[Uchiha Fugaku: Unexpectedly, in the second video, Sasuke and Orochimaru appeared together, but this time the relationship between the two seems to be good. 】

【Uchiha Mikoto: Where is Sasuke in the video going? It looks very dangerous...】

【Senju Hashirama: Can it not be dangerous? 10,000 Sharingan for spare, and save a Flying Thunder God to escape, my God, is this descendant of the Uchiha clan going to kill Sage of Six Paths? 】

[Senju Tobirama: Brother, be realistic, I think he might be going to kill a village of Sage of Six Paths. 】

【 Terumi Mei: So what is the use of that Izanagi? 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: It's very complicated to say, but simply put, it can be resurrected once at the cost of losing the light. 】

【 Terumi Mei: So powerful? Then why didn't you use it when the Uchiha clan was wiped out? Is an eye more important than a life? 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: Uchiha once abused Izanagi, and was later deciphered by a tribe, and Izanagi became a Forbidden Technique. The tribe didn't know it at all, and I didn't learn it as the patriarch. 】

[Senju Tobirama: I think there is another possibility. Uchiha Sasuke became a rebel and joined the Akatsuki organization. His Sharingan is to start a war with the five major ninja villages and set off a ninja world war! 】

【Senju Hashirama: Tobirama, you are almost done. Look at the Uchiha Sasuke in the video. He is almost a middle-aged uncle. In the previous Fourth Ninja World War, this baby was still a teenager. 】

【Senju Tobirama: Hmph, I didn't say it was the Fourth Ninja World War. The born evil Uchiha kid might start the Fifth Ninja World War. 】


Sasuke was in his room, shaking with excitement.

He was still debating whether to join Orochimaru.

Orochimaru, after watching the previous video, killed himself, will most likely not teach him again.

But the second video gave Sasuke unlimited confidence.

Orochimaru has returned to the Akatsuki organization, isn't this what Uzumaki Mianma just announced not long ago?

In other words, what he is about to experience is not the fate of the first video, but the second one!

Then don't worry about it at all.

Look at the screen again.

The middle-aged Sasuke took what Orochimaru handed him, nodded, and walked to the high platform.

There were rows of ninjas with strange tattoos standing densely in the audience.

Sasuke appears to be giving a pre-battle speech.

However, the main character of the video is Orochimaru.

As expected, the screen flashed by.

All that could be seen was that the steel behemoth spewed violent Chakra flames and flew straight into the sky.

【 Fourth Raikage: Wait, this huge ninja is flying straight into the sky. Is the enemy in the sky? 】

[Onoki: At least now, it is certain that they did not intend to attack the five great ninja villages. 】

[ Terumi Mei: Those ninjas in the audience are very imposing, and their forehead protectors are all from Rain Shinobi Village. It seems unsurprising that the headquarters of Xiao organization is in Rain Shinobi Village. 】

[Senju Tobirama: I thought that Orochimaru in the last video would have enough means to develop the Yinnin Village to that scale, but the difference between that Yinnin Village and this Rain Shinobi Village is simply worlds apart. 】

【Hatake Kakashi: The aura of those ninjas, I am afraid they are not low in strength. So many powerful ninjas have been sent out. It seems that there will be peace among ninja villages in the future. 】

[Senju Hashirama: Is that so? Then I'm relieved, haha. 】

[Senju Tobirama: Brother idiot, there is only one possibility for the five major ninja villages to work together, and that is that they have a common enemy that is difficult to defeat! 】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen: I still don’t see how the traitor Orochimaru is the light of mankind. At most, he played a role in the ninja war just like the previous video. 】

[Tsunade: Old man, don't be so stubborn, haven't you seen the eyes of other ordinary ninjas looking at Orochimaru in this video? Including the ninjas from other ninja villages who passed by just now, they all showed respect. 】

[ Jiraiya: So what exactly did Orochimaru do? 】

The screen rotates again.

This time it is no longer a tense battle, but a leisurely ninja school.

Different from ordinary ninja schools, the ninjas in this ninja school have forehead protectors.

——That is to say, they have graduated from ordinary ninja schools and become ninjas.

So why are they still here?

If you observe carefully, you will find that the forehead protectors of these ninjas are different.

They turned out to be "students" from other ninja villages.

As a teacher, Orochimaru walked slowly in front of the ninja students.

"Have you finished all the homework assigned to you last time? Next, check them one by one. Those who haven't finished will consciously go home and practice."


"Professor Orochimaru, look at mine!"

"No, look at me, I am much more complete than him!"

The students below raised their hands excitedly, and then...

Layers of steam rose from his body.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Orochimaru nodded slightly, tapped the blackboard, and a machine and a bunch of formulas appeared on the blackboard, "Last month I told you the principle of the steam engine, and applying this principle to Chakra can form Boil Style.

The last time I taught you to use Boil Style · Wei Li Wushuang, it seems that you have all succeeded. Your current strength is comparable to that of Tsunade back then. "

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