Ninja Useless? I Am Mangekyō Susanata Buddha

Chapter 81 Intruder In The Room

The waterfall recedes,

The sound of a thousand birds chirping disappeared,

The entire grove fell into an eerie silence.

Yufan's right hand was inserted into Chen Jinmo's left chest, and about a centimeter was inserted into it.

At this moment, blood was flowing out.

Both the clothes and the skin around the wound were scorched.

Chen Jinmo finally stopped being expressionless. He stared and looked at Yufan's hand on his chest in disbelief.

If he hadn't pushed his body functions to the limit at the last moment and still maintained a strength of about level 35,

At this moment, Yufan's hand didn't stop here like this, but pierced directly through his heart.

Chen Jinmo, the Sixth Heavenly Luo of the Tianluo Palace,

I almost died at the hands of this level 32 junior!

"You, what is your move?"

After a while, Chen Jinmo murmured and asked.

Yufan took back his hand and wiped it on his clothes.

"I have a secret technique that can increase my body's strength by more than 10 levels in a short period of time, and greatly increase my speed."

"And the lightning skill I use to attack can also greatly increase the speed."

“The superposition of the two creates such an effect.”

Yufan explained roughly.

Gao Qiqiang hurried over from the side.

"Oh, why, how did it end up like this?"

Gao Qiqiang looked at Chen Jinmo's tragic situation and couldn't laugh or cry.

According to his original plan,

When Chen Jinmo took action, he should have tried out all of Yufan's skills in three strokes, five divisions, and two divisions.

Unexpectedly, there were many accidents and it ended up like this.

He looked at Yufan seriously.

Now he finally understood what Ren Yixu said before leaving.

He said that Yufan was beyond his grasp.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Qiqiang took a deep breath and returned to his usual demeanor.

"Okay, this time I, Gao Qiqiang, underestimated you."

"I'm willing to admit defeat, Lao Mo, how many levels of strength did you use just now?"

Gao Qiqiang asked with a smile.

"Level 63."

"Ah?" Gao Qiqiang's eyes twitched and he turned his head to look at Chen Jinmo.

Although he was prepared for heavy bleeding, the result was still a bit difficult for him to accept.

Against a level 32 junior, Chen Jinmo was actually forced to use his level 63 strength?

This is too exaggerated.

Chen Jinmo nodded towards Gao Qiqiang.

There was nothing he could do, mainly because Yufan's attack was too sudden and he didn't even react.

It's too late to use any skills.

He can only release most of his strength and use the defense power of a high-level expert to resist this attack.

To put it simply, he was able to withstand this attack purely by relying on the numerical difference brought about by level.

But no matter what, if you use it, you will use it. Chen Jinmo doesn't bother to lie in a place like this.

Even if Gao Qiqiang asked him to pay for it in the end, he wouldn't care.

Three minutes later,

Yufan took Gao Qiqiang's last 300 million back home. Level 63 was 31 million higher than level 32, so he should have given him 310 million.

As for the remaining ten million,

I would give it to him later when he had the opportunity, but Yufan angrily told him to pay for it first.

As one of the richest people in Kyoto, Gao Qiqiang never thought that he would be left penniless before he came out.

After several Flying Thunder God transfers, Yufan flew directly back to his bed, then got up and went downstairs.

It was getting late, and Su Rao seemed to have already eaten, and there were still a few extra dishes left on the table.

"Today is such a great harvest!"

Yufan sighed while eating his meal.

Within one day, the level was raised to level 32.

I bought Eight Inner Gates and upgraded it to the Fourth Gate "Injury Gate".

Then I also bought a Kakashi character template,

Those who don’t owe the system the last penny are actually left with 40 million.

Of course, all of this is inseparable from the rewards from Yufan’s top brother, Gao Qiqiang.

After eating and drinking, Yufan felt his belly and lay back comfortably on the bed, planning to have a good sleep before attending the announcement ceremony tomorrow.

Two o'clock in the morning,

This is when most people sleep the deepest,

The room was dark and quiet, except for the steady rising and falling of Yufan's breathing.

at this time,

Yufan's heart skipped a beat and he woke up from his sleep.

Without any hesitation, he directly activated Flying Thunder God to move under his bed, and then left a Shadow Clone on the bed.

Someone entered his room!

This is something Yufan worked on during his few days of rest after returning from the mountains.

Use some small Chakra threads to arrange around the perimeter of your room.

Then connect to the bedside.

Once the Chakra line is broken, you will be able to sense it.

Of course, it was originally just a case of secondary illness, just for fun.

I never thought it would actually play any role.

Unexpectedly, someone actually sneaked into his room tonight.

Then he was discovered by his Chakra line.

"Da da da……"

The visitor didn't seem to want to hide his figure at all, and just walked to the bed so blatantly.

The momentum is very strong. Judging from Yufan's experience today, it is very likely that he is level 60 again.

Yufan turned his head and saw a pair of heavy combat boots.

It seems to be a heavy-duty profession.

Ma De, what's going on? Why are so many big guys coming to see me today? Yufan is very worried.

This man came to Yufan's room in the middle of the night and had to make Yufan suspect that he came with bad intentions.

And Yufan didn't want any head-on conflict with him at all.

Yufan is not so stupid as to take advantage of Chen Jinmo during the day and think that he can really defeat others after reaching more than thirty levels.

He knew very well that he could beat Chen Jinmo solely because Chen Jinmo only used level 30 strength at the beginning, and only used up to level 35 skills from beginning to end.

If he comes up and throws level 45 ultimate moves and awakenings at random, he will never stand a chance.

It would be good to be able to escape unscathed.

According to Yufan's thoughts, he really wants to transfer away directly with Flying Thunder God.

But the problem is that he is not the only one at home, his sister Su Rao is also at home.

Who knows if this person will attack Su Rao if he catches him.

Yufan is not an indecisive person. Even if a relative or friend dies unfortunately, he can adjust his mentality and accept it calmly.

But one thing must not be compromised. They must not die because of themselves. This is something Yufan never wants to see.

What Yufan regrets now is why he didn't leave a mark of Flying Thunder God on Su Rao's body.

Otherwise, he could just transfer over, pick up Su Rao and run away.

When Yufan hesitated, the man had already bent down and stretched out his hand towards the Shadow Clone on the bed.

Yufan knew very well that this was his best opportunity for a sneak attack.

Once the Shadow Clone is broken, the person will realize that they have been deceived, become alert, and never have a chance again.

"Mad, don't worry. If something goes wrong, we might as well just go into Kamui's space."

"I have no choice but to get on!"

"Spiral Flash Super Ring Dance Roar Three Styles!"

(asking for free gifts)

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