Konoha’s intelligence department is completely busy, and for the intelligence department, the corpse of the ninja is a valuable asset, and they can get a lot of information on it.

But those who can come to carry out this kind of mission must have left preparations to cut off the leakage of intelligence, so although there are many corpses obtained by Konoha at the moment, it is difficult to excavate the intelligence is really limited.

In the Hokage’s office, the three generations of Hokage, Tsunade and Jiraiya, as well as Uchiha who had nothing to do, and others were there.

Under special circumstances, every ninja was assigned a task, except for Uchiha, because of the high-level meeting they left directly, and they did not pay attention to the order of the Hokage Room.

In this case, the three generations naturally will not risk including Uchiha in the battle sequence, what if people directly put it out of the wrong way?

Other ninja clans may not, but the Uchiha clan, it is really possible to leave Konoha directly

“Third generation, there is a question I just wanted to ask you, Yunyin Village is also too familiar with Konoha’s defensive deployment, right? It is said that the previous nine-tailed man Zhuli was almost taken away by them, and it was also not discovered at that time, and the 08 thing in Hinata last time, although he has always been under the monitoring of Uchiha, but he is not stiff at all. ”

This Hokage Room is coming, and the feedback point is also good.

As soon as Hao Feng’s words came out, the eyes in the office immediately cast towards him.

The people present were older than him, and there were some things they had personally experienced, and they hadn’t thought of being together before, and being reminded by Hao Kaede like this, Yunyin Village was a little too familiar with Konoha.

Jiu Shinnai’s affairs aside, there is more or less the meaning of Konoha itself in it, after all, it is the future human pillar force, and Konoha needs her to have a sense of identity with the village.

But Hinata was difficult to say that time, not only did the people easily escape the surveillance of the village, but even after disappearing, the dark department could not find him, but also let him touch the Hyuga clan land all the way from the place where the mission lived.

If that person is a strong person, or a ninja who is proficient in concealment methods, that’s it.

The ninja world is so big, there will always be all kinds of geniuses, but he did not avoid the surveillance of Uchiha, and he did not survive a move in Hiashi’s hands, which is obviously not these two cases.

“If you can obtain the garrison arrangement of the village, and you can get it immediately when it changes again, this inner ghost must be very close to the center of power!”

Tsunade’s brows furrowed slightly, she had such an idea at the beginning, there was definitely an inner ghost in Konoha, otherwise today’s events could not be explained.

The third generation felt that his face began to hurt faintly, today he was first slapped in the face by the dark department, then he was slapped in the face by the police department again, and now he was slapped in the face by the things that happened before the old time by the dark maple pull, even if he was thick-skinned, he couldn’t stand such a frequency!

Whether it is Jiu Shinnai or Hinata, things happened during his reign, and there was really an inner ghost, and in the end it was still his pot for three generations.

“The old man will handle this matter, but the priority is to face the pressure from other ninja villages, Yunyin is just the beginning this time, because of Mu Duan, other villages will definitely put pressure on us, even if you have to negotiate, you have to fight once before proceeding, Fuyue, the old man hopes”

“Three generations of adults, at the request of the daimyo, the harbor pier has now begun to operate, Uchiha as the ninja handpicked by the daimyo, now most of the ninja of the family has gone to the dock under the leadership of Shisui, and some ninjas were recruited by the daimyo, it is not a secret, the Uchiha clan who are still in the village now, just a few of us. ”

As soon as the third generation shouted Fugaku’s name, Hakaede jumped out and said in one sentence: We have no one in Uchiha, don’t come to us!

“What, you said there are only a few of you Uchiha left in the village?”

The faces of the three generations couldn’t help but change drastically, looking at a few Uchiha in the office, counting Fugaku, the patriarch, there were only four people.

Such a big family, when did they leave?

“That’s not it, Mikoto and Sasuke are still there, the other three generations of adults, now the whole Uchiha clan has gone to the harbor pier, the Uchiha clan land is so big, it’s a pity that it’s empty, do you see if the village has any ideas to buy it back? ”

Fuyue said slightly, now that the clansmen have left, the rest of the people are not weak in combat, he has been instigated for so long before, he has no worries, and he does not have much respect for the three generations.

Konoha can’t tolerate you Uchiha, you”

The three generations forced themselves to endure the anger that was about to erupt and said with a long sigh.

“This is also a matter of no way, the family from the top to the commoners, all want to go to the harbor pier to start a new life, although the patriarch has persuaded many times, but it can’t change their minds, the same Uchiha clan, the things they experienced, the patriarch has also experienced, there is no position for them to continue to stay!”

Hao Feng followed and said with a sigh, although he used a helpless tone, but the meaning in his words was very straightforward.

That’s right, it’s that you Konoha can’t tolerate us Uchiha, so we left with our clan!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Leaving Konoha Uchiha can live happier and freer, and without having to suffer the cold eyes and slanders of others, fools will stay here!

Miyo’s face twitched, speaking of this, he couldn’t find anything to prevaricate, after all, Uchiha was targeted in Konoha, which was an undeniable fact.

Although Uchiha moved an entire family out of Konoha without saying a word, which was unacceptable to the three generations, now is really not the time to entangle with Uchiha.

Konoha will face the invasion of other villages at any time, and he can’t pull out a group of people to find Uchiha to settle accounts under such circumstances, right?

If you can calculate it clearly, it will also cause a backlash from Uchiha, and then it will be the three Susa who smashed in Konoha.

“Forget it, old man, this is Uchiha’s own choice, and it is also the choice that the village forced them to make, at least Uchiha did not leave the village at the moment. ”

Tsunade interrupted Miyo’s words with a voice, she didn’t want Uchiha and Konoha to be in such a situation, but she also had no reason for Uchiha to leave 033 to resist the field with the village.

Haku once said to her: Why did the village regard us Uchiha as companions?

She had always remembered this sentence in her heart, and knew that even if Uchiha had not left Konoha, she would not have participated in this matter.

“Naruto-sama, the intelligence has been sorted out!”

When the three generations were silent, Yamanaka Haichi walked in with a scroll, perhaps because of intelligence, he even saved knocking on the door.

Without waiting for the three generations to take the scroll, Tsunade directly took it and opened it, and after a short look, her face sank.

No wonder the other party is close to the Hokage Building, but the dark part knows nothing, the feelings are that the dark part personally brought people all the way!

Tsunade dropped the scroll on the table, and when he raised his hand, he left a fist print.

When the three generations heard this, there would be no more thoughts about Uchiha, and quickly picked up the scroll and looked at it, and the more he looked at it, the more obvious the twitching at the corner of his mouth became.

If the enemy’s silent infiltration into Konoha only made him feel humiliated, then this information was enough to make him lose all the face of this Hokage.

What is the Dark Department? is one of Konoha’s most important departments, and it is also the direct subordinate unit of Hokage, and it can only join the elite team through the layers of Hokage.

In such a team, there were actually people who cooperated with the enemy inside and out, and even personally took the enemy to avoid the garrison of the village and came directly to the core of the village.

It sounds unrealistic, but something like this happened!

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