"Asuka, I'm going to prepare for the exam, are you sure?".

Ayukawa Emi also found Asuka, the heavenly courtyard.

"Teacher, do you still have to worry about this?"

"It's the monthly exam, and there is no opponent yet. "

Asuka felt that the teacher was a little strange, and she had never been worried about the monthly exams in the past.

"Not really. "

"This time your opponent is not easy. "

"It's Mr. Youchen. "

Ayukawa said with a smile.

"What, why is it Teacher You Chen again?".

"Do you want to beat the teacher in the monthly exam?".

"No, what do you mean by us?".

Heavenly Academy Asuka never thought that why was the monthly exam against Teacher Youchen again?

If you think about it, there are still many things that cannot be understood.

"It was Principal Sameshima's idea. "

"Principal Sameshima seems to have a plan to train a few elites, and just take the opportunity of the monthly exam to conduct a practical test against you, Manjo and Misawa Daichi. "

"And the actual combat test is that the three of you are fighting against Teacher You Chen at the same time. "

"I have to say that Teacher You Chen is full of courage, Principal Shark Island just proposed to let You Chen be assessed, but he didn't expect him to take the initiative to ask for one to three. "

"It's very difficult. "

Ayukawa Emi told the story one by one.

After hearing this, Asuka in the Heavenly Court was shocked.


One to three?

Teacher You Chen is crazy.

"For this reason, the teacher duel will help you strengthen the deck!".

"Here are a few cards that are perfect for your digital stardom, and you can try to use the ritual to be more suitable. "

"Gotta win!".

Ayukawa Emi took the initiative to help Asuka, the Heavenly Temple, strengthen the deck.

Asuka in the Heavenly Courtyard couldn't laugh or cry.

Now all three of them are students in special classes.

Unexpectedly, the actual combat test of the students of the three special classes turned out to be against Teacher Shang Chen.

Three against one, no matter who comes, is almost a sure loser.

First of all, the disadvantage is that six cards against eighteen cards, which alone is already three times as difficult.

Before you count the health, it's four thousand against one hundred thousand!

With this difficulty alone, I wonder who can do it.


At noon, the dueling academy dueling arena.

"Big brother!!".

"Has the assessment begun?".

Maruto Sho and Maeda Hayato had already run over.

"Not yet, but I heard that this time the assessment seems to be completely different, Wanzhang Eye, Misawa Earth, and Heavenly Courtyard Asuka three against Teacher Youchen. "

"Thai pants are spicy, I'm looking forward to it now. "

Yucheng Shiyo excitedly described.


"It's really fake, Teacher You Chen is too domineering, one pick and three, the difficulty is not as simple as three times, and the battle is still against the three elites of the Duel Academy, it is impossible to win at all." "

When Maru Tengxiang heard this, his face was so frightened that his face was deformed.

How bold does it take to do this?

He also wants to be like Teacher You Chen.

But he is too timid and very introverted.

"Mr. You Chen really subverted my thinking. "

"In the Duel Academy, there has never been such an outrageous teacher, and every time he can refresh my perception of him, it is too strong. "

Maeda Hayato also had to sigh at the moment.

In the dueling arena, at this time, the dazzling spotlight has been presented.

The students in the audience couldn't wait to cheer.

"Wow!!!Ever since Mr. You Chen came to the Duel Academy, I feel that every day is full of a fresh sense of anticipation, such a teacher is so interesting. "

"That's right, as long as it's not right to Mr. Youchen, then he's our pistachio haha. "

"It's so good at living, just use a different deck every time, and this time it's even a one-on-three, this is the elite of the academy. "

"It's coming!!".

Under the expectations of all students.

Professor Kullonos had already walked up to the duel arena with the microphone in hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today is the monthly exam!

"That's the best assessment of your progress over the past month!"

"Before you take the test, there will be a wonderful one-on-three duel! an unprecedented duel!".

"You Chen will fight against the Heavenly Court Asuka, Wanzhang Mezun, and Misawa Land at the same time!".

"Invite them to play!".

When Professor Kullonos was hosting, he was still very normal, and his voice fell.

Several people have already appeared one after another.

The Heavenly Courtyard Asuka and Wanzhang Muzhun and the land of Misawa are lined up, and what they are facing is You Chen.

You Chen stood in front of them.

One by one, they were like great enemies.

It is enough to see this oppressive force

Professor Kolonos saw this from the sidelines, and covered his mouth and snickered, his eyes turned funny.

"Yo hehehe, I'll see how you win this time!".

"It's just digging your own grave, the elite of the Duel Academy in one fight and three in one?".

"It seems that there is no need for the Dark Duelist to intervene. "

Misawa Daichi first opened the dueling disc and said confidently: "Teacher!!Let's go to the showdown, I will let you know that in the past month, I have learned the essence of your style!".

Wan Zhangzhun snorted coldly: "My new deck is the construction of powerful rare cards, even if you are one-on-one, you have no chance!"

Asuka of the Heavenly Academy: "This time my card deck has also been strengthened, one-on-one, I am also confident, not to mention one-on-three, teacher, you will pay for your arrogance!".

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