Ninja World Comparison: Hidan Actually Deterred The Whole Ninja World

Chapter 69 Uzumaki Mianma Is Going To Be Fooled By Black Zetsu?

【Grandma Chiyo: What archeology! It’s clearly stealing the tombs of our ancestors from the Land of Wind! I knew Orochimaru wouldn’t do good things!】

【 Orochimaru: It seems that it has nothing to do with me this time, I just accepted the task from Mr. Mianma. 】

【Grandma Chiyo: If little Mianma has any bad intentions, it must be Orochimaru who misinterpreted his meaning. 】


【Jiraiya: Haha, Orochimaru, you have today too. But having said that, what is his purpose in doing this? Isn’t it to resell antiques to make money?]

【Tsunade: Idiot Jiraiya, he said in the mission scroll that this is for the peace of the ninja world, how could it be to make money?】

【Jiraiya: Uh, Tsunade, do you believe what he says?】

【Tsunade: Of course I believe in people whom my second grandpa likes. 】

[Ghost Lantern Water Moon: Let me go, looking at it this way, our team is really suitable for stealing... ahem, archeology.

One is in charge of perception, cemetery entrances, traps.

My hydration ability can be immune to traps, and can be responsible for finding paths and destroying organs.

If you encounter any puppet guards, let Chongwu go up. 】

【Senju Tobirama: He collected these things, as if to know what happened in the past and to verify something. 】

【Senju Hashirama: In the past? Wouldn’t it be enough to read the history books recorded in the 390 ninja villages?】

【Senju Tobirama: Brother, you are too naive, some things will not be recorded in books.

And before you established the ninja village, big brother, when the family was fighting on its own, let alone the formal history books. 】

The screen continues.

After the three members of the archaeological team collected a lot of materials.

In Rain Shinobi Village, Nagato, leader of the Akatsuki organization, initiated the rally again.

"Under the deterrence of Hidan, the ninja world has achieved a preliminary peace, but the think tank suggested to me that many conditions are needed to truly achieve peace.

One of the most important thoughts must not be forgotten is called - be prepared for danger in times of peace. "

As the leader, Nagato looked at Uzumaki Mianma after speaking this paragraph.

"That's right, be prepared for danger in times of peace, although it is relatively peaceful now, we have no way to control everything.

Who knows if one day, someone's little girlfriend choked to death after drinking cold water.

He suddenly felt that this world was a hell, and he wanted to destroy the world.

Then it happened to acquire some kind of powerful force to break this peace.

Moreover, among the five major ninja villages, there are those who yearn for peace, and there are also ambitious people.

These careerists will never be content to keep their own place.

Uzumaki Mianma said this, paused, and continued:

"In addition to the unstable factors in the ninja world, we must also take a long-term view. If you relax and give up progress because of peace, that is the real self-destruction.

Of course, I don't say this for intimidation, or for unfounded worry. What we have to do is to eliminate the existing enemies as much as possible.

Then constantly improve your strength to fight against the unknown and the future. "

"So, what's the next step for our organization?"

Dried persimmon ghost frowned and answered.


Uzumaki Mianma spat out two words.

These two words startled Black Zetsu, who was hiding silently in the corner and had no sense of presence.

The only beanie eye of Black Zetsu attached to White Zetsu stared at Uzumaki Mianma, and a hoarse voice sounded: "Kaguya? Who is that?"

"That's right, you said plan, what do you mean by name? Why, is that your new big sister?"

Hidan poked out his ears with a look of disdain.

Hearing this, Black Zetsu glanced at Hidan silently, without speaking.

Continue to wait for Uzumaki Mianma's answer.

"You should have heard that some time ago I asked Orochimaru's men to go to the Land of Winds for archaeological research.

They didn't disappoint me either, and brought back a lot of meaningful and good things. "

Uzumaki held out a finger and smiled faintly.

"Good stuff? What can there be in that barren place?"

Scorpion said something coldly.

"Don't say that, there are still quite a few (caah), it is precisely because of the harsh environment of the Land of Winds that the things buried under the desert are not easy to decay.

Among them are several relatively intact corpses, which after Orochimaru Impure World Reincarnation gave some information about thousands of years ago.

Uzumaki Mianma waved at Scorpion.

"Thousands of years ago, isn't that too early? Were there ninjas at that time?"

Deidara asked while pinching the clay in her hands.

"Of course not, those who were resurrected, some of them were just ordinary people affected by a great war."

Uzumaki Mianma shook his head,

"However, from their mouths, I got these names in turn, Goddess of Mao, Kaguya, and ancestor of Chakra.

According to inference, they all refer to the same person, who is also one of the parties in that great war. "

【Jiraiya: Wait a minute, because of this, he thinks that Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is the protector of people thousands of years ago "and then helps Black Zetsu revive Ōtsutsuki Kaguya?】

[Senju Tobirama: He did make a huge mistake - he mentioned this in front of Black Zetsu!

Unless he has obtained key information, otherwise, Black Zetsu can completely modify it, artificially create some false information, and then be "archaeologically" revealed.

In that case, not only will he become a pawn like Madara, but he will also become a pawn along with the entire Akatsuki organization and even the entire ninja world!]

【Senju Hashirama: Hiss, can't you?】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen: This is called cleverness and being mistaken by cleverness. This is the consequence of being too rational.

Instead of this, it's better to trust Naruto, at least he finally sealed Black Zetsu and saved the ninja world. 】

【 Terumi Mei: So what he said is "be prepared for danger in times of peace", is it right?

Originally, I thought it made sense, but after hearing what you said, his idea of ​​"preparing for danger in times of peace" not only failed to lead to peace, but became an opportunity that Black Zetsu took advantage of, causing the entire ninja world to fall into crisis. 】

【Senju Tobirama: If it was me before, I would appreciate his point of view, but's hard to say. 】

【Senju Hashirama: Well, keep reading, I hope this kid doesn't go astray. 】

The screen continues.

"The ancestor of Chakra? It turns out that there is such an existence, who is the creator of the ninja world between that land and Sage of Six Paths?"

Kakuzu asked in a muffled voice.

"Even if the ancestor of Chakra existed, thousands of years have passed, so it has nothing to do with us?"

Konan wondered.

"That's right, but in the later archaeology, they accidentally encountered a Sunagakure rebel, and they followed this rebel and found a magical place.

Uzumaki Mianma took out a storage scroll from behind and put it on the ground. .

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