Ninja World Comparison: Hidan Actually Deterred The Whole Ninja World

Chapter 53 Black Zetsu: Me? Partner Of Justice?

Pure land.

Uchiha Madara's mentality exploded.

He transplanted Rinnegan to Nagato, and planned so much, for what?

Isn't Nagato resurrecting him with the Rinne Tensei Technique?

As a result, two videos, two completely different fates.

None of them brought him back to life!

Forget about the first one.

Nagato was resurrected by Nine Tails Jinchūriki Konoha Shinobi.

Second what does that mean?

Cooperating with Sunagakure's old woman, he can be revived infinitely. Why hasn't he been revived?

He even used the Impure World Reincarnation to steal his Chakra as a key and take full control of his Rinnegan!

What do you say you hate account hacking the most?

【Senju Hashirama: By the way, Madara, it turns out that Rinnegan, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, really belongs to you? It seems that the masked man is not lying... Could it be that the masked man is Madara you? 】

【Uchiha Madara: Idiot! If I was still alive, how could I be reincarnation by Impure World! 】

【Senju Hashirama: That's right, haha. 】

【 Fourth Raikage: Even if the masked man is not Uchiha Madara, I am afraid he has something to do with him. Otherwise, how did the masked man know that Rinnegan is Madara? 】

【Senju Tobirama: Madara, tell me the truth, how did your Rinnegan come about! What conspiracy do you have! 】

[ Uchiha Madara: Huh, Tobirama, do you think I'll tell? Take your time to guess! 】

【Senju Tobirama: Guess? That's not necessary, anyway, it won't be long before your conspiracy will be exposed by this thing, and then you will slowly regret it in the Pure Land. 】

【Uchiha Madara: You are still so stupid and naive, Tobirama, in the face of absolute strength, so what if you are exposed? 】

【Senju Tobirama: Orochimaru, hurry up and crack Madara's eyes quickly. 】

【Uchiha Madara: Senju Tobirama, what the hell! 】

[ Orochimaru: Master Tobirama, this cannot be done for the time being. 】

[Senju Tobirama: Why can't it be done? 】

【 Orochimaru: Firstly, I have other things to study, secondly, the experimental equipment is not as good as in the video, and thirdly... the leader probably doesn't fully trust me yet, so he won't let me touch Rinnegan easily. 】

【Senju Tobirama: This is troublesome. Unfortunately, my eldest brother and I have been sealed by ghouls, and Impure World Reincarnation can't summon us. 】

【Senju Hashirama: Madara, whatever you want to do, stop it!

The juniors are all working hard for peace. With the juniors of the Uzumaki family, you can also see that the future is bright.

As long as you don't stop, the road will continue to expand.

Don't destroy this hard-won...]

【Uchiha Madara: Shut up! Hash hot mom, you are so naive, I only believe in my own strength! 】


[Ninja Q&A is being settled...]

[The companion who assists the reincarnated true god to play with life and death in the palm of his hand is——]

[The answer is A. Grandma Chiyo. 】

[Ninja Q&A correct answerer: Nagato. 】

[Ninja Quiz Reward Tags: Ashura; Indra; Darkness]

[Ninja Quiz Reward Item: Dark Sky Wave Eyes impregnated with the power of Six Paths in this world]

[We are now issuing compensation for banning speech...]

[Speaker Uzumaki Mianma has obtained—power projection. 】


Nagato was rewarded for the correct answer and was trying cautiously.

Uzumaki Mianma also got bonus feedback here.

[Ninja World Questions and Answers has correct answers, and the Host will receive reward feedback. 】

【Host is rewarded—Dark sky wave eyes impregnated with the power of Six Paths. 】

"Dark sky wave eyes, isn't that the skill in the poisoned milk powder in the previous life?"

Uzumaki Mianma felt the power in his body.

Fluctuation perception is completely fused with the perception of the Uzumaki clan.

As for other powers...

The dark sky wave eye is the awakening skill of Ashura in the poisonous milk powder game, known as the blind man, after changing jobs.

The effect is to create a dark field within a certain range, and there will be countless eyes watching the enemy in the field to form a coercion.

After that, the Great Dark Heaven awakens again, and will become the Emperor of Heaven, also known as Indra Heaven.

Perhaps because of the name, coming to the world of Hokage automatically matches the attributes of Ashura and Indra in this world.

The embarrassing thing is that if you want to use this power, you must bear the pain of losing your light.


The system thoughtfully gave a power projection in the silence reward.

"Project the dark sky wave eyes... no, it should be the dark sky Rinnegan's power projected onto the eyes."

Uzumaki Mianma opened his eyes and looked in the mirror,

"It didn't evolve from Sharingan. It only has the most basic abilities. It seems that it will become a ramo ninja now."

Uzumaki Mianma smiled helplessly and canceled the power projection.


Everyone in the ninja world is discussing with each other the rewards for this question and answer.

in some place.

Black Zetsu couldn't help but panic.

No one else understood what the names Ashura and Indra meant.

Only he knows.

These are the two sons of his unfilial older brother, Sage of Six Paths Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo!

The combination of the powers of Ashura and Indra creates the omnipotent power, the Rinnegan.

Now, this reward actually has something to do with this.

How could Black Zetsu not panic.

However, just when Black Zetsu was about to find the masked man and urged him to make plans quickly, the title of the next comparison video made Black Zetsu dumbfounded.

[Ninja Contrast Reopened]

[The theme of this comparison - the behind-the-scenes manipulator who fell short of the millennium plan and is against the whole world vs. the righteous partner who is immortal and gets his wish and fights with the whole world! 】

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