Ninja World Comparison: Hidan Actually Deterred The Whole Ninja World

Chapter 44 Shouhe: Woohoo, I'm Not Clean Anymore

【Kankuro: Gaara has suffered an indiscriminate disaster! 】

[Onoki: This old man can be regarded as a person who has experienced previous ninja wars, and it is the first time that he feels fear of a kind of battle. 】

【Deidara: Is it because you have hemorrhoids? 】

【Onoki: Bastard Deidara, don't mention that! 】

[Jiraiya: I also admire Orochimaru for the first time. Is there a second person in the world who can do it without changing his face when he swims in a cesspool? 】

【 Temari: By the way, is Gaara still alive like this? You won't die, will you? That Uzumaki Mianma promised me in the video to save Gaara back! 】

[Uzumaki Naruto: I think Gaara might have been alive, but now he is stink to death. 】

【Kankuro: Maybe it's overkill. 】

【Gaara: Kankuro, I'm still alive! Are you courting death? 】

Although Gaara has been "influenced" by Naruto, after all, not long after, her temper and majesty still remain.

[Kankuro: Sorry, I was wrong, I said what was in the video. 】

【 Fourth Raikage: Speaking of it, One Tail Shouhe is also an idiot. The other party obviously came for it, but he still didn't cooperate with Jinchūriki. Isn't this courting death? 】

[Onoki: Huh? Raikage, how do you know that Shukaku didn't cooperate? 】

[ Fourth Raikage: Isn't this obvious? If Jinchūriki and the Tailed Beast work together, they can't be caught so easily. 】


With the continuous use of Bakufeng Luanwu, the pot that sealed Shuhe also fell out and floated on the cesspool.

The masked man was already terrified.

For nothing else.

Just because Orochimaru swims in the cesspool and dares to lick it with his long tongue.

However, he didn't dare to use Mangekyō's pupil technique lightly.

Who knows how much juice is left in the space.

You know, until he stopped using it just now, the speed at which the curry erupted did not slow down at all.

While dodging Orochimaru's attack, the masked man copied Orochimaru's skills with Sharingan.

after all.

If his life is really in danger, then he should still Hollow Hollow and return to the Kamui space.

In the space, the person facing him may be the real dung sea crazy maggot.

That's when he needed Orochimaru's cesspool swimming skills to save his life.

The masked man never dreamed that his Mangekyō space-time pupil technique would be blocked in such a way.

Scorpion watched the battle from the roof for a while.

It seems that if it goes on like this, there will be suspicion of paddling, and there is no effort at all.

So, the scorpion made a move.

But there is no puppet used, just the Chakra line to manipulate the puppet.

The Chakra line caught Gaara floating in the cesspool.

Scorpion resisted the discomfort and pulled Gaara up to the roof.

After taking Gaara, Xie looked at Shuhe's sealing pot again.

Seemingly noticing Scorpion's thoughts, the masked man stopped abruptly.

"Since you want to guard the crane, then give it to you!"

The masked man's tone suddenly became tough.

The Mud Bodhisattva is still angry, what's more, what's on his body now is not mud, but dung.

One Tail Jinchūriki is dead anyway.

Even if Sunagakure finds another Jinchūriki, it cannot be cultivated in a short time.

Just find a chance and grab it.

It's better to run for your life now... a strategic retreat is better.

But before retreating, he had to take a deep breath.

"Seal, release!"

The masked man slapped the sealing pot with his palm, and then lifted the lid.

Yellow sand gushed out of the pot suddenly.


show up!

"My uncle is out again!! Wow, quack... I'm so stinky! What the hell is so stinky!!!"

The Shuhe that was released was laughing arrogantly, when suddenly a stench entered its mouth.

Shouhe looked down, half of his body was bathed in the cesspool, and his eyes went dark for an instant.

——I will lose my dignity as a tailed beast in the future.

"The revenge of throwing dung, you must pay in blood in the future!"

After the masked man uttered a harsh word, he retreated directly.

This sentence is also to remind Shouhe who caused the terrifying environment in front of him.

"You nasty ninjas, how dare you defile Lord Shouhe's noble body!"

Shouhe looked angrily at the members of Akatsuki, opened his mouth wide,

"Wind Style·Liankong..."

Shouhe was just about to release the blank ammunition.

Payne, who was watching the battle in the air, saw the tailed beast appear and landed immediately.

“Spicy Tiansai!!!”

The huge repulsive force directly pushed the septic tank into a huge wave.

And this huge wave directly rushed into Shuhe's open mouth.

"Google, hiccup."

Shouhe swallowed it in one gulp, before hiccupping.

Afterwards, Shouhe's eyes froze.

It's a dignified little friend of the Sage of Six Paths, one of the nine tailed beasts, and it actually ate shit today!

It’s okay to eat shit, you’re still full!

Shouhe shed two lines of clear tears.

Apart from the day Sage of Six Paths passed away, this was the first time Shukaku cried.

"Orochimaru, what about your preparations?"

Payne withdrew his hand, floated back to the roof, and asked Orochimaru below.

- Tiandao Payne is Yahiko's body, and Nagato is reluctant to let Yahiko go to fight in the cesspool.

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