Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha

Chapter 99: don't stop me

In the dojo, Zhili sat calmly on his knees, with both swords placed in front of his knees.

In front, the dying old man opened his clear eyes and muttered softly.

"Long black hedgehog hair, rimmed eyes like swirls, a man who likes to dance..."

"Zhili, if I die, will I be able to suppress my clan members?"

Zhili shook his head.

"The power is not enough." Zhili said, "Unless..."

"Unless that guy Chong Ji gets involved," the old man said.

"Jiri, it's already very embarrassing. Letting foreigners get involved will only make it even more embarrassing." The old man said, "Uchiha will solve the Uchiha issue himself."

Zhili lowered his head and said nothing.

"It's such a troubled time, but it happens to be at this time." The old man sighed: "Zhili, do you know who the person you met is?"

"Uchiha Madara," Jiri said.

"How do you surmise?"

"Mudun, Izanagi, still has the same feeling as his clan members." Jiri said.

"Yes, it's him." The old man coughed violently and said, "He is here to take revenge on us and Konoha. The Ninja World War is about to begin."

"Zhili, the clan needs your strength. If there is anyone else in the clan who can fight against that man, you are the only one."

"I can't do it." Zhili said: "The gap is too big. If Mei Ji wasn't around, I would have died."

"You can do it!" the old man said: "Use the true power of our Uchiha, the kaleidoscope."

As he spoke, the old man opened his eyes, and a pair of eyes with unique patterns moved quietly in their eye sockets.

Zhili didn't take a second look. He felt that it was a pair of eyes full of hatred, ominous and dangerous.

"Do you know how to open these eyes?" the old man asked.

Zhili shook his head.

"My parents died when I was three years old." The old man said: "Kaguya's group of corpse-blood lunatics rushed into the clan. I watched them die in front of my eyes. At that time, I opened my Sharingan."

"I went to the battlefield at the age of six and followed the adults to fight in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. After a battle, I was lucky enough to open the Erba pattern with a huge fear of death."

"When I was twelve years old, the sister I loved died in the cold winter. I was protected by her, but luckily survived the pursuit of Senju's troops. I opened the Sanba pattern."

"When I was thirty, my children went to the battlefield and died one after another. When I received the news, my heart was filled with despair. With great hatred for the Thousand Hands, I opened the kaleidoscope."

"After that, Madara gradually became a rising star, alongside Senju Hashirama."

"He opened the kaleidoscope, his power was greater than mine, and he gradually began to lead a clan..."

"But the power of the kaleidoscope has its limits. The more you use it, the more you will indulge in darkness and gradually lose the light."

The old man said: "If you use it too much, you will go blind."

Zhili nodded in understanding.

"Gradually Madara reached his limit, and at that time, Izuna happened to die, at the hands of the Nidaime."

"Madara transplanted Izuna's eyes and got a kaleidoscope that will never go blind."

"That kind of power is inhuman, almost as powerful as a god!" The old man said: "Except for Hashirama, no one in the ninja world can compete with Madara!"

"Zhili, the kaleidoscope is such a power, a cursed power. Now you know what to do," the old man said.

"I have no blood relatives, and I will not take action against my beloved." Without any hesitation, Jiri said: "Hashirama can compete with Madara without a kaleidoscope. I think I can do it."

"An expected answer." The old man said: "Jiri, you are very kind, but in this ninja world, kindness is not a particularly beautiful quality, but it is this quality that makes me like you."

"Grandpa..." Zhili said, "I let you down."

"No, not at all. I started planning a long time ago for this day to come." The old man said: "The kaleidoscope alone is not enough to protect the Uchiha clan, but you brought me unexpected information."

"In order to seek stability, God divided Yin and Yang into two poles."

"The two are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, and eventually they will transform into all things."

"This is something that only the Eternal Kaleidoscope can see on the family stone tablet."

"Madara once said this."

"I didn't understand what it meant, but now I understand."

The old man said slowly.

"God is a six-path immortal. Yin and Yang are one and the same. It refers to Yin Dun and Yang Dun, which are transformed into two poles. Yang Dun Qianju, Yin Dun Uchiha, they are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other..."

"And Madara's eyes above the kaleidoscope now are Senluo Wanxiang, the Immortal Eyes and Samsara Eyes."

"Zhili, you are very lucky!"

Before Zhili could think deeply, the old man pressed the secret box next to him.

Amidst the sound of machines, several ceilings of the dojo slid open, and after a moment, dozens of figures fell down one after another.

After the ninjas landed, they sat down cross-legged in silence.

Soon after, a middle-aged man walked in with a boy about six years old.

The boy looked around curiously, and after looking at Zhili a few more times, he called to the old man affectionately: "Grandpa."

"Fugaku, sit down and don't talk."

"Yes." After Fugaku sat down honestly, he immediately realized something was wrong.

"Let's begin." The old man said.

An Uchiha ninja stepped forward silently, pulled out the ninja sword he was wearing, and handed it to the old man.

After taking it, the old man looked at Zhili.

"Don't be burdened. It's not your fault, Zhili. It's because I don't have the ability, so I can only use this method."

The old man said, reaching for his eyes with trembling hands.

Not fear, just a tremor caused by physical failure.

Using his fingers hard, he pulled out a pair of eyes.

"This is the last resort. If you can't open your eyes, Zhili, you inherit my eyes."

Hearing this, Zhili lowered his head and clenched his fists tightly.

I don't want to say this, I can't say it out loud.

On the other side, Fugaku's mouth was wide open and his mind was blank.

The Uchiha ninja silently took the eyes, put them into a container prepared in advance, and placed them in front of Jiri.

"If possible, I hope you will do this, but it may be too cruel for you."

As the old man spoke, he straightened his body with his legs crossed. When he shrugged his shoulders, he took off his shirt, revealing his skinny and scarred body.

"Grandpa!?" Looking at the old man's actions, Fugaku couldn't help but stand up and shouted.

"Shut up! Sit down!" the old man shouted angrily.

Fugaku was stunned on the spot, at a loss, with tears welling up in his eyes. The father beside him silently pulled Fugaku and let him fall down.

"Jiri, I will ask you to take care of Fugaku from now on. You must be strict with him and don't be too gentle with him. This child has a soft temper and is hesitant about doing things. He will cause a lot of trouble in the future."

As he spoke, the old man had already put the knife on his abdomen.

An Uchiha ninja silently walked behind the old man and raised his sword.

"I was supposed to die during the Warring States Period, but I have lived like a dead soul for so many years..." the old man said softly, "I am already very lucky."

"No need to feel sad about this, Zhili."

"It's me who I'm sorry for, taking advantage of your kindness."

"But, forgive me, this is the last time."

"No! Grandpa! Don't leave me!" Looking at the old man, Fugaku cried loudly, but was held tightly by his father beside him.

The old man turned a deaf ear and said with a smile: "Zhili, lead my clan to survive at your own pace."

After saying this, the old man suddenly raised the knife and stabbed it down.

But the next second, a bright sword flashed, and with the sound of metal breaking, a broken sword was nailed into the ceiling.

Zhili drew his sword and knelt on one knee, maintaining the posture of wielding the sword.

The old man looked at Zhili in front of him and smiled happily and relaxedly.

Zhili lowered his head and silently took back the knife, then sat back down on his knees.

"Do not do this."

There was a cry in the voice.


"Hahahahahaha." The old man laughed: "I was thinking before that my weight might not be as heavy as Chong Ji, but now it seems that it is not light."

Then the old man's expression changed and he said, "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Stop her."


As soon as he finished speaking, all the Uchiha ninjas in the room stood up and opened their eyes.

At the same time, Zhili slowly stood up.

A pair of tearful Sanbawen looked around at everyone.

said coldly.

"Don't stop me!"

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