Ninja World Gold List: Take Stock Of The Combat Effectiveness Of All Members!

Chapter 11 Cthulists Vs Atheists! Hidan's Fight! Ask For A Flower Ticket! ! !

【Sarutobi Asuma: Did that bastard kill Chi Lu? Unforgivable! ! ! 】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen: Land of the Temple of Fire? A companion who used to be the guardian of the Twelve Guardian Ninja Warriors of the Land of Fire with Asuma, unexpectedly, he would die at the hands of the Akatsuki organization. 】

【Hatake Kakashi: So that's why you sent a team to kill those two guys? 】

at this time.

On the screen, Hidan poked his ears out and said, "Hey, hey, although it's not bad to kill you here to exchange for the bounty."

"But, don't you have to go to that smelly toilet again?"

Sarutobi Asuma's face suddenly changed.

He knew that the place behind him that looked like a public toilet was actually the place where the underground dark forces exchanged money.

That being said, Di Lu has really...

Sarutobi Asuma said in a deep voice: "We are ninjas from Konoha Village, and we are ordered to hunt down or destroy your Akatsuki organization."

"According to the intelligence, you are a team of two, right?"

"I wanted to get rid of you first, but it seems that you have a very powerful ability."

Nara Shikamaru maintained his shadow imitation technique, but his face was slightly pale at the moment.

"Is that a member of the Akatsuki organization?"

"Damn it, this ability to be absolutely immortal is too terrifying..."

"Are they all monsters?!"

"If this continues, the shadow imitation technique will not be able to maintain..."

Hidan sneered: "So, you guys got the order of attack wrong."

Sarutobi Asuma said in a deep voice, "Where is the other person?!"

Just at this very moment.

boom! ! ! !

Suddenly, from behind Nara Shikamaru, a figure appeared in an instant, and bombarded down with a fist!

Although Nara Shikamaru reacted at the last moment and fled away abruptly, the shadow imitation technique was canceled immediately.


Sarutobi Asuma rushed forward immediately, stopped Kakuzu, and stood guard in front of Nara Shikamaru.

At the same time, he shouted: "Zitie, Izumo, get out of there!"


In an instant, the four-member team temporarily retreated and stood back to back.

Hidan rubbed his shoulders: "Aha, the technique is finally untied."

Kakuzu said coldly: "Sure enough, that guy is the captain, a head worth 35 million taels, Hidan, it's rare that you are destined for money..."

But Hidan said: "Hey, Kakuzu, don't make a move!"

"I'll use these guys to sacrifice to Lord Evil God!"

"The money is yours!"

Kakuzu said: "Yes, but don't be careless, you will die."

Hidan said impatiently, "Is this what you said to me?"

"If you can kill me, I'm looking forward to it."

"However, it shouldn't be possible..."

As he spoke, he dipped his feet in the blood that he had shed just now, forming a peculiar pattern of a circle within a triangle.

It looked very strange and hideous.

Nara Shikamaru frowned: "Does the pattern drawn with blood have any special meaning?"

Sarutobi Asuma immediately said: "Listen, I will shoot, and then Shikamaru, you take the opportunity to use shadow imitation to restrain that guy's movements, even if only for a moment!"

"I'll cut off his head immediately!"

"Zitie, Izumo, the two of you are in charge of keeping an eye on another member of Akatsuki!"

Nara Shikamaru frowned: "Mr. Asuma, the risk is too high."

Gang Zitie also said: "You know the danger, why don't you evacuate first, Captain Asuma?"

"Stop talking! This is the only way! Those two people are far stronger than me, and they won't give us a chance to evacuate!"

Nara Shikamaru suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

"This is the first time I saw Asuma showing such an expression..."

"Those two monsters...hateful!!!"

Just at this very moment.

Hidan picked up the Short Sword that the steel had dropped, and Sarutobi Asuma also took out his two Chakra knives.

hum! ! ! !

In an instant, the wind attribute Chakra attached to it, causing Sarutobi Asuma's Chakra knife to burst into blue light!


Hidan laughed and slammed towards Sarutobi Asuma.

boom! ! !

In an instant, the Short Sword in his hand and Sarutobi Asuma's Chakra knife crossed.


Click! ! !

The Short Sword actually shattered in response to the sound, broke instantly, and was blasted out!

Hidan was taken aback, then smiled: "Your weapon looks really good!"

Nara Shikamaru also immediately concentrated and activated the shadow imitation technique again.

"Damn it, you have to catch up with that guy!!!"

However, Hidan was prepared this time, and it would be even more difficult to catch up with him with the shadow imitation technique.

"Hey, I won't hit the same move twice!"

boom! ! ! !

He suddenly flung out the rope in his hand, and the bloody March scythe shot away in an instant, slashing down in the direction of Sarutobi Asuma! ! !

But at this moment.

Sarutobi Asuma suddenly made a peculiar gesture with both hands.

"Welcome! Senju Kill!!!"

Suddenly, a Senju Avalokitesvara seemed to appear behind him, and the golden Chakra erupted suddenly, not only defending against the attack of the bloody March sickle, but even turned the defense into an attack, and a golden bergamot slammed into Hidan's body superior!

boom! ! ! !

Immediately, Hidan was directly blasted out.

Sarutobi Asuma smiled slightly: "This is Lu Lu's technique, how about it? If he uses it himself, the power will be much greater."

Kakuzu said coldly: "Hidan, don't be careless..."

Hidan yelled, "Shut up Kakuzu!"

"I said I can handle it myself!"

"Damn atheist, get ready to accept the punishment of Lord Evil God!!!"

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