Chapter 59: Swapping a Shotgun for a Cannon

This B-level mission outside the village has risen to the level of an A-level mission, and its intensity has even reached the threshold of an S-level mission.

Although it is dangerous, Hatake Akira enjoys it


This is Hatake Akira’s current gold coin balance, plus the bulk spell books he previously owned. If he wants to buy the intermediate equipment of the Book of Blood, there is only 29 gold coins left!

In other words, Akira Hatake only needs to get an assist or kill a genin with his own hands, and he can achieve a small leap in strength in an instant.

It was said that it was too late and then it was too fast. Akira Hatake made a move in an instant.

A ninja who was injured under the influence of Kakashi’s shadow clone Arashi was on Hatake Akira’s hunting list

His body activated at high speed, and he raised his hand to shoot out a passive attack. At the same time, Hatake Akira quickly formed seals with his hands.

Thunder Escape·Earth Walk!

A power grid is in the shape of a spider web, spreading rapidly forward close to the ground.

Although the spread distance is relatively short, the range is large, and there is considerable lethality, as well as a very significant body paralysis effect.

This caused the ninjas surrounding Hatake Akira to jump up and disperse, trying to avoid the attack range of Thunder Release and Earth Walk.

Not surprisingly, they were more successful than in the past, but Akira Hatake’s goal was also achieved.

Behind the group of people who surrounded and killed Hatake Akira, there was no longer an obstacle between the injured ninja and Hatake Akira, and the passive attack launched in advance locked onto him like a poisonous snake and struck him fiercely. attacked his chest


Akira Hatake has not learned the Flying Thunder God Technique yet, but the prerequisite for the Flying Thunder God Technique is the Ninjutsu Shuttdown Technique, and Hatake Akira’s current attainments are quite high.

Almost instantly, Akira Hatake appeared behind the injured ninja with a kunai in his hand, and the kunai in his hand stabbed hard towards the artery in his neck.


As a result, Hatake stabbed the sky, and the ninja used the substitute technique to temporarily escape the disaster.

But Hatake Akira was not surprised. He also expected this scene.

“Goodbye, never see you again”

Hatake Akira murmured softly. The Substitution Technique can avoid his kunai attack. If you seize the opportunity well, you can also avoid Hatake Akira’s passive attack.


The Substitution Technique cannot be used continuously in a short period of time, otherwise the Substitution Technique will become a bug instead of a last resort for many ninjas to save their lives.

It didn’t matter that Akira Hatake dodged the first attack. The power was equivalent to a passive attack of B-level ninjutsu, but it actually hit the injured ninja’s chest.

“How can Ninjutsu automatically detect enemies and turn corners?!”

This was the last thought of the injured ninja. What greeted him next was darkness and coldness, and his consciousness was dragged into the abyss and completely silenced.

[Ding! Kill the grass ninja chunin, gold coins +94】


The corners of Hatake Akira’s mouth curled up, not caring at all about the various attacks that had come from behind.

Using the fastest speed, Hatake Akira spent almost all the gold coins he had on him to buy the Book of Blood in the equipment mall and manifest it.


Akira Hatake used the teleportation technique to avoid attacks from behind. Moreover, when using the teleportation technique, all the ninjutsu talents provided by the Book of Blood were improved, allowing him to use the teleportation technique more skillfully.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the hands of the vampires, Akira Hatake, starting from the ninjutsu alone, he has become one of the top few in the entire human ninja world.

If the instant body technique is used properly, its effect in a small-scale battlefield will definitely be 70% as powerful as the flying thunder god technique.

钒, 钒, 钒……

The silky-smooth teleportation technique makes Hatake Akira’s figure look like a ghost. Often, a passing shadow can take away the life of a grass ninja.

Moreover, the load that Hatake Akira puts on himself by continuously using the blink technique has also been reduced a lot. The number of times he can use the blink technique continuously has exceeded Hatake Akira’s maximum number of 11 times, reaching 18 times.!

This also marks that it is some distance ahead of the time when Akira Hatake successfully used the first stage of the Flying Thunder God Technique.

[Ding! Kill the grass ninja chunin, gold coins +94】

[Ding! Kill the grass ninja chunin, gold coins +94】

Ding! Ding! Ding!

A series of prompts made Hatake Akira completely ignore that he was harvesting fresh human lives. It also made Hatake Akira, who was killing someone for the first time in his two lifetimes, not feel any resistance or discomfort at all.

“White-haired ghost, he is a white-haired ghost!”

Finally, as afterimages flickered again and again, along with the Kusanagi chuunin who kept falling one after another, this powerless and shocking scene deeply hurt the remaining Kusanagi ninjas.


This was the answer given to them by fear and crisis consciousness. The remaining ninjas immediately lost the courage to continue fighting. After throwing a shuriken at random, they fled in all directions.

The idea of using a large-scale attack with shurikens to block Akira Hatake’s attack is a good idea, but in Akira Hatake’s opinion, these tricks are really a sign of insanity in times of crisis.

With Akira Hatake’s current proficiency in the teleportation technique, how could a mere shuriken stop him?

And exposing your back to the enemy is really no different from committing suicide. It is better to risk your life and fight.

Calling the names, Akira Hatake called the names one by one, showing no mercy with the kunai in his hand

The four or five ninjas who were scattered by the beasts all became the dead souls of Hatake Akira in less than two seconds.

[Ding! Kill the undercover chuunin at the root of Konoha, get +94 gold coins】


When Akira Hatake killed the last ninja, the money prompt made Akira Hatake stunned.

This mission really has the shadow of Danzo Shimura!

Glancing at Kakashi, who had the upper hand and could take down the grass ninja leader in less than a dozen moves, Hatake Akira felt relieved, and then squatted down to check the roots of the undercover ninja who died in his hands.


Warm, viscous, and fishy blood touched Hatake Akira’s hand, and the excitement of jumping for money covered up the past discomfort and rushed straight to Hatake Akira’s forehead.

It’s really not easy to get used to killing people right away.……

Covering his mouth and nose with one hand, Hatake Akira endured the turbulence in his stomach even though he felt uncomfortable, and continued his great work of touching corpses.

What if this undercover ninja has some important information or clues?

However, after groping for a while, Hatake Akira stood up in disappointment. Apart from being able to confirm that this ninja was an undercover agent lurking in the Grass Ninja Village, he did not get any other useful information.


The teleportation technique was activated instantly. Hatake Akira came behind the leading Kusanagi ninja, and the purple-red chakra chain was instantly tied to it.

Before the latter could react, Hatake Akira instantly activated his third skill, Taigua: Changsheng, and a ball of chakra light hit his back along the chakra chain.


The grass ninja Jonin took a bite of Hatake Akira’s third skill, and one-third of the vitality in his body was directly lost, and it completely disappeared.

This was going to be fatal. After losing his vitality, the grass ninja Jonin immediately fell into a weak state. Kakashi, who was attacking him from the front, took the opportunity and stabbed him directly with his ninja sword.

And Akira Hatake is not idle either. If he doesn’t grab heads at this time, how long will he wait?!

300 gold coins are really greedy.

As Hatake Akira made the final blow, the Jonin of Kusanagi Village stopped struggling, and the body temperature gradually disappeared from the body that collapsed on the ground.

[Ding! Kill the Grass Ninja Murakami Ninja Kamijou Kuichi, get +300 gold coins】

As the sound of jumping money sounded again, Hatake Akira looked at the balance of gold coins on his body and immediately became happy again.

After purchasing the Book of Blood, Hatake Akira’s gold coin balance was basically at the bottom. However, just after spending the money, he just killed 1 jounin, 12 chuunin, and 4 genin. The current gold coin balance has reached four digits


These gold coins are enough for Hatake Akira to synthesize a large piece of equipment, and there is even some leftover to buy some intermediate equipment.

However, after thinking about it, Hatake Akira gave up spending 850 gold coins to synthesize the God-Eating Book, because the properties of the God-Eating Book are not applicable to Hatake Akira at this stage.

[Book of God-Eating Gods: Due to the influence of Naruto World, the attributes of this equipment have changed:

When embodied and carried on the body, the user’s all ninjutsu talents will be increased by 18%, the skill cooldown will be reduced by 10%, and the maximum life energy will be increased by 10%.

Passive – Bloodthirsty: When the user releases ninjutsu or skills, as long as it causes damage to the enemy, 25% of the damage caused will be converted into the same amount of life energy and injected into the user itself.】

From the perspective of attributes, the God-Eating Book is more focused on battery life and self-development, and its improvement in strength is relatively smooth and stable, which is the icing on the cake.

But what Hatake Akira urgently needs now is an explosive improvement in strength, so the God-Eating Book is definitely not his best choice at the moment.

As for the big stick worth 820 gold coins, in addition to its relatively single attributes, the improvement for the current Hatake Akira is simply ridiculous!

Increases all ninjutsu talents by 12%, and allows users to instantly cast various types of ninjutsu. These two gains are simply a sound of nature for the current Hatake Akira.

Without any hesitation, Hatake Akira directly purchased two big sticks and materialized them, holding one on the left and one on the right.

And the increase that Hatake Akira’s equipment now has on him has also reached a very exaggerated level.

The improvement rate of all ninjutsu talents is 31.5%!

It was just the two big sticks that appeared, but it made Hatake Akira difficult.

Although the description of the equipment in the city is called”big stick”, after it is realized, it turns into a purple one-handed cane similar to a tin staff.

With a purple cane in each hand, Akira Hatake’s current appearance looks a bit weird, and when faced with the questioning look from Kakashi, Akira Hatake is also a little big-headed.

How to explain these two things in your hands?

(End of this chapter)


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