“Ape fly! You come to this set less, what have I done, are you less involved? ”

Tuan Zang smiled coldly, you ape flying sun chop wants to cross the river and tear down the bridge, pushing everything on my head, but it is not so easy.

If you want to be a glamorous Hokage, I will help you deal with those dark things, these are fine, but if you want to pull out the roots buried deep in the ground, you don’t want to live in the sun!

Anyway, I have done more black things, and I don’t care about one or two things, but you Ape Fei, the three generations of Hokage who have always been admired, can withstand such a stain?

“Enough is enough! Your use of war orphans and villagers for human experiments has been exposed, I know you erased those materials before you were imprisoned, but this matter was found out before you started, you and Orochimaru are involved, and the old man has nothing to do with it! ”

The third generation of Hokage bit his head slightly and said, the attitude on his face eased a lot, and thinking that the words of Tuan Zang just now also made him wake up.

This old fellow of himself in front of him knows that he has too many things, and now that Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Uchiha Kaede are all here, if one or two things come out, he really can’t tell.

“What? How can it be three generations, is it you or the big snake pill? ”

Danzo was stunned for a moment, looking at the cold gazes of Jiraiya and Tsunade, ~ immediately panicked.

This matter is extremely secret, in addition to their own information, only the big snake pill and the three generations know, their own information is stored by their own hands, how can they find it-!

Therefore, it must be that one of the big snake pills and ape flying sun chop stabbed himself in the back, thinking that the big snake pill was caught because of himself, it should not be him, then there is only – there is an ape flying sun chop!

For a time, Tuan Zang’s gaze towards the three generations was full of resentment, since he was imprisoned in the police department, Ape Fei had never come to visit him, nor did he pay attention to his own meaning, and just now he actually warned himself, so he was abandoned by him?

If Tuan Zang’s gaze could kill, the three generations would have died seven or eight hundred times at this moment.

“Hmph! are not good people, Tuan Zang you are even more excessive, for a wooden escape to dig the roots of the village, you also did it! ”

Tsunade reprimanded loudly, although the words of the three generations and Danzo just now were not said thoroughly, but it could be heard that these two old guys definitely did a lot of dirty things.

“You know what! Everything the old man does is for the village! ”

Danzo roared at Tsunade like a mad dog, and in anger, his thin body even pulled the chains that bound him.

“In order for the village to attack the people of the village, I really can’t understand such behavior, Tuanzo-sama, you always say that we Uchiha are evil, in my opinion, your behavior seems to be even more evil, for a Mu Dun to attack war orphans, in order to master Mu Dun to attack us Uchiha, you have done more than these two things!”

Ha Feng laughed and said, the three generations and Tuanzo are worthy of being good friends, and the starting point of everything is for the village.

When the third generation heard this, his eyelids couldn’t help jumping, and he also told the results of the investigation to Hao Feng? This is not good news.

However, Danzo targeted Uchiha in order to write chakra, this matter will not be true!

For Uchiha, isn’t it the will of the second-generation teacher? Such a group hides

The third generation lowered his eyelids, and his understanding of the matter of Tuanzo and Orochimaru was only stuck in studying Mudun and human experiments, and did not involve Uchiha’s Sharingan, and he did not tell him.

So the fact that Tuanzo seized the Sharingan in order to suppress the intercolumnar cells, he really heard about it for the first time.

“Bastard! You really know this, so you deliberately came to disgust me during this time? ”

Tuan Zang was furious again, thinking that every time he was in the illusion, he was desperately trying to cover up his secrets, even if he was hit by the illusion, he had to protect the bandage on his arm, and as a result, what he had been covering up, people had long known.

“Do you really think that everything can be absolutely secret? If you are just trying to gain Uchiha’s power, I may not care about the purpose behind you, but you obviously already have a chakra eye in your hand, but you still have to stare at us Uchiha, I’m not a fool, anyway, we Uchiha is one of Konoha’s oldest ninjas, and what you know is not comparable to those of you who come late. ”

0 ask for flowers

Hao Feng said lightly, but sighed slightly in his heart, as a traverser, there are some things he knows, but he has to find an excuse to say it, it is really too difficult.

“Abominable! You bastard! ”

“Old stuff! I killed you! ”

When the surrounding Uchiha heard Hao Feng’s words, he was immediately furious, if it weren’t for the door of the cell blocking it, I am afraid that they would have already made a move against Tuanzo.

“Tuanzo, why are you doing this?”

Sandai took a deep breath, he thought that Danzo was just like himself, targeting Uchiha just to carry out the will of the second generation’s purpose, but in fact this was not the case, it was difficult for him to accept that people who fought side by side with him would become so strange.

“Why? The old man did everything for Konoha! The Uchiha clan are an evil one, and their existence is wrong for Konoha! They will never be able to live peacefully with the village, they”

“Enough! Uchiha is evil or not evil I don’t know, but everything you do seems to be closer to evil! ”

Tsunade directly interrupted Danzo’s hysterical words, and the Uchiha clan opened their chakra eyes and silently watched Danzo in the cell.

And the dark part who came with them for three generations was in a helpless mood, although Uchiha is so pleasing in the village, but it is not appropriate for you to say this!

Nine Tails Rebellion aside, since the beginning of Konoha’s establishment, Uchiha has been in the village, and I haven’t seen them do anything particularly difficult to accept!

Besides, the Nine-Tails Rebellion, although Uchiha is very suspicious, there is no direct evidence that Uchiha in the village did it, it can only prove that the person has the Sharingan, how serious is your group hiding (read violent novels, just go on the Feilu Novel Network!) )

“Naruto-sama, I heard that Orochimaru has been caught, where is it?”

When the atmosphere was strange, Yamanaka Haichi arrived with the ninja of the Intelligence Department, and when he saw this scene in the police department’s prison, he was also stunned.

PS: I’m really sorry to resume normal updates tomorrow, I encountered something, and it takes time to solve the righteousness.

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