Ninja World Gold List: Take Stock Of The Combat Effectiveness Of All Members!

Chapter 87 The Kakuzu Chapter Ends! The Twenty-Ninth Strong Man! Fourth Raikage Ai!

【Namikaze Minato: What a powerful technique! Rather than a spiral shuriken, it is better to say that it is an innumerable small wind blade needle, which attacks the entire human body from the cellular level, causing everything to be pierced and broken.. ...What a terrible technique, Naruto!]

【Tsunade: Indeed, once such an attack hits, I am afraid it cannot be cured at all. It has already destroyed all the internal organs, bones, flesh and blood, and even the cellular level? But... that Naruto guy can only close If you use this trick, you will be completely affected, I am afraid that his arm has already suffered a serious injury! This kind of technique, it is better not to use it lightly, unless it is a real completed version......】

【 Jiraiya: Indeed, but no matter what, Naruto has indeed surpassed Minato in this technique, even Minato has not improved Rasengan to this level. 】

【Uzumaki Kushina: Naruto...】

【Hatake Kakashi: As expected of you, Naruto, you finally did it......】

【Uzumaki Naruto: Hahaha, the future me looks pretty good, Sasuke, did you see it?!】

【Uchiha Sasuke: Well, in my opinion, the future me is even better. 】

【Kakuzu: Impossible, I would lose to such a brat?! Is that technique really that powerful?!】

【Hidan: Haha, Kakuzu, don’t you have to laugh at me this time? Didn’t you lose to the brat like me!!!】

【Konan: Unexpectedly, that Kakuzu guy also lost? He is obviously the oldest member with age, qualifications and experience......】

[Penn: Well, I was careless at the end. Although the other party is a brat, he should be more cautious. but......

[Two scales Onoki: After all, he is fighting continuously with seven or eight ninjas in Konoha Village. Among them are strong men like Hatake Kakashi and Yamato, and that kid Uzumaki Naruto has developed such a terrifying new Technique...Although he lost, it still couldn't affect his powerful strength. 】

【Fourth Raikage: Indeed, his strength has been fully demonstrated, and his loss is not unjustified. 】

【 Terumi Mei: Well, being able to fight so many powerful people to this extent, and even suppressing so many people all the time, his strength can be seen as Madara. 】

【Luo Sha: Unfortunately, I still lost...】

at this time.

Hatake Kakashi looked at the figure of Uzumaki Naruto and was filled with emotion for a while.

"To be able to improve the technique that the Fourth Hokage has not mastered to such a level..."

"Naruto, you have become much stronger..."

"Even, I'm afraid it has surpassed me as a teacher.

Yamato reminded: "Senior Kakashi, it's time...

Hatake Kakashi jumped down and came next to Kakuzu's immobile body.

At this moment on the earth, in a huge deep pit.

"I didn't expect that I would lose to a brat like you..."

"Indeed, in the eyes of you who once fought Lord First Hokage, we are all just thoughts."

"But in our eyes, you are an old guy who is out of touch with the times."

"That's why you're lying here dying."

Kakuzu raised his head unwillingly, and looked at Hatake Kakashi bitterly.

Hatake Kakashi didn't hesitate, and the Lightning Style Chakra erupted instantly.


"People of the new generation will surpass you and move on."


In an instant, Raikiri pierced Kakuzu's last remaining heart.

The life of Kakuzu, the undead monster with five hearts, finally came to an end at this moment.

And following this scene, the whole picture gradually darkened.

The volume of Kakuzu is finally over.

【Kakuzu: I'm really not reconciled, I would lose to this kind of brat, hum, if I wasn't too careless, I wouldn't have fallen into that obvious trap!】

【Hidan: Hahaha, now you have nothing to say, Kakuzu! Say I was crushed by the IQ of that kid, and you lost to the brat too?!】


[Hatake Kakashi: It's over, this long battle has finally come to an end...It seems that I am still not strong enough to let the battle go on to this level, and both times I relied on others Only then survived. 】

【Namikaze Minato: Kakashi, don't say that, you are young too, as you said, the new generation will eventually surpass the old, your potential is greater than anyone else. 】

【 Jiraiya: Hahahahaha, I didn't expect to lose to Naruto in the end. However, Naruto has indeed grown a lot, and even completed that technique. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto: Of course! I want to become a man who surpasses previous generations of Hokage!!!】

Right now.

The volume of Kakuzu has finally come to an end.

Kakuzu also received rewards from those who made the list.

"All Ninja World Combat Value Gold List, Kage-level powerhouse 30th place Kakuzu chapter ends~々!"

"Kakuzu, who is on the list, will receive random rewards as follows, please choose one of them."

"One, increase strength by 1 point."

"Second, increase the speed by 1 point."

【Kakuzu: Hmph, is there a reward for those who are on the list? I choose, let’s increase the speed by 1 point... 】

【Hidan: Oh? Is it time to run away Kakuzu?!】

【Kakuzu:......Do you really want to die? Hidan?!】

At the same time, Qian Yu also received his own system reward.

"Get a comprehensive score of A grade!"

"Acquire 15,000 shock points from the whole ninja world!"

"Get random rewards from the following systems, you can choose three of them!"

"One, the secret art of earth resentment!"

Wind Style! Oppression"

"Three, Fire Style Buy Hard!"

"Four, Lightning Style! Pseudo-dark!"

"Five, Earth Style! Earth Spear Technique!"

"Six, compound ninja! Flaming wind and chaotic waves!"

"Seven, compound ninja! Final shot!!!"

Chiba smiled slightly.

He has no interest in becoming a monster like Kakuzu.


"I chose the Earth Resentment Secret Technique and the two Compound Ninja Techniques."

Power is power, and he doesn't care if it's more.

And at this moment.

Once again, new changes appeared on the gold list.

"All Ninja Fighting Strength Gold List!"

"The twenty-ninth ranked Kage-level powerhouse is..."

The entire ninja world was once again in the spotlight.

Then, that name appeared in front of all the ninjas.

“Fourth Raikage, Ai!!!”

In an instant, the ninja world boiled again, and there was an uproar and discussions.

【 Fourth Raikage: Oh? Is it finally my place? Ranked 29th, hmph, it doesn't seem that high...】

[Two-day scale Onoki: Hey, it's already a good ranking, after all, this is the ranking of the whole ninja world. Although, it doesn't seem to put all the ninjas on the list, but the top thirty is quite good. 】

【 Terumi Mei: Not bad, at least much better than the 36th in Russia

【Luo Sha: I won’t say anything if I am thirty-eight, but Gaara is all thirty-five, which surpasses my father. 】

【Changjuro: My future Sixth Mizukage, the bottom of the ranking didn't say anything...】

The current five shadows in the ninja world are exactly Sarutobi Hiruzen, two-day scale Onoki, Luo Sha, Terumi Mei and Fourth Raikage.

Now, Luo Sha and Terumi Mei are on the list.

Fourth Raikage also appeared on the list.

In addition, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Onogi, who are two-day scales, are obviously stronger than these shadows.

【Killer Bee: Has the big brother finally appeared? The strongest person in Cloud Shinobi Village who is also known as this uncle, Double Lariat is invincible once he comes out! Stupid, bastard, oh yeah!!!】

【Darui: Master Raikage, you are only ranked twenty-ninth? How many strong people are there in front of you......】

【Third Raikage: It seems that your strength is not strong enough, you must continue to work hard!】

【Fourth Raikage: Well, I understand, District】

[Jiraiya: Another contemporary Five Kages lister. I don’t know when Sarutobi will be on the list, and how many places he can be ranked. Also, is Tsunade the future Fifth Hokage? I don’t know which number... 】

【Tsunade: Sensei Sarutobi should be taller than me, right?】

【 Orochimaru: Hey, that's not necessarily the case, the old guy can't keep up with the changes of the times...】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen】

【Namikaze Minato: Fourth Raikage Ai? On the battlefield of the Third Ninja World War, I once fought against him and Eight Tails Killer Bee. He was indeed a very powerful guy... Moreover, in terms of speed, his Lightning Style Chakra Mode is probably the second fastest after my Flying Thunder God. 】

【Fourth Raikage: Yellow flash? Huh, I did lose that battle. I admit that you are indeed number one in the ninja world in terms of speed, but I am much stronger now than I was back then!】

And at this moment.

The various data scores and final combat power values ​​of Fourth Raikage also appeared on the gold list.

Name: Ai

Ninja Village: Cloud Shinobi Village

Identity: Fourth Raikage

Attack: 9

Defense: 9

Speed: 10

Strength: 9

Life: 8

Chakra: 8

Spirit: 6

Wisdom: 8



As soon as this data came out, the entire ninja world was once again shocked.

[Two scales Onoki: Is the speed a perfect score of 10? It is indeed the second fastest ninja world after the yellow flash. After the death of Namikaze Minato, no one can match the speed of Fourth Raikage, right? Even his Papa Third Raikage can't do either......】

【Fourth Raikage: Dad's strength lies in attack and defense. Although speed is also very powerful, it is not the most important strength. His strongest spear and strongest shield are the signature ninjutsu that can sweep the entire ninja world. And my Lightning Style Chakra Mode focuses more on strength, so I am faster than Daddy!]

【 Terumi Mei: In addition to speed, attack, defense, and strength are all super high scores of 9 points. The activity of imagination, the ninjutsu that greatly increases speed, strength, attack, and defense is indeed powerful enough

【Tsunade: Fourth Raikage? The fighting style is similar to mine, both of which are melee types that attack with speed and strength, but he uses speed to dodge attacks, but I use medical ninjutsu to enhance vitality and recovery, hard-resistant attack. 】

[Luo Sha: When the Five Kages assembled for a decisive battle against Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Madara once said personally that Tsunade's strength was still higher than that of Fourth Raikage, but his speed was slightly inferior. His evaluation should be the most accurate. 】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: This guy is the same as his father Third Raikage, he is a reckless type, he is indeed mentally weaker, no wonder he was the only one who got the Uchiha Madara Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan illusion during the decisive battle with Uchiha Madara Five shadows. 】

[Jiraiya: But anyway, this data score is also considered luxurious,

In particular, the combat power value has reached 3.2 million! Obviously, the later the stage, the stronger each one on the list...  …]


The detailed data of Fourth Raikage also appeared on the gold list.

Fourth Raikage Ai, son of Third Raikage, brother-in-law of Eight Tails Jinchūriki.

Inheriting the will of Third Raikage, he leads Cloud Shinobi Village with absolute strength and prestige.

With the most powerful Lightning Style Chakra Mode, the speed is so fast that it can be called the second person under the yellow flash Namikaze Minato.

In addition, it also has a powerful ninjutsu mystery.

Once a hand knife cut off the horn of Eight Tails tail beast.

A true powerful melee ninja with incredible speed, strength, attack and defense, he is the guardian of Cloud Shinobi Village.

After that, the record of Fourth Raikage also appeared.

".` Fourth Raikage Ai's record, VS Eight Tails tail beast, victory, cut off the left corner of Eight Tails, and work together with the main Daime Raikage to subdue."

"VS Namikaze Minato, failed, and Killer Bee joined hands to fight and both sides stopped."

"VS Uchiha Sasuke, Onito Suigetsu (was it), Shigego, Kaorin, failed, defeated Onito Suigetsu and Shigego, and the battle with Uchiha Sasuke was terminated by Gaara."

"VS Uchiha Madara, failed, joined forces with the Five Kages, and was defeated by Uchiha Madara."

【Senju Hashirama: You actually fought Eight Tails and cut off that guy's left horn? Sure enough, Raikage from Cloud Shinobi Village is a real reckless...】

【Senju Tobirama: But, it was fighting with Third Generation Mukage, right?】

[Two scales Onoki: Indeed, Third Raikage is more powerful, has the strongest spear and the strongest shield, once fought against Eight Tails for three days and three nights, both sides collapsed from exhaustion at the same time

Land, the horror of Chakra and the power to see a Madara... …]

【 Terumi Mei: That's what I said, but being able to intervene in a battle of that level and cut off the left corner of Eight Tails is enough to show the strength of Fourth Raikage. 】

【Jiraiya: Minato, what happened to the battle between you and those two brothers?】

【Namikaze Minato: That was the third Ninja World War. I met the current Fourth Raikage, Eight Tails Killer Bee. After the two sides fought, it should be said that they were not the same.

Up and down, finally give up and leave. 】

【 Fourth Raikage: Hmph, yellow flash, needless to say, it sounds so nice, you were indeed the winner in that battle, after all we were two against one! But now I won’t fight again

Here you go!】

【Killer Bee: That battle was really wonderful! Stupid, bastard!!! Back】

[Darui: The fight with Eight Tails, the fight with the Yellow Flash, and even the fight with Uchiha Madara are pretty much well known, but the fight with Uchiha Sasuke

what's going on?】

【Uchiha Sasuke:...】

And at this moment.

On the screen, the fighting moments of the Fourth Generation Shin movie also reappeared.

the time is...….….

Five Kages Convention!!!

The enemy is...

Uchiha Sasuke!!!!.

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