At this moment, a one-sided slaughter was underway on the periphery of Konoha, and nearly a hundred Iwain ninjas ate a team of Konoha patrols mercilessly.

“Loess, there is an early warning from Konoha, are we exposed?”

After dealing with the Konoha ninja, a Iwain ninja came to Loess and asked.

Compared to the immortal eyes that cannot be confirmed in Yuyin Village, the Mu Dun on Konoha’s side is undoubtedly more attractive.

At the beginning, when they knew that Konoha was studying Konoha and achieving certain results, the shadows of each village sent troops to Konoha to coerce Konoha to stop related research or make public the research results.

But before they could gather their forces, they received that Konoha had successfully developed the Kokudun Ninja, and was also arranged into the Dark Department by the three generations of Hokage.

This made these ninja villages have other ideas, and through intelligence they knew that the Mudun studied by Konoha was not as terrifying as the Mudun of the original Hokage.

Think about it, if Konoha developed such a powerful Mu Duan, it would not be so quiet now, you must know that although Konoha was the winner of the three battles, it was better that he did not catch it at all, but gave up some of his own interests.

A wooden ninja who owns Mudu, but can master it, is not a threat to other ninja villages, but a temptation.

Konoha has studied Mudun for so long, in addition to semi-finished products like Tuanzo, he has succeeded in this one, which shows the difficulty of research 090.

In other words, even if they get Konoha’s research materials, they may not be able to cultivate a wooden ninja, not to mention that Konoha’s current wooden dun is still a low-grade version.

It’s better to directly bring people back to re-study, is to let him have children if it doesn’t work, Mu Dun such a powerful blood succession limit, even if it is a low-grade version, if it can be inherited, maybe it can return to the ancestor, no matter how bad it is, it can inherit a little ability.

Without the deterrence of the powerful Mu Duan, every ninja village wants to get the Mu Dun ninja of Konoha, and it is naturally impossible for them to unite with each other, so the scene expected by Hades Kaede and the three generations did not appear.

Although Konoha was targeted, they all came to rob people, not to mention the army pressing the realm, even if they didn’t think about negotiating.

Noh Obito himself did not expect that the news released would cause such a situation, and it can only be said that he underestimated the greed of the village shadows and underestimated their rationality.

In fact, after the three wars, every village was cultivating and did not want to start a new ninja war in a short period of time.

Even if there is no news of Obito, the other Shinobi Villages will only use pressure to make Konoha compromise.

They know they can’t fight, and neither can Ajeh.

Especially Yunyin, although the Hyuga incident did not achieve its goal, they were clear about the idea that Konoha did not want to carry out, otherwise the three generations of Hokage would not choose to let Hinata solve it herself.

If it weren’t for Uchiha mixing a kick in the middle, the Hyuga clan would definitely have paid a little price.

So after knowing the existence of Tenzo, Yunyin Village immediately began to act, and now it has been shattered by Konoha.

And Iwain Village, because of the lack of intelligence, was much slower than Yunyin, and just approached Konoha, when he heard Konoha give an early warning.

“Probably not, even if Konoha is not simple, it is impossible to detect it before we do it, it may be that other villages have discovered it!”

After thinking about it, Huang Tu said that everyone is a person with a black heart, and they can rarely guess the thoughts of other villages.

“Then we”

“If we act according to the plan, we will be attacked, and Konoha must have thought that we would delay the time of the action and do the opposite!”

Loess decisively ordered that now Konoha can be said to be the most defensive time, but it is also the most slack time.

Strictness is formal strictness, slack is mental slackness, which has nothing to do with the ability of a ninja, but is determined by human nature.


Hakukaede had just returned to Uchiha’s office, and before he could separate from Fugaku and the others, a new battle began again.

This time, it did not break out within the village, otherwise the three generations were afraid that they really had no face at all. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

However, compared to Yunyin’s surprise attack team, Iwain’s invasion this time was much larger, breaking through the barrier of Konoha’s guardian enchantment almost instantly, and heading straight towards the direction of the dark base camp.

Yunyin chose a surprise attack, and Yanyin chose a strong attack, the way is different, and the effect is naturally different.

Although the former hit the face is more painful, it does not cause much damage to Konoha, after all, it is about twenty people.

The latter is different, hundreds of people attack all the way, kill people when they see them, destroy everywhere, not so much to rob people, but to vent anger.

The hatred between Iwain and Konoha is not something that can be explained in one or two sentences.

“The three generations of this Hokage, in a sense, is quite a failure, the base camp of the dark department does not even necessarily know the ninja of the village, and as a result, any enemy knows where it is. ”

Hao Feng pouted and said, in fact, he also couldn’t figure it out, the three generations can stay in the position of Hokage for so long, the ability is definitely there, why would the village be like this?

“But it is undeniable that Konoha’s strength today is not weak, even without us Uchiha, it will not be able to shake the status of one of the five great ninja villages. ”

Fuyue said with a rather solemn expression.

One thing is to say, in order to facilitate the monitoring of Uchiha, the tall tower built by Konoha is still effective, and it is very appropriate to stand on it overlooking Konoha.

The reason why Fugaku said such a thing was naturally because the number of ninjas shown by Konoha was no one cared about before, and now that he found the family of Naruto and several elders, the number of ninjas was really large!

The enemies are all in groups, and the power of combined ninjutsu is not weak.

Moreover, there is also Nara Shikahisa, a master tactician, and the secret cooperation between the ninja clans also gives Konoha a lot of advantages in such a large-scale battle.

There are many people from Iwahide Village, but here is Konoha, and there are more people in Konoha!

Loess’s thoughts and predictions were not wrong, but he predicted the wrong state of mind of Konoha, which was deployed in response to the pressure of the combined forces of the four hidden villages, and he launched the attack by robbing people by each ninja village.

The two sides are not only unequal in strength, but also unequal in ideology, which leads to the strong attack of Yanyin Village is doomed to failure.

“Iwain’s people have retreated, Konoha is still very powerful, I just don’t know if that Hokage-sama has played all the cards in his hand. ”

Hao Feng nodded, in the battle just now, the most outstanding performance was the ape flying clan, and the Haoyan fire on display was very impressive.

Therefore, it is not necessary to go head-to-head with Konoha, Uchiha is also known for fire, but in addition to opening a kaleidoscope, there is not much advantage over fire with the ape flying family, not to mention that Konoha is not only a ape flying family.

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