"The awards for the big exam have been announced."

"I announce that the results of the Los Angeles University Examination have begun!"

Hearing this, the entire venue suddenly became quiet.

Everyone held their breath and looked behind the podium.

There were nine huge display boards covered with red cloth.

What is written on it are the scores and rankings of all students who exceeded the admission score for the Los Angeles University Entrance Examination.

This result will greatly affect the fate and future of all students present.


The first piece of red cloth was torn off.

The list is always released from the lowest ranking upwards.

The first group released, called the base board, consists of people who have just passed the admission line.

Therefore, when the students looked at the bottom board, they had mixed emotions.

If your name is on it, it means your grades are not good and you just passed the line.

If your name is not on it, you may have better grades, but you may also have failed.

"Ah, my name is on it. How come my points are so few? There are more than three million people in the country. My mother will kill me!"

"Just be content, I don't even know if you will fail."

"Huh, luckily my name isn't on it."

"Damn it, it's over, it looks like I failed the exam, don't do it!"


For a time, mourning flooded the land,

Some people are grateful that they are not on top, some feel that they have failed in the exam, and some feel that the sky has fallen.

In fact, everyone has a rough idea of ​​what level they are at.

If I am not on this board, I know better than anyone whether I will take a step forward or fall directly into the rankings.

Next, the red cloth was uncovered piece by piece.

Now everyone who finds their name on the board will be happier.

And the more you go on, the happier you will be.

When the fifth piece was lifted, a familiar voice sounded.

"Look, look, my name is ranked first in this section!"

"I am No. 762 in Los Angeles!"

"Although I'm a little behind in my profession, I can make up for the gap in my profession with my genius mind!"

"I'll see who dares to question my analysis in the future!"

His words obviously meant something, and he was trying to get rid of the student who challenged him just now.

Because the name of the student just now has appeared on the front board, which is much worse than Li Laoba.

As the ranking gets higher and higher,

The atmosphere in the hall is getting more and more lively.

Someone in Versailles said, "Oh, I am only ranked 300th in Luo City. I made a mistake. I made a mistake."

Some people are ecstatic, "Fuck, I'm two hundred and fifty, I'm two hundred and five! I'm two hundred and fifty, I'm two hundred and five!!!"

Some people cried with joy, "Wow, I actually managed to get the 198th place in Luo City. There is smoke coming out of the ancestral graves. Parents, there is smoke coming out of our ancestral graves!"

This situation gradually eased when the ranking entered the top 100.

The candidates on the list are relatively calm.

In any industry, once you reach the top level, luck will never play a role.

Everyone can only speak based on their strength.

If anyone told you that he was "just lucky" to get this ranking.

That can only mean that this person wants to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger. Anyone who believes it will suffer disaster.

By the end of the eighth sign,

Most of the candidates who passed the test in Los Angeles are already on the list.

As for the last ninth sign, there is no red cloth on it, but only ten places covered by wide red tape.

Those were the top ten in this Los Angeles exam.

For this world dominated by "occupation" and "skills",

The college entrance examination is definitely not just a matter for the education sector.

This is a major event related to the development of the entire Los Angeles City.

Therefore, these processes must be grand.

Only in this way can the people of Los Angeles remain in awe of the college entrance examination and invest more resources in cultivating the next generation.

"The results release ceremony has come to an end, let us reveal the top ten of this Los Angeles Examination!"

The career of the woman responsible for unveiling the list seems to be very special.

She didn't need to touch the red tape with her hands, she just raised her hand and waved it lightly.


The tape fell off.

"Tenth place, Mikoto Hayashi! Points: 119,862 points, national ranking: 5,532!"

"Mikoto Hayashi, please come on stage and stand next to me!"

Not far from Yufan, a tall girl with brown hair, beautiful features, but a bit flat chest stood up.

Yufan knows that this girl, Lin Mikoto, is the person who has always occupied the first place in Beicheng No. 2 Middle School.

In the past, Yufan was often compared with her.

The profession she changed into is also very good, the "Electromagnetic Cannon User", one of the best hidden professions in the lightning category.

It is said that you can use your fingertips to launch super-powerful electric bombardments with a diameter of one or two meters wide. It is a fire coverage profession.

After Lin Mikoto stood still on the stage, the woman activated her skill again and ripped off a piece of red tape.

The next ones are basically Yufan’s acquaintances.

Ninth place, Bai Xiaoxiao, 128,970 points, national ranking: 5,022.

This girl with fair skin and reflective skin performed quite well in this exam with the help of the "Aurora Sword" sold to her by Yufan and Huang Sicong.

Eighth place, Wang Yanyan, 139,910 points, national ranking: 4,643.

She stood on the stage, but her expression didn't show how happy she was.

During the exam yesterday, the image of Yufan's arrogant fire going out and burning the Momarsh River dry is still vivid in my mind.

She now has deep doubts about her profession as "Dragon Flame Mage".

Seventh place, Mei Youxiong, 142,008 points, national ranking: 4,241.

Mei Jiba's younger sister is a "creator" by profession, and her equipment is quite gorgeous.

Unfortunately, he also has a certain figure.

Even Sister Pao can overwhelm her!

Sixth place, Yu Kun, 146,986 points, national ranking: 3,988.

The son of the leader of Kunquan style, although Yufan has made him lose any confidence, his strength is still there.

Moreover, because he cleared the "Endless Cave of Goblins" abyss under the leadership of Yufan,

His level has reached level 27, which is two levels higher than Mei Jiba.

It’s not surprising to be ranked sixth.

Fifth place, Qin Meng, 151,034 points, national ranking: 3,632.

Needless to say, she is the city lord's daughter, Yu Kun's goddess, Huang Sichong's little crush, and the "Elemental Mage" profession.

With the attribute strengthening increase of "Elemental Heart", it is not surprising that she can achieve this result.

Fourth place, Yu Yanran, 159,976 points, national ranking: 3,012.

Huang Sichong’s childhood sweetheart,

The auxiliary profession "Light Prayer" entered the dungeon together with Mei Jiba, and naturally its ranking cannot be lower.

"The most exciting moment is coming!"

"This year's second overall pick, third overall pick, and first overall pick in Los Angeles will be announced soon!"

"Let me tell you secretly, our ranking in Los Angeles this year is so high that you can't even imagine it!"

The woman's voice was trembling with excitement.

Mei Jiba sat below, also shaking with excitement.

Yu Yanran has actually been ranked 3,000.

Then wouldn’t he be able to rank in the early 2,000s? !

Two thousand nationwide!

No one in Los Angeles has achieved such a ranking in the past ten years.

Everyone in Luo City must remember my name, Mei Jiba! ! !

Mei Jiba believed that he was the first in the Los Angeles exam and was overly excited.

Little did he realize that the fourth place was already three thousand.

There are three more people in front of me,

A result of more than 2,000 places is simply not enough.


The woman peels off the tape from the third place's name.

"Third place, Mei Jiba!"

"Student Mei Jiba, please come on stage!"

Hey...what...what's the situation?

I...I'm third?

Am I only in third place?

How can this be……

Who is first and second?

Mei Jiba's mind suddenly shut down, and he slowly stood up at a loss.

"Classmate Mei Jiba! Please stand on the stage quickly!"

The woman wanted to announce it quickly, but when she saw Mei Jiba's appearance, she couldn't help but urge.

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