

Chen Jinmo's hoarse voice reached Yufan's ears through layers of water in the "ghost waters".

This was the first time Yufan heard him say so many words in one breath.

"It's amazing that you can enter my "ghost waters" and you can actually control these waters. "

"But it's a pity, no matter what, this is my home court!"

The words fell,

Chen Jinmo's figure suddenly rushed out, much faster than in reality.

It seems that the distance traveled in this "ghost water" is not completely equivalent to the distance traveled in reality.

"Humph, compete with me in speed?"

"I don't even need to open the Eight Inner Gates!"

Yufan smiled disdainfully.

Stomping his right foot down sharply.

The whole body moved forward ten centimeters.


This is completely different from what Yufan thought.

what happened?

I don’t think Emperor Guy can run very fast in the water?

Why can't it work when I'm here?

Mud, am I going to swim here?

Although the [Secret Pond] skill allows Yufan to breathe in this water,

But this skill didn't let Yufan know how to swim at all!

Although Yufan has lived in two lives, no matter which life he was in, he has never learned to swim!

I have only been to the swimming pool a few times in my previous life, and I only splashed around casually in the diving area.

If I had to say it, I would only know how to swim at a dog-paddle style and at turtle speed.

Chen Jinmo had already arrived in front of Yufan with the bone spear. Yufan had no time to think and exited the "ghost waters" directly.

The feeling of stripping came again.

The feeling of being grounded makes Yufan extremely at ease.

The space in front of him fluctuated, and Chen Jinmo's bone spear shot out from it, dragging a long chain, making a "clang, dangcang" sound.

Yufan was about to dodge when he suddenly realized that the chain behind the bone spear was made of metal. This was his chance!

Chen Jinmo's greatest reliance is hiding in the "ghost waters", making it difficult for others to attack him.

But this move is just like Kamui Hollow, it will reveal huge flaws when attacking others.

Yufan no longer hesitated and directly opened the Eight Inner Gates to increase his speed by a huge amount, then dodged and grabbed Chen Jinmo's weapon Bone Spear while dodging the [Bone-penetrating Spike].

"Hey, I caught you!"

"Lightning Style·Thunder Beast Chasing Fang!"

The lightning in Yufan's right hand flashed, making an electric sound of "squeak~squeak~", and then he slapped the iron chain with his palm.

A wolf-like monster made of thunder and lightning rushed into the void along the iron chain on Chen Jinmo's bone spear at a high speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Lightning Style can restrain all water-based skills. Chen Jinmo is hiding in the water. Even if he lets go of the chain in his hand, he can't avoid it!

Although it can't cause him any substantial harm, but...

The moment Thunder Beast Chai Ya was released, the iron chain that was originally only half exposed appeared completely in reality.

Chen Jinmo appeared more than ten meters away holding the other end of the chain. His hands were a little burnt, apparently from being electrocuted by the Thunder Beast Chai Ya.

Sure enough!

Yufan shook his hand.

Yufan noticed it when he used the skill [Stealth in the Deep Pond] for the first time.

The implementation method of this skill is fundamentally different from [Kamui].

【Kamui】Connect the real space and "Kamui space" with Mangekyō Sharingan, thereby realizing the mutual transmission of the two spaces.

[Deep Pond] is completely different. It is more like a "ghost water" in another time and space that overlaps with reality through some kind of imagery.

The user is in these two spaces at the same time.

When you move in the "ghost waters", you will also move in reality, and attacks launched in the ghost waters can also appear directly in reality.

This method sounds awesome, but it actually has a fatal flaw.

It's just extremely unstable.

Once attacked by the enemy from reality, it is equivalent to being observed from reality.

The box containing the cat is opened, and the superposition state disappears at this moment.

"Ghost Water" will collapse directly, and the user will have to appear in reality.

Moreover, people who are observed from the real world cannot re-enter the "ghost waters" in a short time.

far away,

Watching this scene, Gao Qiqiang felt breathless, as if all the blood in his body was about to solidify.

Chen Jinmo was actually dragged out of the "ghost waters" by Yufan? !

After so many years, he has seen Chen Jinmo fight more than once or twice.

Most people couldn't resist at all and were killed by Chen Jinmo.

I have never met anyone who can drag him out of the "Ghost Sea".

Even he didn't know it was possible.

Chen Jinmo looked at Yufan with a complicated expression, his palms aching.

He knew that he had actually lost.

If he only used his level 32 strength, he would not be able to defend himself this time. He would be electrocuted and unable to move for several minutes.

"How did you suddenly become so fast?" Chen Jinmo asked curiously.

Yufan's speed when he suddenly dodged his own attack and grabbed the chain of the bone spear was definitely not what a level 32 person should be.

"Of course there are skills that can enhance speed." Yufan answered vaguely.

"Strengthening speed?" Chen Jin read it silently.

"Heh, okay, let me see how fast you can be!"

"Phantom down!"

Chen Jinmo became unusually interested.

Now that he has used more than level 32 strength, he no longer has to worry so much, he might as well use some high-level skills!

The moment Chen Jinmo finished speaking,

Dozens of figures could be seen around Chen Jinmo.

They formed a circle and surrounded Yufan.

"What the hell, a clone?"

Just when Yufan didn't know what he was doing,

A [bone-penetrating spike] suddenly shot out from the figure behind Yufan.

Very fast and very powerful.

But with Kamui Hollow here, this kind of physical attack that can be reflected cannot hurt Yufan.

[Kamui] is naturally capable of defeating physical assassins like "Blood Harbor Ghost".

But Yufan doesn’t intend to waste time with him either.

He jumped directly into the air, intending to shoot [Great Fire Extinguishing] below.

No matter how weird his skills are, AOE coverage is enough anyway.

But what Yufan didn't expect was that when he jumped up, the large circle of figures also jumped into the air!

The relative position has not changed at all!

[Bone-penetrating Spike] is still shooting at Yufan from all directions, and it seems that it will not stop until Yufan is shot to death.

What the hell is this skill?

Can you still lock your head?

Yufan looked around, looking at the large circle of Chen Jinmo's figures, feeling a little confused.

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