Ninja World Comparison: Hidan Actually Deterred The Whole Ninja World

Chapter 49: The Influence Of The Cooperation Between The Protagonist And The Villain

【Kurama: Forget about the Chakra that sucks the crane, it doesn't have enough Chakra for its own use.

And Shouhe just ate shit, isn't Chakra who sucks it afraid of sucking the shit out along the way? 】

[Shouhe: Smelly fox, you should die! I want to kill you a thousand times, but it's not enough! ! ! 】

【 Fourth Raikage: To be honest, I haven't recovered yet, what happened to that Rinne Tensei Technique, and the Kisei Reincarnation Technique? 】

[Onoki: Don't think about it, it's infinite resurrection.

Although it seems that Chakra of Tailed Beast is needed to supplement it, and Orochimaru's Impure World Reincarnation seems to be needed, but it really can resurrect the dead infinitely! 】

【Senju Hashirama: I suddenly feel that this ninja world has become strange. What's going on? 】

【Senju Tobirama: Brother, I am also a little confused. I feel that the Forbidden Technique that I have studied for half my life has come to dogs. 】

【Senju Tobirama: Wait, I almost forgot, the Impure World Reincarnation needs the living as sacrifices! This resurrection ability is essentially an equivalent exchange of life! 】

【Grandma Chiyo: Sunagakure lists self-reincarnation as a Forbidden Technique, not because this ninjutsu is inhumane, but to prevent ambitious people from using this technique as a tool to oppress the weak.

If it is not listed as a Forbidden Technique, sooner or later an ambitious person will appear and let a group of ninjas specialize in self-reincarnation, and sacrifice them when necessary. 】

[ Orochimaru: Everyone, don't forget, the future me has mastered the technology called cloning, and can even directly cultivate life. 】

【Jiraiya: Well, Orochimaru, have you ever thought that the lives copied by you also have souls, and your technology may only bring new turmoil. 】

[ Orochimaru: I think the future me will be particular about this aspect. For example, when cultivating life, if you don’t give them consciousness, they are just a bunch of living meat tools. 】

【Senju Tobirama: Well, don't think too far, the question now is how the almost free resurrection will bring changes to the ninja world. 】

【 Jiraiya: Yes, I don’t know why, but I always feel flustered. 】

【 Orochimaru: What's the matter, Nidaime, why didn't you think about this when you invented Impure World Reincarnation? Without your Impure World Reincarnation, then the leader's Rinne Tensei Technique can only resurrect the complete existence of corpses. 】

[ Orochimaru: As for Jiraiya, aren't you the son of prophecy who has been clamoring to bring changes to the ninja world? How can I really witness the change and be afraid again? Your flusteredness just comes from the unknown! 】

[Senju Hashirama: I think it's pretty good, and this is not a resurrection without a price, but you didn't see it. 】

[ Terumi Mei: Oh? What's the point of First Hokage? 】

[Senju Hashirama: You forgot, in each fate in the first video, the goal of Akatsuki organization is to collect tailed beasts, which means they must be enemies of the Five Ninja Villages.

Therefore, in the first destiny, Sunagakure's mother-in-law Chiyo will not have any possibility of cooperating with the Akatsuki organization, and even if they cooperate, it is absolutely impossible to trust each other.

But the second fate was different.

With the child Uzumaki Mianma, the Akatsuki organization and the Five Ninja Villages are no longer completely hostile.

And under the peace of deterrence, they have the most basic trust, even if this trust is based on deterrence.

This is the real price of resurrection. It is not just as simple as two ninjutsu. It needs continuous exploration and hard work for peace! 】

[Onoki: As expected of the god of ninjas who ended the chaos of the war, my mind is instantly enlightened when I say that. 】

【 Fourth Raikage: Hmph, First Hokage, it really is extraordinary. 】

[Senju Tobirama: Brother, have you stolen someone else's brain? 】

[Senju Hashirama: Tobirama, what do you mean? Aren't you, brother, me the embodiment of wisdom? 】

【Senju Tobirama: Wisdom is impossible, but obstacles are possible. 】

[Uzumaki Mianma: I once read a manga, in which the father of the main character has the ability to take a photo of anyone in the world, and the father of the villain has the ability to kill the person in the photo.

If the two of them teamed up, they could essentially kill anyone in the world, but how likely is that? 】

【Senju Hashirama: This explanation is interesting. 】

[Senju Tobirama: For example, if you have a baby with Uchiha Madara, brother, can you directly give birth to a Sage of Six Paths? 】

【Uchiha Madara: Tobirama, are you courting death? 】

[Senju Hashirama: Madara, Tobirama means that if we can trust and understand each other like in this video, the combined power may also affect the entire ninja world. 】

[Onoki: Hehe, First Hokage, you are being modest, please remove the word "maybe". 】

[Jiraiya: To be honest, I am now beginning to wonder if Naruto is the son of prophecy, and this Uzumaki Mianma is too outrageous. 】

【Uzumaki Kushina: Well, I have a question, can I book a resurrection qualification? I just wanted to check out Naruto. 】

【Namikaze Minato: Kushina, Mr. Orochimaru should have just started researching cloning technology. If living people are used as sacrifices, it’s better not to resurrect them for now. 】

【 Orochimaru: Hoho, didn't Kushina just say that you should never Impure World Reincarnation? 】

[Scorpion of Red Sand: I don't think you guys are too happy, the video is different from the reality, we don't have that guy Hidan's deterrence, she won't help us. 】

[Grandma Chiyo: That’s right, without that Hidan helping you deter the ninja world, who knows if you are going to catch tailed beasts again? The old body will not be an enemy! 】

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